dobutokO-poetry- Helps to order the 7 or less Ukrainian words to obtain somewhat suitable for poetry or music text

Copyright(c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020
Safe HaskellNone




Maintainer :

Helps to order the 7 or less Ukrainian words (or their concatenations) to obtain (to some extent) suitable for poetry or music text. This module provides several different norms that allow to research the text and to create interesting sequences.


Different norms

norm1 :: [Int] -> Int Source #

The first norm for the list of non-negative Int. For not empty lists equals to the maximum element.

norm2 :: [Int] -> Int Source #

The second norm for the list of non-negative Int. For not empty lists equals to the sum of the elements.

norm3 :: [Int] -> Int Source #

The third norm for the list of non-negative Int. For not empty lists equals to the sum of the doubled maximum element and the rest elements of the list.

norm4 :: [Int] -> Int Source #

The fourth norm for the list of non-negative Int. Equals to the sum of the norm3 and norm2.

norm5 :: [Int] -> Int Source #

The fifth norm for the list of non-negative Int. For not empty lists equals to the sum of the elements quoted with sum of the two most minimum elements.

norm51 :: [Int] -> Int Source #

The fifth modified norm for the list of non-negative Int. Tries to take into account doubled and prolonged sounds to reduce their influence on the norm5.

norm513 :: [Int] -> Int Source #

The fifth modified (with three minimums) norm for the list of non-negative Int. Tries to take into account doubled and prolonged sounds to reduce their influence on the norm5.

norm6 :: [Int] -> Int Source #

The sixth norm for the list of non-negative Int.

splitNorm :: [Int] -> Vector ([Int] -> Int) -> [Int] Source #

Splits a given list of non-negative integers into lists of elements not equal to zero and then applies to them the norms from the Vector starting from the last element in the vector right-to-left.