-- | Types used throughout the Cloud Haskell framework -- -- We collect all types used internally in a single module because -- many of these data types are mutually recursive and cannot be split across -- modules. module Control.Distributed.Process.Internal.Types ( -- * Node and process identifiers NodeId(..) , LocalProcessId(..) , ProcessId(..) , Identifier(..) , nodeOf , firstNonReservedProcessId , nullProcessId -- * Local nodes and processes , LocalNode(..) , LocalNodeState(..) , LocalProcess(..) , LocalProcessState(..) , Process(..) , runLocalProcess , ImplicitReconnect(..) -- * Typed channels , LocalSendPortId , SendPortId(..) , TypedChannel(..) , SendPort(..) , ReceivePort(..) -- * Messages , Message(..) , createMessage , messageToPayload , payloadToMessage -- * Node controller user-visible data types , MonitorRef(..) , ProcessMonitorNotification(..) , NodeMonitorNotification(..) , PortMonitorNotification(..) , ProcessLinkException(..) , NodeLinkException(..) , PortLinkException(..) , DiedReason(..) , DidUnmonitor(..) , DidUnlinkProcess(..) , DidUnlinkNode(..) , DidUnlinkPort(..) , SpawnRef(..) , DidSpawn(..) , WhereIsReply(..) -- * Node controller internal data types , NCMsg(..) , ProcessSignal(..) -- * Accessors , localProcesses , localPidCounter , localPidUnique , localConnections , localProcessWithId , localConnectionBetween , monitorCounter , spawnCounter , channelCounter , typedChannels , typedChannelWithId ) where import System.Mem.Weak (Weak) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Int (Int32) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Binary (Binary(put, get), putWord8, getWord8, encode) import qualified Data.ByteString as BSS (ByteString, concat, copy) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL ( ByteString , toChunks , splitAt , fromChunks ) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as BSL (ByteString(..)) import Data.Accessor (Accessor, accessor) import Control.Category ((>>>)) import Control.Exception (Exception) import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId) import Control.Concurrent.Chan (Chan) import Control.Concurrent.STM (TVar) import qualified Network.Transport as NT (EndPoint, EndPointAddress, Connection) import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader(..), ReaderT, runReaderT) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Control.Distributed.Process.Serializable ( Fingerprint , Serializable , fingerprint , encodeFingerprint , sizeOfFingerprint , decodeFingerprint , showFingerprint ) import Control.Distributed.Process.Internal.CQueue (CQueue) import Control.Distributed.Process.Internal.StrictMVar (StrictMVar) import Control.Distributed.Process.Internal.WeakTQueue (TQueue) import Control.Distributed.Static (RemoteTable, Closure) import qualified Control.Distributed.Process.Internal.StrictContainerAccessors as DAC (mapMaybe) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Node and process identifiers -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Node identifier newtype NodeId = NodeId { nodeAddress :: NT.EndPointAddress } deriving (Eq, Ord, Binary, Typeable) instance Show NodeId where show (NodeId addr) = "nid://" ++ show addr -- | A local process ID consists of a seed which distinguishes processes from -- different instances of the same local node and a counter data LocalProcessId = LocalProcessId { lpidUnique :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int32 , lpidCounter :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int32 } deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Show) -- | Process identifier data ProcessId = ProcessId { -- | The ID of the node the process is running on processNodeId :: !NodeId -- | Node-local identifier for the process , processLocalId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !LocalProcessId } deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable) instance Show ProcessId where show (ProcessId (NodeId addr) (LocalProcessId _ lid)) = "pid://" ++ show addr ++ ":" ++ show lid -- | Union of all kinds of identifiers data Identifier = NodeIdentifier !NodeId | ProcessIdentifier !ProcessId | SendPortIdentifier !SendPortId deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show Identifier where show (NodeIdentifier nid) = show nid show (ProcessIdentifier pid) = show pid show (SendPortIdentifier cid) = show cid nodeOf :: Identifier -> NodeId nodeOf (NodeIdentifier nid) = nid nodeOf (ProcessIdentifier pid) = processNodeId pid nodeOf (SendPortIdentifier cid) = processNodeId (sendPortProcessId cid) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Special PIDs -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- firstNonReservedProcessId :: Int32 firstNonReservedProcessId = 1 nullProcessId :: NodeId -> ProcessId nullProcessId nid = ProcessId { processNodeId = nid , processLocalId = LocalProcessId { lpidUnique = 0 , lpidCounter = 0 } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Local nodes and processes -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Local nodes data LocalNode = LocalNode { -- | 'NodeId' of the node localNodeId :: !NodeId -- | The network endpoint associated with this node , localEndPoint :: !NT.EndPoint -- | Local node state , localState :: !(StrictMVar LocalNodeState) -- | Channel for the node controller , localCtrlChan :: !(Chan NCMsg) -- | Runtime lookup table for supporting closures -- TODO: this should be part of the CH state, not the local endpoint state , remoteTable :: !RemoteTable } data ImplicitReconnect = WithImplicitReconnect | NoImplicitReconnect deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Local node state data LocalNodeState = LocalNodeState { -- | Processes running on this node _localProcesses :: !(Map LocalProcessId LocalProcess) -- | Counter to assign PIDs , _localPidCounter :: !Int32 -- | The 'unique' value used to create PIDs (so that processes on -- restarted nodes have new PIDs) , _localPidUnique :: !Int32 -- | Outgoing connections , _localConnections :: !(Map (Identifier, Identifier) (NT.Connection, ImplicitReconnect)) } -- | Processes running on our local node data LocalProcess = LocalProcess { processQueue :: !(CQueue Message) , processWeakQ :: !(Weak (CQueue Message)) , processId :: !ProcessId , processState :: !(StrictMVar LocalProcessState) , processThread :: !ThreadId , processNode :: !LocalNode } -- | Deconstructor for 'Process' (not exported to the public API) runLocalProcess :: LocalProcess -> Process a -> IO a runLocalProcess lproc proc = runReaderT (unProcess proc) lproc -- | Local process state data LocalProcessState = LocalProcessState { _monitorCounter :: !Int32 , _spawnCounter :: !Int32 , _channelCounter :: !Int32 , _typedChannels :: !(Map LocalSendPortId TypedChannel) } -- | The Cloud Haskell 'Process' type newtype Process a = Process { unProcess :: ReaderT LocalProcess IO a } deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader LocalProcess, Typeable, Applicative) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Typed channels -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type LocalSendPortId = Int32 -- | A send port is identified by a SendPortId. -- -- You cannot send directly to a SendPortId; instead, use 'newChan' -- to create a SendPort. data SendPortId = SendPortId { -- | The ID of the process that will receive messages sent on this port sendPortProcessId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ProcessId -- | Process-local ID of the channel , sendPortLocalId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !LocalSendPortId } deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show SendPortId where show (SendPortId (ProcessId (NodeId addr) (LocalProcessId _ plid)) clid) = "cid://" ++ show addr ++ ":" ++ show plid ++ ":" ++ show clid data TypedChannel = forall a. Serializable a => TypedChannel (Weak (TQueue a)) -- | The send send of a typed channel (serializable) newtype SendPort a = SendPort { -- | The (unique) ID of this send port sendPortId :: SendPortId } deriving (Typeable, Binary, Show, Eq, Ord) -- | The receive end of a typed channel (not serializable) data ReceivePort a = -- | A single receive port ReceivePortSingle (TQueue a) -- | A left-biased combination of receive ports | ReceivePortBiased [ReceivePort a] -- | A round-robin combination of receive ports | ReceivePortRR (TVar [ReceivePort a]) deriving Typeable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Messages -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Messages consist of their typeRep fingerprint and their encoding data Message = Message { messageFingerprint :: !Fingerprint , messageEncoding :: !BSL.ByteString } instance Show Message where show (Message fp enc) = show enc ++ " :: " ++ showFingerprint fp [] -- | Turn any serialiable term into a message createMessage :: Serializable a => a -> Message createMessage a = Message (fingerprint a) (encode a) -- | Serialize a message messageToPayload :: Message -> [BSS.ByteString] messageToPayload (Message fp enc) = encodeFingerprint fp : BSL.toChunks enc -- | Deserialize a message payloadToMessage :: [BSS.ByteString] -> Message payloadToMessage payload = Message fp (copy msg) where encFp :: BSL.ByteString msg :: BSL.ByteString (encFp, msg) = BSL.splitAt (fromIntegral sizeOfFingerprint) $ BSL.fromChunks payload fp :: Fingerprint fp = decodeFingerprint . BSS.concat . BSL.toChunks $ encFp copy :: BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString copy (BSL.Chunk bs BSL.Empty) = BSL.Chunk (BSS.copy bs) BSL.Empty copy bsl = BSL.fromChunks . return . BSS.concat . BSL.toChunks $ bsl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Node controller user-visible data types -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | MonitorRef is opaque for regular Cloud Haskell processes data MonitorRef = MonitorRef { -- | ID of the entity to be monitored monitorRefIdent :: !Identifier -- | Unique to distinguish multiple monitor requests by the same process , monitorRefCounter :: !Int32 } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | Message sent by process monitors data ProcessMonitorNotification = ProcessMonitorNotification !MonitorRef !ProcessId !DiedReason deriving (Typeable, Show) -- | Message sent by node monitors data NodeMonitorNotification = NodeMonitorNotification !MonitorRef !NodeId !DiedReason deriving (Typeable, Show) -- | Message sent by channel (port) monitors data PortMonitorNotification = PortMonitorNotification !MonitorRef !SendPortId !DiedReason deriving (Typeable, Show) -- | Exceptions thrown when a linked process dies data ProcessLinkException = ProcessLinkException !ProcessId !DiedReason deriving (Typeable, Show) -- | Exception thrown when a linked node dies data NodeLinkException = NodeLinkException !NodeId !DiedReason deriving (Typeable, Show) -- | Exception thrown when a linked channel (port) dies data PortLinkException = PortLinkException !SendPortId !DiedReason deriving (Typeable, Show) instance Exception ProcessLinkException instance Exception NodeLinkException instance Exception PortLinkException -- | Why did a process die? data DiedReason = -- | Normal termination DiedNormal -- | The process exited with an exception -- (provided as 'String' because 'Exception' does not implement 'Binary') | DiedException !String -- | We got disconnected from the process node | DiedDisconnect -- | The process node died | DiedNodeDown -- | Invalid (process/node/channel) identifier | DiedUnknownId deriving (Show, Eq) -- | (Asynchronous) reply from unmonitor newtype DidUnmonitor = DidUnmonitor MonitorRef deriving (Typeable, Binary) -- | (Asynchronous) reply from unlink newtype DidUnlinkProcess = DidUnlinkProcess ProcessId deriving (Typeable, Binary) -- | (Asynchronous) reply from unlinkNode newtype DidUnlinkNode = DidUnlinkNode NodeId deriving (Typeable, Binary) -- | (Asynchronous) reply from unlinkPort newtype DidUnlinkPort = DidUnlinkPort SendPortId deriving (Typeable, Binary) -- | 'SpawnRef' are used to return pids of spawned processes newtype SpawnRef = SpawnRef Int32 deriving (Show, Binary, Typeable, Eq) -- | (Asynchronius) reply from 'spawn' data DidSpawn = DidSpawn SpawnRef ProcessId deriving (Show, Typeable) -- | (Asynchronous) reply from 'whereis' data WhereIsReply = WhereIsReply String (Maybe ProcessId) deriving (Show, Typeable) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Node controller internal data types -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Messages to the node controller data NCMsg = NCMsg { ctrlMsgSender :: !Identifier , ctrlMsgSignal :: !ProcessSignal } deriving Show -- | Signals to the node controller (see 'NCMsg') data ProcessSignal = Link !Identifier | Unlink !Identifier | Monitor !MonitorRef | Unmonitor !MonitorRef | Died Identifier !DiedReason | Spawn !(Closure (Process ())) !SpawnRef | WhereIs !String | Register !String !(Maybe ProcessId) -- Use 'Nothing' to unregister | NamedSend !String !Message deriving Show -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Binary instances -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Binary LocalProcessId where put lpid = put (lpidUnique lpid) >> put (lpidCounter lpid) get = LocalProcessId <$> get <*> get instance Binary ProcessId where put pid = put (processNodeId pid) >> put (processLocalId pid) get = ProcessId <$> get <*> get instance Binary ProcessMonitorNotification where put (ProcessMonitorNotification ref pid reason) = put ref >> put pid >> put reason get = ProcessMonitorNotification <$> get <*> get <*> get instance Binary NodeMonitorNotification where put (NodeMonitorNotification ref pid reason) = put ref >> put pid >> put reason get = NodeMonitorNotification <$> get <*> get <*> get instance Binary PortMonitorNotification where put (PortMonitorNotification ref pid reason) = put ref >> put pid >> put reason get = PortMonitorNotification <$> get <*> get <*> get instance Binary NCMsg where put msg = put (ctrlMsgSender msg) >> put (ctrlMsgSignal msg) get = NCMsg <$> get <*> get instance Binary MonitorRef where put ref = put (monitorRefIdent ref) >> put (monitorRefCounter ref) get = MonitorRef <$> get <*> get instance Binary ProcessSignal where put (Link pid) = putWord8 0 >> put pid put (Unlink pid) = putWord8 1 >> put pid put (Monitor ref) = putWord8 2 >> put ref put (Unmonitor ref) = putWord8 3 >> put ref put (Died who reason) = putWord8 4 >> put who >> put reason put (Spawn proc ref) = putWord8 5 >> put proc >> put ref put (WhereIs label) = putWord8 6 >> put label put (Register label pid) = putWord8 7 >> put label >> put pid put (NamedSend label msg) = putWord8 8 >> put label >> put (messageToPayload msg) get = do header <- getWord8 case header of 0 -> Link <$> get 1 -> Unlink <$> get 2 -> Monitor <$> get 3 -> Unmonitor <$> get 4 -> Died <$> get <*> get 5 -> Spawn <$> get <*> get 6 -> WhereIs <$> get 7 -> Register <$> get <*> get 8 -> NamedSend <$> get <*> (payloadToMessage <$> get) _ -> fail "ProcessSignal.get: invalid" instance Binary DiedReason where put DiedNormal = putWord8 0 put (DiedException e) = putWord8 1 >> put e put DiedDisconnect = putWord8 2 put DiedNodeDown = putWord8 3 put DiedUnknownId = putWord8 4 get = do header <- getWord8 case header of 0 -> return DiedNormal 1 -> DiedException <$> get 2 -> return DiedDisconnect 3 -> return DiedNodeDown 4 -> return DiedUnknownId _ -> fail "DiedReason.get: invalid" instance Binary DidSpawn where put (DidSpawn ref pid) = put ref >> put pid get = DidSpawn <$> get <*> get instance Binary SendPortId where put cid = put (sendPortProcessId cid) >> put (sendPortLocalId cid) get = SendPortId <$> get <*> get instance Binary Identifier where put (ProcessIdentifier pid) = putWord8 0 >> put pid put (NodeIdentifier nid) = putWord8 1 >> put nid put (SendPortIdentifier cid) = putWord8 2 >> put cid get = do header <- getWord8 case header of 0 -> ProcessIdentifier <$> get 1 -> NodeIdentifier <$> get 2 -> SendPortIdentifier <$> get _ -> fail "Identifier.get: invalid" instance Binary WhereIsReply where put (WhereIsReply label mPid) = put label >> put mPid get = WhereIsReply <$> get <*> get -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Accessors -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- localProcesses :: Accessor LocalNodeState (Map LocalProcessId LocalProcess) localProcesses = accessor _localProcesses (\procs st -> st { _localProcesses = procs }) localPidCounter :: Accessor LocalNodeState Int32 localPidCounter = accessor _localPidCounter (\ctr st -> st { _localPidCounter = ctr }) localPidUnique :: Accessor LocalNodeState Int32 localPidUnique = accessor _localPidUnique (\unq st -> st { _localPidUnique = unq }) localConnections :: Accessor LocalNodeState (Map (Identifier, Identifier) (NT.Connection, ImplicitReconnect)) localConnections = accessor _localConnections (\conns st -> st { _localConnections = conns }) localProcessWithId :: LocalProcessId -> Accessor LocalNodeState (Maybe LocalProcess) localProcessWithId lpid = localProcesses >>> DAC.mapMaybe lpid localConnectionBetween :: Identifier -> Identifier -> Accessor LocalNodeState (Maybe (NT.Connection, ImplicitReconnect)) localConnectionBetween from to = localConnections >>> DAC.mapMaybe (from, to) monitorCounter :: Accessor LocalProcessState Int32 monitorCounter = accessor _monitorCounter (\cnt st -> st { _monitorCounter = cnt }) spawnCounter :: Accessor LocalProcessState Int32 spawnCounter = accessor _spawnCounter (\cnt st -> st { _spawnCounter = cnt }) channelCounter :: Accessor LocalProcessState LocalSendPortId channelCounter = accessor _channelCounter (\cnt st -> st { _channelCounter = cnt }) typedChannels :: Accessor LocalProcessState (Map LocalSendPortId TypedChannel) typedChannels = accessor _typedChannels (\cs st -> st { _typedChannels = cs }) typedChannelWithId :: LocalSendPortId -> Accessor LocalProcessState (Maybe TypedChannel) typedChannelWithId cid = typedChannels >>> DAC.mapMaybe cid