{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module Main where import Control.Distributed.Process hiding (monitor) import Control.Distributed.Process.Node import Control.Distributed.Process.Execution.EventManager hiding (start) import qualified Control.Distributed.Process.Extras import Control.Distributed.Process.Execution.Exchange import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Internal.Types import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Internal.Primitives import qualified Control.Distributed.Process.Execution.EventManager as EventManager ( start ) import Control.Distributed.Process.Tests.Internal.Utils import Control.Monad (void, forM, forever) import Control.Rematch (equalTo) #if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) import Prelude hiding (catch, drop) #else import Prelude hiding (drop) #endif import Network.Transport.TCP import qualified Network.Transport as NT import Test.Framework as TF (defaultMain, testGroup, Test) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit testKeyBasedRouting :: TestResult Bool -> Process () testKeyBasedRouting result = do (sp, rp) <- newChan :: Process (Channel Int) rex <- messageKeyRouter PayloadOnly -- Since the /router/ doesn't offer a syncrhonous start -- option, we use spawnSignalled to get the same effect, -- making it more likely (though it's not guaranteed) that -- the spawned process will be bound to the routing exchange -- prior to our evaluating 'routeMessage' below. void $ spawnSignalled (bindKey "foobar" rex) $ const $ do receiveWait [ match (\(s :: Int) -> sendChan sp s) ] routeMessage rex (createMessage "foobar" [] (123 :: Int)) stash result . (== (123 :: Int)) =<< receiveChan rp testMultipleRoutes :: TestResult () -> Process () testMultipleRoutes result = do stash result () -- we don't rely on the test result for assertions... (sp, rp) <- newChan rex <- messageKeyRouter PayloadOnly let recv = receiveWait [ match (\(s :: String) -> getSelfPid >>= \us -> sendChan sp (us, Left s)) , match (\(i :: Int) -> getSelfPid >>= \us -> sendChan sp (us, Right i)) ] us <- getSelfPid p1 <- spawnSignalled (link us >> bindKey "abc" rex) (const $ forever recv) p2 <- spawnSignalled (link us >> bindKey "def" rex) (const $ forever recv) p3 <- spawnSignalled (link us >> bindKey "abc" rex) (const $ forever recv) -- publish 2 messages with the routing-key set to 'abc' routeMessage rex (createMessage "abc" [] "Hello") routeMessage rex (createMessage "abc" [] (123 :: Int)) -- route another message with the 'abc' value a header (should be ignored) routeMessage rex (createMessage "" [("abc", "abc")] "Goodbye") received <- forM (replicate (2 * 3) us) (const $ receiveChanTimeout 1000 rp) -- all bindings for 'abc' fired correctly received `shouldContain` Just (p1, Left "Hello") received `shouldContain` Just (p3, Left "Hello") received `shouldContain` Just (p1, Right (123 :: Int)) received `shouldContain` Just (p3, Right (123 :: Int)) -- however the bindings for 'def' never fired received `shouldContain` Nothing received `shouldNotContain` Just (p2, Left "Hello") received `shouldNotContain` Just (p2, Right (123 :: Int)) -- none of the bindings should have examined the headers! received `shouldNotContain` Just (p1, Left "Goodbye") received `shouldNotContain` Just (p2, Left "Goodbye") received `shouldNotContain` Just (p3, Left "Goodbye") testHeaderBasedRouting :: TestResult () -> Process () testHeaderBasedRouting result = do stash result () -- we don't rely on the test result for assertions... (sp, rp) <- newChan rex <- headerContentRouter PayloadOnly "x-name" let recv = const $ forever $ receiveWait [ match (\(s :: String) -> getSelfPid >>= \us -> sendChan sp (us, Left s)) , match (\(i :: Int) -> getSelfPid >>= \us -> sendChan sp (us, Right i)) ] us <- getSelfPid p1 <- spawnSignalled (link us >> bindHeader "x-name" "yellow" rex) recv p2 <- spawnSignalled (link us >> bindHeader "x-name" "red" rex) recv _ <- spawnSignalled (link us >> bindHeader "x-type" "fast" rex) recv -- publish 2 messages with the routing-key set to 'abc' routeMessage rex (createMessage "" [("x-name", "yellow")] "Hello") routeMessage rex (createMessage "" [("x-name", "yellow")] (123 :: Int)) routeMessage rex (createMessage "" [("x-name", "red")] (456 :: Int)) routeMessage rex (createMessage "" [("x-name", "red")] (789 :: Int)) routeMessage rex (createMessage "" [("x-type", "fast")] "Goodbye") -- route another message with the 'abc' value a header (should be ignored) routeMessage rex (createMessage "" [("abc", "abc")] "FooBar") received <- forM (replicate 5 us) (const $ receiveChanTimeout 1000 rp) -- all bindings fired correctly received `shouldContain` Just (p1, Left "Hello") received `shouldContain` Just (p1, Right (123 :: Int)) received `shouldContain` Just (p2, Right (456 :: Int)) received `shouldContain` Just (p2, Right (789 :: Int)) received `shouldContain` Nothing -- simple check that no other bindings have fired length received `shouldBe` equalTo (5 :: Int) testSimpleEventHandling :: TestResult Bool -> Process () testSimpleEventHandling result = do (sp, rp) <- newChan (sigStart, recvStart) <- newChan em <- EventManager.start Just pid <- resolve em void $ monitor pid -- Note that in our init (state) function, we write a "start signal" -- here; Without a start signal, the message sent to the event manager -- (via notify) would race with the addHandler registration. pid' <- addHandler em (myHandler sp) (sendChan sigStart ()) link pid' () <- receiveChan recvStart notify em ("hello", "event", "manager") -- cast message r <- receiveTimeout 100000000 [ matchChan rp return , match (\(ProcessMonitorNotification _ _ _) -> die "ServerDied") ] case r of Just ("hello", "event", "manager") -> stash result True _ -> stash result False myHandler :: SendPort (String, String, String) -> () -> (String, String, String) -> Process () myHandler sp s m@(_, _, _) = sendChan sp m >> return s myRemoteTable :: RemoteTable myRemoteTable = Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.__remoteTable initRemoteTable tests :: NT.Transport -> IO [Test] tests transport = do localNode <- newLocalNode transport myRemoteTable return [ testGroup "Event Manager" [ testCase "Simple Event Handlers" (delayedAssertion "Expected the handler to run" localNode True testSimpleEventHandling) ] , testGroup "Router" [ testCase "Direct Key Routing" (delayedAssertion "Expected the sole matching route to run" localNode True testKeyBasedRouting) , testCase "Key Based Selective Routing" (delayedAssertion "Expected only the matching routes to run" localNode () testMultipleRoutes) , testCase "Header Based Selective Routing" (delayedAssertion "Expected only the matching routes to run" localNode () testHeaderBasedRouting) ] ] main :: IO () main = testMain $ tests -- | Given a @builder@ function, make and run a test suite on a single transport testMain :: (NT.Transport -> IO [Test]) -> IO () testMain builder = do Right (transport, _) <- createTransportExposeInternals "" "10501" defaultTCPParameters testData <- builder transport defaultMain testData