{-# LANGUAGE StaticPointers #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

-- | Utility Template Haskell macros.

module Control.Distributed.Closure.TH
  ( cstatic
  , cstaticDict
  , cdict
  , cdictFrom
  , withStatic
  ) where

import           Control.Monad (replicateM)
import           Control.Distributed.Closure
import           Data.Generics (everything, mkQ)
import           Data.List (nub)
import           Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import           Numeric.Natural

-- | @$(cstatic 'foo)@ is an abbreviation for @closure (static foo)@.
cstatic :: TH.Name -> TH.ExpQ
cstatic f = [| closure (static $(TH.varE f)) |]

-- | @$(cstaticDict 'foo)@ is an abbreviation for @closure (static foo) `cap`
-- $cdict@, a common pattern for implicitly feeding the static dictionary when
-- which dictionary to choose is clear from context.
cstaticDict :: TH.Name -> TH.ExpQ
cstaticDict f = [| closure (static $(TH.varE f)) `cap` $cdict |]

-- | Abbreviation for @closure (static Dict)@. Example usage:
-- @
-- foo :: Closure (Dict (Num a)) -> ...
-- foo $cdict ...
-- @
cdict :: TH.ExpQ
cdict = cdictFrom 0

-- | Create a static dictionary from the given dictionaries. Example usage:
-- @
-- $cdictFrom 2 $cdict $cdict :: Closure (Static (Dict (Eq a, Show a)))
-- @
cdictFrom :: Natural -> TH.ExpQ
cdictFrom n0 = apply abstract [| closure (static $(staticFun n0)) |] n0
    staticFun 0 = [| Dict |]
    staticFun n = [| \Dict -> $(staticFun (n - 1)) |]
    apply k f n = do
        names <- replicateM (fromIntegral n) (TH.newName "x")
        k names (foldl (\acc x -> [| $acc `cap` $(TH.varE x) |]) f names)
    abstract [] expr = expr
    abstract (nm:names) expr = [| \ $(TH.varP nm) -> $(abstract names expr) |]

-- | Compute free variables of a type.
fvT :: TH.Type -> [TH.Name]
fvT = nub . everything (++) ([] `mkQ` (\ty -> [nm | TH.VarT nm <- [ty]]))

caps :: [TH.ExpQ] -> TH.ExpQ
caps = foldl1 (\f x -> [| $f `cap` $x|])

-- XXX It turns out that GHC's newName doesn't produce really fresh names. Call
-- newName twice to define two new globals and you'll find they share the same
-- name. A workaround mentioned in https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5398
-- is this snippet of code...
mangleName :: TH.Name -> TH.Name
mangleName name@(TH.Name occ fl) = case fl of
    TH.NameU u -> TH.Name (mangle_occ u) fl
    _ -> name
    mangle_occ :: Int -> TH.OccName
    mangle_occ uniq = TH.mkOccName (TH.occString occ ++ "_" ++ show uniq)

-- | Auto-generates the 'Static' instances corresponding to the given class
-- instances. Example:
-- @
-- data T a = T a
-- withStatic [d| instance Show a => Show (T a) where ... |]
-- ======>
-- instance Show a => Show (T a) where ...
-- instance (Static (Show a), Typeable a) => Static (Show (T a)) where
--   closureDict = closure (static (Dict -> Dict)) `cap` closureDict
-- @
withStatic :: TH.DecsQ -> TH.DecsQ
withStatic = (>>= go)
    go [] = return []
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
    go (ins@(TH.InstanceD overlap cxt hd _):decls) = do
    go (ins@(TH.InstanceD cxt hd _):decls) = do
        let n = length cxt
        dictsigs <- mapM (\c -> [t| Dict $(return c) |]) cxt
        retsig <- [t| Dict $(return hd) |]
        f <- mangleName <$> TH.newName "static_helper"
        fbody <- foldr (\_ body -> [| \Dict -> $body |]) [| Dict |] cxt
        let tyf = foldr (\a b -> TH.ArrowT `TH.AppT` a `TH.AppT` b) retsig dictsigs
            sigf = TH.SigD f (TH.ForallT (map TH.PlainTV (fvT tyf)) [] tyf)
            declf = TH.ValD (TH.VarP f) (TH.NormalB fbody) []
        methods <- (:[]) <$>
            (TH.varP 'closureDict)
            (TH.normalB (caps (cstatic f : replicate n [| closureDict |])))
        staticcxt <- (++) <$>
          mapM (\c -> [t| Static $(return c) |]) cxt <*>
          mapM (\var -> [t| Typeable $(TH.varT var) |]) (fvT tyf)
        statichd <- [t| Static $(return hd) |]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
        let staticins = TH.InstanceD overlap staticcxt statichd methods
        let staticins = TH.InstanceD staticcxt statichd methods
        decls' <- go decls
        return (ins : sigf : declf : staticins : decls')
    go (decl:decls) = (decl:) <$> go decls