-- | DNS Resolver and generic (lower-level) lookup functions.
module Network.DNS.Resolver (
  -- * Documentation
  -- ** Configuration for resolver
    FileOrNumericHost(..), ResolvConf(..), defaultResolvConf
  -- ** Intermediate data type for resolver
  , ResolvSeed, makeResolvSeed
  -- ** Type and function for resolver
  , Resolver(..), withResolver
  -- ** Looking up functions
  , lookup, lookupAuth, lookupRaw
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Data.Char
import Data.Int
import Data.List hiding (find, lookup)
import Network.BSD
import Network.DNS.Decode
import Network.DNS.Encode
import Network.DNS.Internal
import Network.Socket hiding (send, sendTo, recv, recvFrom)
import Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import System.Random
import System.Timeout

#if mingw32_HOST_OS == 1
import Network.Socket (send)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB
import Control.Monad (when)

-- | Union type for 'FilePath' and 'HostName'. Specify 'FilePath' to
--   \"resolv.conf\" or numeric IP address in 'String' form.
--   /Warning/: Only numeric IP addresses are valid @RCHostName@s.
--   Example (using Google's public DNS cache):
--   >>> let cache = RCHostName ""
data FileOrNumericHost = RCFilePath FilePath | RCHostName HostName

-- | Type for resolver configuration. The easiest way to construct a
--   @ResolvConf@ object is to modify the 'defaultResolvConf'.
data ResolvConf = ResolvConf {
    resolvInfo :: FileOrNumericHost
  , resolvTimeout :: Int
  -- | This field was obsoleted.
  , resolvBufsize :: Integer

-- | Return a default 'ResolvConf':
--     * 'resolvInfo' is 'RCFilePath' \"\/etc\/resolv.conf\".
--     * 'resolvTimeout' is 3,000,000 micro seconds.
--     * 'resolvBufsize' is 512. (obsoleted)
--  Example (use Google's public DNS cache instead of resolv.conf):
--   >>> let cache = RCHostName ""
--   >>> let rc = defaultResolvConf { resolvInfo = cache }
defaultResolvConf :: ResolvConf
defaultResolvConf = ResolvConf {
    resolvInfo = RCFilePath "/etc/resolv.conf"
  , resolvTimeout = 3 * 1000 * 1000
  , resolvBufsize = 512


-- | Abstract data type of DNS Resolver seed
data ResolvSeed = ResolvSeed {
    addrInfo :: AddrInfo
  , rsTimeout :: Int
  , rsBufsize :: Integer

-- | Abstract data type of DNS Resolver
data Resolver = Resolver {
    genId   :: IO Int
  , dnsSock :: Socket
  , dnsTimeout :: Int
  , dnsBufsize :: Integer


-- |  Make a 'ResolvSeed' from a 'ResolvConf'.
--    Examples:
--    >>> rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
makeResolvSeed :: ResolvConf -> IO ResolvSeed
makeResolvSeed conf = ResolvSeed <$> addr
                                 <*> pure (resolvTimeout conf)
                                 <*> pure (resolvBufsize conf)
    addr = case resolvInfo conf of
        RCHostName numhost -> makeAddrInfo numhost
        RCFilePath file -> toAddr <$> readFile file >>= makeAddrInfo
    toAddr cs = let l:_ = filter ("nameserver" `isPrefixOf`) $ lines cs
                in extract l
    extract = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace . drop 11

makeAddrInfo :: HostName -> IO AddrInfo
makeAddrInfo addr = do
    proto <- getProtocolNumber "udp"
    let hints = defaultHints {
          , addrSocketType = Datagram
          , addrProtocol = proto
    a:_ <- getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just addr) (Just "domain")
    return a


-- | Giving a thread-safe 'Resolver' to the function of the second
--   argument. 'withResolver' should be passed to 'forkIO'. For
--   examples, see "Network.DNS.Lookup".
withResolver :: ResolvSeed -> (Resolver -> IO a) -> IO a
withResolver seed func = do
  let ai = addrInfo seed
  sock <- socket (addrFamily ai) (addrSocketType ai) (addrProtocol ai)
  connect sock (addrAddress ai)
  let resolv = Resolver {
          genId = getRandom
        , dnsSock = sock
        , dnsTimeout = rsTimeout seed
        , dnsBufsize = rsBufsize seed
  func resolv `finally` sClose sock

getRandom :: IO Int
getRandom = getStdRandom (randomR (0,65535))


-- | Looking up resource records of a domain. The first parameter is one of
--   the field accessors of the 'DNSFormat' type -- this allows you to
--   choose which section (answer, authority, or additional) you would like
--   to inspect for the result.

lookupSection :: (DNSFormat -> [ResourceRecord])
              -> Resolver
              -> Domain
              -> TYPE
              -> IO (Either DNSError [RDATA])
lookupSection section rlv dom typ = (>>= toRDATA) <$> lookupRaw rlv dom typ
    {- CNAME hack
    dom' = if "." `isSuffixOf` dom then dom else dom ++ "."
    correct r = rrname r == dom' && rrtype r == typ
    correct r = rrtype r == typ
    toRDATA = Right . map rdata . filter correct . section

-- | Look up resource records for a domain, collecting the results
--   from the ANSWER section of the response.
--   We repeat an example from "Network.DNS.Lookup":
--   >>> let hostname = Data.ByteString.Char8.pack "www.example.com"
--   >>> rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
--   >>> withResolver rs $ \resolver -> lookup resolver hostname A
--   Right []
lookup :: Resolver -> Domain -> TYPE -> IO (Either DNSError [RDATA])
lookup = lookupSection answer

-- | Look up resource records for a domain, collecting the results
--   from the AUTHORITY section of the response.
lookupAuth :: Resolver -> Domain -> TYPE -> IO (Either DNSError [RDATA])
lookupAuth = lookupSection authority

-- | Look up a name and return the entire DNS Response. Sample output
--   is included below, however it is /not/ tested -- the sequence
--   number is unpredictable (it has to be!).
--   The example code:
--   @
--   let hostname = Data.ByteString.Char8.pack \"www.example.com\"
--   rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
--   withResolver rs $ \resolver -> lookupRaw resolver hostname A
--   @
--   And the (formatted) expected output:
--   @
--   Right (DNSFormat
--           { header = DNSHeader
--                        { identifier = 1,
--                          flags = DNSFlags
--                                    { qOrR = QR_Response,
--                                      opcode = OP_STD,
--                                      authAnswer = False,
--                                      trunCation = False,
--                                      recDesired = True,
--                                      recAvailable = True,
--                                      rcode = NoErr },
--                          qdCount = 1,
--                          anCount = 1,
--                          nsCount = 0,
--                          arCount = 0},
--             question = [Question { qname = \"www.example.com.\",
--                                    qtype = A}],
--             answer = [ResourceRecord {rrname = \"www.example.com.\",
--                                       rrtype = A,
--                                       rrttl = 800,
--                                       rdlen = 4,
--                                       rdata =}],
--             authority = [],
--             additional = []})
--  @
lookupRaw :: Resolver -> Domain -> TYPE -> IO (Either DNSError DNSFormat)
lookupRaw rlv dom typ = do
    seqno <- genId rlv
    sendAll sock (composeQuery seqno [q])
    response <- timeout tm (receive sock)
    return $ case response of
               Nothing -> Left TimeoutExpired
               Just y  -> check seqno y
    sock = dnsSock rlv
    tm = dnsTimeout rlv
    q = makeQuestion dom typ
    check seqno res = do
        let hdr = header res
        if identifier hdr == seqno then
            Right res
            Left SequenceNumberMismatch

#if mingw32_HOST_OS == 1
    -- Windows does not support sendAll in Network.ByteString.Lazy.
    -- This implements sendAll with Haskell Strings.
    sendAll sock bs = do
	sent <- send sock (LB.unpack bs)
	when (sent < fromIntegral (LB.length bs)) $ sendAll sock (LB.drop (fromIntegral sent) bs)