# Changelog View on github for newest version: https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/blob/master/changelog.md ## 1.6.1 Changed discordapp.com to discord.com in accordance with official discord policy [rexim](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/41) Add `Emoji.user` field. Who uploaded the emoji ## 1.6.0 Add News Channel and StorePage Channel. Fix crash `Unknown channel type:5` Add NSFW and UserRateLimit to `Channel` type ## 1.5.1 Fix `EditMessage` rest request, send JSON ## 1.5.0 [rexim](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/35) Add `Read` instance for `Snowflake` ## 1.4.0 Rename `SubEmbed` to `EmbedPart` New and improved Embed API: Add `CreateEmbed` record and `createEmbed :: CreateEmbed -> Embed` `CreateEmbedImageUpload` implementation inspired by [Flutterlice](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/32) ## 1.3.0 [PixeLinc](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/33) Add `DeleteSingleReaction` rest-request, Add GuildId to `ReactinInfo`, Add `MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI` gateway event `GetReactions` actually returns the User objects request Rename `Ban` to `GuildBan` Re-export UTCTime from `time` package ## 1.2.0 [MDeltaX](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/27) Fixed typo: depreciated --> deprecated [MDeltaX](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/29) More consistency: RoleID --> RoleId [MDeltaX](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/29) Fix ModifyGuildRole: Post --> Patch && optional args [Hippu](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/31) Won't crash on integer-nonces in ChannelMessage-events (usually strings) ## 1.1.3 Minor improvements to rate-limiting like using newer `X-RateLimit-Reset-After` header ## 1.1.2 [michalrus](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/issues/25) Fix `DeleteGuildRole` parse exception ## 1.1.1 Fix ModifyGuildRolePositions results in 400 Bad Request issue ## 1.1.0 Upgrade req to 2.x major version. ## 1.0.0 Going through some major updates to the library. Expect types to change and things to break. Compare the [old ping-pong](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/blob/20f7f8556823a754c76d01484118a5abf336530b/examples/ping-pong.hs) to the [new ping-pong](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/blob/7eaa6ca068f945603de7f43f6f270c2dbecd3c85/examples/ping-pong.hs) Added a few rest ADT types ## 0.8.4 [marcotoniut](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/18) Improved changed Embed ADT to have optional fields, and improved two field names Add `ModifyGuildMember`, `AddGuildMember`, `AddGuildMemberRole`, `AddGuildMemberRole`, `RemoveGuildmembeRole`, `GetGuildBan`, `GetGuildVanityURL` rest data types ## 0.8.3 Simplify Message Author from `Either WebhookId User` to `User` Add `loginRestGatewayWithLog` ### 0.8.2 Hardcode CreateReaction delay so bots can add reactions 4 times faster [MP2E](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/14) Fixed parse error on GuildBanAdd + GuildBanRevoke: user\_object instead the whole object ### 0.8.1 [MP2E](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/11) Fixed parse error on GuildRoleDelete: role_id instead of role ### 0.8.0 `MessageUpdate` does not contain a full Message object, just `ChannelId` `MessageId` Message Author changed from `User` to `Either WebhookId User` Add Webhook ADT Add requests: GetInvite, DeleteInvite UpdateStatusVoiceOpts takes Bool for Mute `Unavailable` becomes `GuildUnavailable` ### 0.7.1 [t1m0thyj](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/6/files) Typo in RequestGuildMemberOpts fields fixed. [t1m0thyj](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/6/files) Added Activity, ActivityType ADT UpdateStatusTypes became UpdateStatusType (singular ADT) [t1m0thyj](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/7) Retry connection on 1001 websocket close ### 0.7.0 Snowflake -> named id Add requests: ModifyChanPositions, CreateGuildChannel Changed constructors of Channel to have prefix "Channel", isGuildChannel --> channelIsInGuild Change Emoji Id ADTs ### 0.6.0 Add requests: CreateGuildEmoji, GroupDMRemoveRecipient, ModifyCurrentUser, EditChannelPermissions, CreateChannelInvite, GroupDMAddRecipient, ModifyGuild restCall, readCache pass errors as an ADT, including underling http exceptions Only add "Bot " prefix to secret token if it's not there ### 0.5.1 sendCommand with GatewaySendable types ### 0.5.0 restCall with Request types nextEvent with Event types