Changelog for distributed-process-extras-0.3.2

2017-02-05 Tim Watson <watson.timothy @ google mail service dot com> 0.3.0 * re-implement whereIsRemote in terms of whereIsRemoteAsync * re-implement whereisOrStart to avoid leaking zombie processes * implement general NFSerializable instances * make Resolvable instance of (NodeId, String) exception safe * remove dependency on data-accessor * Relax upper bound on time for testing * documentation fixes and improvements 2017-02-05 Tim Watson <watson.timothy @ google mail service dot com> 0.3.0 * Update dependency bounds - drop support for distributed-process < 0.6.6 * Drop support for GHC < 7.10 * Fixes for testing with latest stack and CI changes 2016-02-16 Facundo Domínguez <> * Update dependency bounds. 2015-06-15 Facundo Domínguez <> 0.2.1 * Use random port in tests. * Add compatibility with ghc-7.10. * Fix dependency bounds. * Add missing NFData instances.