{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

{- |
   A representation of the @meta@ section used in Nix expressions. A
   detailed description can be found in section 4, \"Meta-attributes\",
   of the Nixpkgs manual at <http://nixos.org/nixpkgs/docs.html>.

module Distribution.Nixpkgs.Meta
  ( Meta, nullMeta
  , homepage, description, license, platforms, hydraPlatforms, maintainers, broken
  , allKnownPlatforms
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Lens
import Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Distribution.Nixpkgs.License
import Distribution.System
import GHC.Generics ( Generic )
import Internal.OrphanInstances ( )
import Language.Nix.Identifier
import Language.Nix.PrettyPrinting

-- | A representation of the @meta@ section used in Nix expressions.
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> :{
--   print (pPrint (Meta "http://example.org" "an example package" (Unknown Nothing)
--                  (Set.singleton (Platform X86_64 Linux))
--                  Set.empty
--                  (Set.fromList ["joe","jane"])
--                  True))
-- :}
-- homepage = "http://example.org";
-- description = "an example package";
-- license = "unknown";
-- platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
-- hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
-- maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ jane joe ];
-- broken = true;

data Meta = Meta
  { _homepage       :: String           -- ^ URL of the package homepage
  , _description    :: String           -- ^ short description of the package
  , _license        :: License          -- ^ licensing terms
  , _platforms      :: Set Platform     -- ^ We re-use the Cabal type for convenience, but render it to conform to @pkgs\/lib\/platforms.nix@.
  , _hydraPlatforms :: Set Platform     -- ^ list of platforms built by Hydra (render to conform to @pkgs\/lib\/platforms.nix@)
  , _maintainers    :: Set Identifier   -- ^ list of maintainers from @pkgs\/lib\/maintainers.nix@
  , _broken         :: Bool             -- ^ set to @true@ if the build is known to fail
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

makeLenses ''Meta

instance NFData Meta

instance Pretty Meta where
  pPrint Meta {..} = vcat
    [ onlyIf (not (null _homepage)) $ attr "homepage" $ string _homepage
    , onlyIf (not (null _description)) $ attr "description" $ string _description
    , attr "license" $ pPrint _license
    , onlyIf (_platforms /= allKnownPlatforms) $ renderPlatforms "platforms" _platforms
    , onlyIf (_hydraPlatforms /= _platforms) $ renderPlatforms "hydraPlatforms" _hydraPlatforms
    , setattr "maintainers" (text "with stdenv.lib.maintainers;") (Set.map (view ident) _maintainers)
    , boolattr "broken" _broken _broken

renderPlatforms :: String -> Set Platform -> Doc
renderPlatforms field ps
  | Set.null ps = sep [ text field <+> equals <+> text "stdenv.lib.platforms.none" <> semi ]
  | otherwise   = sep [ text field <+> equals <+> lbrack
                      , nest 2 $ fsep $ map text (toAscList (Set.map fromCabalPlatform ps))
                      , rbrack <> semi

nullMeta :: Meta
nullMeta = Meta
  { _homepage = error "undefined Meta.homepage"
  , _description = error "undefined Meta.description"
  , _license = error "undefined Meta.license"
  , _platforms = error "undefined Meta.platforms"
  , _hydraPlatforms = error "undefined Meta.hydraPlatforms"
  , _maintainers = error "undefined Meta.maintainers"
  , _broken = error "undefined Meta.broken"

allKnownPlatforms :: Set Platform
allKnownPlatforms = Set.fromList [ Platform I386 Linux, Platform X86_64 Linux
                                 , Platform X86_64 OSX

fromCabalPlatform :: Platform -> String
fromCabalPlatform (Platform I386 Linux)   = "\"i686-linux\""
fromCabalPlatform (Platform X86_64 Linux) = "\"x86_64-linux\""
fromCabalPlatform (Platform X86_64 OSX)   = "\"x86_64-darwin\""
fromCabalPlatform p                       = error ("fromCabalPlatform: invalid Nix platform" ++ show p)