module Main where #if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) import Prelude hiding (catch) #endif import Data.Binary (Binary(..)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Foldable (forM_) import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.MVar ( MVar , newEmptyMVar , putMVar , takeMVar , readMVar ) import Control.Monad (replicateM_, replicateM, forever) import Control.Exception (throwIO) import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import qualified Network.Transport as NT (Transport, closeEndPoint) import Network.Socket (sClose) import Network.Transport.TCP ( createTransportExposeInternals , TransportInternals(socketBetween) , defaultTCPParameters ) import Control.Distributed.Process import Control.Distributed.Process.Internal.Types ( NodeId(nodeAddress) , LocalNode(localEndPoint) ) import Control.Distributed.Process.Node import Control.Distributed.Process.Serializable (Serializable) import TestAuxiliary newtype Ping = Ping ProcessId deriving (Typeable, Binary, Show) newtype Pong = Pong ProcessId deriving (Typeable, Binary, Show) -- | The ping server from the paper ping :: Process () ping = do Pong partner <- expect self <- getSelfPid send partner (Ping self) ping -- | Quick and dirty synchronous version of whereisRemoteAsync whereisRemote :: NodeId -> String -> Process (Maybe ProcessId) whereisRemote nid string = do whereisRemoteAsync nid string WhereIsReply _ mPid <- expect return mPid -- | Basic ping test testPing :: NT.Transport -> IO () testPing transport = do serverAddr <- newEmptyMVar clientDone <- newEmptyMVar -- Server forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable addr <- forkProcess localNode ping putMVar serverAddr addr -- Client forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable pingServer <- readMVar serverAddr let numPings = 10000 runProcess localNode $ do pid <- getSelfPid replicateM_ numPings $ do send pingServer (Pong pid) Ping _ <- expect return () putMVar clientDone () takeMVar clientDone -- | Monitor or link to a remote node monitorOrLink :: Bool -- ^ 'True' for monitor, 'False' for link -> ProcessId -- Process to monitor/link to -> Maybe (MVar ()) -- MVar to signal on once the monitor has been set up -> Process (Maybe MonitorRef) monitorOrLink mOrL pid mSignal = do result <- if mOrL then Just <$> monitor pid else link pid >> return Nothing -- Monitor is asynchronous, which usually does not matter but if we want a -- *specific* signal then it does. Therefore we wait an arbitrary delay and -- hope that this means the monitor has been set up forM_ mSignal $ \signal -> liftIO . forkIO $ threadDelay 100000 >> putMVar signal () return result monitorTestProcess :: ProcessId -- Process to monitor/link to -> Bool -- 'True' for monitor, 'False' for link -> Bool -- Should we unmonitor? -> DiedReason -- Expected cause of death -> Maybe (MVar ()) -- Signal for 'monitor set up' -> MVar () -- Signal for successful termination -> Process () monitorTestProcess theirAddr mOrL un reason monitorSetup done = catch (do mRef <- monitorOrLink mOrL theirAddr monitorSetup case (un, mRef) of (True, Nothing) -> do unlink theirAddr liftIO $ putMVar done () (True, Just ref) -> do unmonitor ref liftIO $ putMVar done () (False, ref) -> do ProcessMonitorNotification ref' pid reason' <- expect True <- return $ Just ref' == ref && pid == theirAddr && mOrL && reason == reason' liftIO $ putMVar done () ) (\(ProcessLinkException pid reason') -> do True <- return $ pid == theirAddr && not mOrL && not un && reason == reason' liftIO $ putMVar done () ) -- | Monitor a process on an unreachable node testMonitorUnreachable :: NT.Transport -> Bool -> Bool -> IO () testMonitorUnreachable transport mOrL un = do deadProcess <- newEmptyMVar done <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable addr <- forkProcess localNode . liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000 closeLocalNode localNode putMVar deadProcess addr forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable theirAddr <- readMVar deadProcess runProcess localNode $ monitorTestProcess theirAddr mOrL un DiedDisconnect Nothing done takeMVar done -- | Monitor a process which terminates normally testMonitorNormalTermination :: NT.Transport -> Bool -> Bool -> IO () testMonitorNormalTermination transport mOrL un = do monitorSetup <- newEmptyMVar monitoredProcess <- newEmptyMVar done <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable addr <- forkProcess localNode $ liftIO $ readMVar monitorSetup putMVar monitoredProcess addr forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable theirAddr <- readMVar monitoredProcess runProcess localNode $ monitorTestProcess theirAddr mOrL un DiedNormal (Just monitorSetup) done takeMVar done -- | Monitor a process which terminates abnormally testMonitorAbnormalTermination :: NT.Transport -> Bool -> Bool -> IO () testMonitorAbnormalTermination transport mOrL un = do monitorSetup <- newEmptyMVar monitoredProcess <- newEmptyMVar done <- newEmptyMVar let err = userError "Abnormal termination" forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable addr <- forkProcess localNode . liftIO $ do readMVar monitorSetup throwIO err putMVar monitoredProcess addr forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable theirAddr <- readMVar monitoredProcess runProcess localNode $ monitorTestProcess theirAddr mOrL un (DiedException (show err)) (Just monitorSetup) done takeMVar done -- | Monitor a local process that is already dead testMonitorLocalDeadProcess :: NT.Transport -> Bool -> Bool -> IO () testMonitorLocalDeadProcess transport mOrL un = do processDead <- newEmptyMVar processAddr <- newEmptyMVar localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable done <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ do addr <- forkProcess localNode . liftIO $ putMVar processDead () putMVar processAddr addr forkIO $ do theirAddr <- readMVar processAddr readMVar processDead runProcess localNode $ do monitorTestProcess theirAddr mOrL un DiedUnknownId Nothing done takeMVar done -- | Monitor a remote process that is already dead testMonitorRemoteDeadProcess :: NT.Transport -> Bool -> Bool -> IO () testMonitorRemoteDeadProcess transport mOrL un = do processDead <- newEmptyMVar processAddr <- newEmptyMVar done <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable addr <- forkProcess localNode . liftIO $ putMVar processDead () putMVar processAddr addr forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable theirAddr <- readMVar processAddr readMVar processDead runProcess localNode $ do monitorTestProcess theirAddr mOrL un DiedUnknownId Nothing done takeMVar done -- | Monitor a process that becomes disconnected testMonitorDisconnect :: NT.Transport -> Bool -> Bool -> IO () testMonitorDisconnect transport mOrL un = do processAddr <- newEmptyMVar monitorSetup <- newEmptyMVar done <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable addr <- forkProcess localNode . liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000 putMVar processAddr addr readMVar monitorSetup NT.closeEndPoint (localEndPoint localNode) forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable theirAddr <- readMVar processAddr runProcess localNode $ do monitorTestProcess theirAddr mOrL un DiedDisconnect (Just monitorSetup) done takeMVar done data Add = Add ProcessId Double Double deriving (Typeable) data Divide = Divide ProcessId Double Double deriving (Typeable) data DivByZero = DivByZero deriving (Typeable) instance Binary Add where put (Add pid x y) = put pid >> put x >> put y get = Add <$> get <*> get <*> get instance Binary Divide where put (Divide pid x y) = put pid >> put x >> put y get = Divide <$> get <*> get <*> get instance Binary DivByZero where put DivByZero = return () get = return DivByZero math :: Process () math = do receiveWait [ match (\(Add pid x y) -> send pid (x + y)) , matchIf (\(Divide _ _ y) -> y /= 0) (\(Divide pid x y) -> send pid (x / y)) , match (\(Divide pid _ _) -> send pid DivByZero) ] math -- | Test the math server (i.e., receiveWait) testMath :: NT.Transport -> IO () testMath transport = do serverAddr <- newEmptyMVar clientDone <- newEmptyMVar -- Server forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable addr <- forkProcess localNode math putMVar serverAddr addr -- Client forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable mathServer <- readMVar serverAddr runProcess localNode $ do pid <- getSelfPid send mathServer (Add pid 1 2) 3 <- expect :: Process Double send mathServer (Divide pid 8 2) 4 <- expect :: Process Double send mathServer (Divide pid 8 0) DivByZero <- expect liftIO $ putMVar clientDone () takeMVar clientDone -- | Send first message (i.e. connect) to an already terminated process -- (without monitoring); then send another message to a second process on -- the same remote node (we're checking that the remote node did not die) testSendToTerminated :: NT.Transport -> IO () testSendToTerminated transport = do serverAddr1 <- newEmptyMVar serverAddr2 <- newEmptyMVar clientDone <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ do terminated <- newEmptyMVar localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable addr1 <- forkProcess localNode $ liftIO $ putMVar terminated () addr2 <- forkProcess localNode $ ping readMVar terminated putMVar serverAddr1 addr1 putMVar serverAddr2 addr2 forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable server1 <- readMVar serverAddr1 server2 <- readMVar serverAddr2 runProcess localNode $ do pid <- getSelfPid send server1 "Hi" send server2 (Pong pid) Ping pid' <- expect True <- return $ pid' == server2 liftIO $ putMVar clientDone () takeMVar clientDone -- | Test (non-zero) timeout testTimeout :: NT.Transport -> IO () testTimeout transport = do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable runProcess localNode $ do Nothing <- receiveTimeout 1000000 [match (\(Add _ _ _) -> return ())] return () -- | Test zero timeout testTimeout0 :: NT.Transport -> IO () testTimeout0 transport = do serverAddr <- newEmptyMVar clientDone <- newEmptyMVar messagesSent <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable addr <- forkProcess localNode $ do liftIO $ readMVar messagesSent >> threadDelay 1000000 -- Variation on the venerable ping server which uses a zero timeout -- Since we wait for all messages to be sent before doing this receive, -- we should nevertheless find the right message immediately Just partner <- receiveTimeout 0 [match (\(Pong partner) -> return partner)] self <- getSelfPid send partner (Ping self) putMVar serverAddr addr forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable server <- readMVar serverAddr runProcess localNode $ do pid <- getSelfPid -- Send a bunch of messages. A large number of messages that the server -- is not interested in, and then a single message that it wants replicateM_ 10000 $ send server "Irrelevant message" send server (Pong pid) liftIO $ putMVar messagesSent () Ping _ <- expect liftIO $ putMVar clientDone () takeMVar clientDone -- | Test typed channels testTypedChannels :: NT.Transport -> IO () testTypedChannels transport = do serverChannel <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar (SendPort (SendPort Bool, Int))) clientDone <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable forkProcess localNode $ do (serverSendPort, rport) <- newChan liftIO $ putMVar serverChannel serverSendPort (clientSendPort, i) <- receiveChan rport sendChan clientSendPort (even i) return () forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable serverSendPort <- readMVar serverChannel runProcess localNode $ do (clientSendPort, rport) <- newChan sendChan serverSendPort (clientSendPort, 5) False <- receiveChan rport liftIO $ putMVar clientDone () takeMVar clientDone -- | Test merging receive ports testMergeChannels :: NT.Transport -> IO () testMergeChannels transport = do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable testFlat localNode True "aaabbbccc" testFlat localNode False "abcabcabc" testNested localNode True True "aaabbbcccdddeeefffggghhhiii" testNested localNode True False "adgadgadgbehbehbehcficficfi" testNested localNode False True "abcabcabcdefdefdefghighighi" testNested localNode False False "adgbehcfiadgbehcfiadgbehcfi" testBlocked localNode True testBlocked localNode False where -- Single layer of merging testFlat :: LocalNode -> Bool -> String -> IO () testFlat localNode biased expected = runProcess localNode $ do rs <- mapM charChannel "abc" m <- mergePorts biased rs xs <- replicateM 9 $ receiveChan m True <- return $ xs == expected return () -- Two layers of merging testNested :: LocalNode -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> IO () testNested localNode biasedInner biasedOuter expected = runProcess localNode $ do rss <- mapM (mapM charChannel) ["abc", "def", "ghi"] ms <- mapM (mergePorts biasedInner) rss m <- mergePorts biasedOuter ms xs <- replicateM (9 * 3) $ receiveChan m True <- return $ xs == expected return () -- Test that if no messages are (immediately) available, the scheduler makes no difference testBlocked :: LocalNode -> Bool -> IO () testBlocked localNode biased = do vs <- replicateM 3 newEmptyMVar forkProcess localNode $ do [sa, sb, sc] <- liftIO $ mapM readMVar vs mapM_ ((>> liftIO (threadDelay 10000)) . uncurry sendChan) [ -- a, b, c (sa, 'a') , (sb, 'b') , (sc, 'c') -- a, c, b , (sa, 'a') , (sc, 'c') , (sb, 'b') -- b, a, c , (sb, 'b') , (sa, 'a') , (sc, 'c') -- b, c, a , (sb, 'b') , (sc, 'c') , (sa, 'a') -- c, a, b , (sc, 'c') , (sa, 'a') , (sb, 'b') -- c, b, a , (sc, 'c') , (sb, 'b') , (sa, 'a') ] runProcess localNode $ do (ss, rs) <- unzip <$> replicateM 3 newChan liftIO $ mapM_ (uncurry putMVar) $ zip vs ss m <- mergePorts biased rs xs <- replicateM (6 * 3) $ receiveChan m True <- return $ xs == "abcacbbacbcacabcba" return () mergePorts :: Serializable a => Bool -> [ReceivePort a] -> Process (ReceivePort a) mergePorts True = mergePortsBiased mergePorts False = mergePortsRR charChannel :: Char -> Process (ReceivePort Char) charChannel c = do (sport, rport) <- newChan replicateM_ 3 $ sendChan sport c liftIO $ threadDelay 10000 -- Make sure messages have been sent return rport testTerminate :: NT.Transport -> IO () testTerminate transport = do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable pid <- forkProcess localNode $ do liftIO $ threadDelay 100000 terminate runProcess localNode $ do ref <- monitor pid ProcessMonitorNotification ref' pid' (DiedException ex) <- expect True <- return $ ref == ref' && pid == pid' && ex == show ProcessTerminationException return () testMonitorNode :: NT.Transport -> IO () testMonitorNode transport = do [node1, node2] <- replicateM 2 $ newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable closeLocalNode node1 runProcess node2 $ do ref <- monitorNode (localNodeId node1) NodeMonitorNotification ref' nid DiedDisconnect <- expect True <- return $ ref == ref' && nid == localNodeId node1 return () testMonitorChannel :: NT.Transport -> IO () testMonitorChannel transport = do [node1, node2] <- replicateM 2 $ newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable gotNotification <- newEmptyMVar pid <- forkProcess node1 $ do sport <- expect :: Process (SendPort ()) ref <- monitorPort sport PortMonitorNotification ref' port' reason <- expect -- reason might be DiedUnknownId if the receive port is GCed before the -- monitor is established (TODO: not sure that this is reasonable) return $ ref' == ref && port' == sendPortId sport && (reason == DiedNormal || reason == DiedUnknownId) liftIO $ putMVar gotNotification () runProcess node2 $ do (sport, _) <- newChan :: Process (SendPort (), ReceivePort ()) send pid sport liftIO $ threadDelay 100000 takeMVar gotNotification testRegistry :: NT.Transport -> IO () testRegistry transport = do node <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable pingServer <- forkProcess node ping runProcess node $ do register "ping" pingServer Just pid <- whereis "ping" True <- return $ pingServer == pid us <- getSelfPid nsend "ping" (Pong us) Ping pid' <- expect True <- return $ pingServer == pid' return () testRemoteRegistry :: NT.Transport -> IO () testRemoteRegistry transport = do node1 <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable node2 <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable pingServer <- forkProcess node1 ping runProcess node2 $ do let nid1 = localNodeId node1 registerRemote nid1 "ping" pingServer Just pid <- whereisRemote nid1 "ping" True <- return $ pingServer == pid us <- getSelfPid nsendRemote nid1 "ping" (Pong us) Ping pid' <- expect True <- return $ pingServer == pid' return () testSpawnLocal :: NT.Transport -> IO () testSpawnLocal transport = do node <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable runProcess node $ do us <- getSelfPid pid <- spawnLocal $ do sport <- expect sendChan sport (1234 :: Int) sport <- spawnChannelLocal $ \rport -> do (1234 :: Int) <- receiveChan rport send us () send pid sport expect testReconnect :: NT.Transport -> TransportInternals -> IO () testReconnect transport transportInternals = do [node1, node2] <- replicateM 2 $ newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable let nid1 = localNodeId node1 nid2 = localNodeId node2 processA <- newEmptyMVar [sendTestOk, registerTestOk] <- replicateM 2 newEmptyMVar forkProcess node1 $ do us <- getSelfPid liftIO $ putMVar processA us msg1 <- expect msg2 <- expect True <- return $ msg1 == "message 1" && msg2 == "message 3" liftIO $ putMVar sendTestOk () forkProcess node2 $ do {- - Make sure there is no implicit reconnect on normal message sending -} them <- liftIO $ readMVar processA send them "message 1" >> liftIO (threadDelay 100000) -- Simulate network failure liftIO $ do sock <- socketBetween transportInternals (nodeAddress nid1) (nodeAddress nid2) sClose sock threadDelay 10000 -- Should not arrive send them "message 2" -- Should arrive reconnect them send them "message 3" liftIO $ takeMVar sendTestOk {- - Test that there *is* implicit reconnect on node controller messages -} us <- getSelfPid registerRemote nid1 "a" us >> liftIO (threadDelay 100000) -- registerRemote is asynchronous -- Simulate network failure liftIO $ do sock <- socketBetween transportInternals (nodeAddress nid1) (nodeAddress nid2) sClose sock threadDelay 10000 -- This will happen due to implicit reconnect registerRemote nid1 "b" us -- Should happen registerRemote nid1 "c" us -- Check Just _ <- whereisRemote nid1 "a" Just _ <- whereisRemote nid1 "b" Just _ <- whereisRemote nid1 "c" liftIO $ putMVar registerTestOk () takeMVar registerTestOk -- | Test 'matchAny'. This repeats the 'testMath' but with a proxy server -- in between testMatchAny :: NT.Transport -> IO () testMatchAny transport = do proxyAddr <- newEmptyMVar clientDone <- newEmptyMVar -- Math server forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable mathServer <- forkProcess localNode math proxyServer <- forkProcess localNode $ forever $ do msg <- receiveWait [ matchAny return ] forward msg mathServer putMVar proxyAddr proxyServer -- Client forkIO $ do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable mathServer <- readMVar proxyAddr runProcess localNode $ do pid <- getSelfPid send mathServer (Add pid 1 2) 3 <- expect :: Process Double send mathServer (Divide pid 8 2) 4 <- expect :: Process Double send mathServer (Divide pid 8 0) DivByZero <- expect liftIO $ putMVar clientDone () takeMVar clientDone main :: IO () main = do Right (transport, transportInternals) <- createTransportExposeInternals "" "8080" defaultTCPParameters runTests [ ("Ping", testPing transport) , ("Math", testMath transport) , ("Timeout", testTimeout transport) , ("Timeout0", testTimeout0 transport) , ("SendToTerminated", testSendToTerminated transport) , ("TypedChannnels", testTypedChannels transport) , ("MergeChannels", testMergeChannels transport) , ("Terminate", testTerminate transport) , ("Registry", testRegistry transport) , ("RemoteRegistry", testRemoteRegistry transport) , ("SpawnLocal", testSpawnLocal transport) , ("MatchAny", testMatchAny transport) -- Monitoring processes -- -- The "missing" combinations in the list below don't make much sense, as -- we cannot guarantee that the monitor reply or link exception will not -- happen before the unmonitor or unlink , ("MonitorUnreachable", testMonitorUnreachable transport True False) , ("MonitorNormalTermination", testMonitorNormalTermination transport True False) , ("MonitorAbnormalTermination", testMonitorAbnormalTermination transport True False) , ("MonitorLocalDeadProcess", testMonitorLocalDeadProcess transport True False) , ("MonitorRemoteDeadProcess", testMonitorRemoteDeadProcess transport True False) , ("MonitorDisconnect", testMonitorDisconnect transport True False) , ("LinkUnreachable", testMonitorUnreachable transport False False) , ("LinkNormalTermination", testMonitorNormalTermination transport False False) , ("LinkAbnormalTermination", testMonitorAbnormalTermination transport False False) , ("LinkLocalDeadProcess", testMonitorLocalDeadProcess transport False False) , ("LinkRemoteDeadProcess", testMonitorRemoteDeadProcess transport False False) , ("LinkDisconnect", testMonitorDisconnect transport False False) , ("UnmonitorNormalTermination", testMonitorNormalTermination transport True True) , ("UnmonitorAbnormalTermination", testMonitorAbnormalTermination transport True True) , ("UnmonitorDisconnect", testMonitorDisconnect transport True True) , ("UnlinkNormalTermination", testMonitorNormalTermination transport False True) , ("UnlinkAbnormalTermination", testMonitorAbnormalTermination transport False True) , ("UnlinkDisconnect", testMonitorDisconnect transport False True) -- Monitoring nodes and channels , ("MonitorNode", testMonitorNode transport) , ("MonitorChannel", testMonitorChannel transport) -- Reconnect , ("Reconnect", testReconnect transport transportInternals) ]