{ "foo": 1, "bar": null, "baz": ["a", "b"], "bim": { "Zub": "Sim" }, "sup": [ { "biz": "qux" }, { "sax": 2 } ], "items": [ "one with\na line break", "two", "three with\na line break" ], "hasblanks": "hello\n\n", "hasblanksmap": { "a": "hello\n\n", "b": "there\n\n" }, "digits": [1, 5, 20] } . $bar/length$ $baz/length$ $bim.Zub/length$ $bim/length$ $sup/length$ $baz/uppercase[, ]$ $for(baz)$ $it$ $it/uppercase$ $baz$ $baz/uppercase$ $endfor$ $for(bim/pairs)$ $it.key$: $it.value$ $bim.key$: $bim.value/lowercase$ $endfor$ $for(baz/pairs)$ $it.key/roman/uppercase/right 4$. $it.value$ $endfor$ $items/pairs/reverse:enum()$ ($hasblanks/chomp$) $for(hasblanksmap/chomp/pairs/uppercase)$ $it.key$ ($it.value$) $endfor$ $digits/roman[ ]$ $for(bim/uppercase)$ $it.Zub$ $endfor$ $digits/first$ $digits/last$ $for(digits/rest)$ $it$ $endfor$ $for(digits/allbutlast)$ $it$ $endfor$ $foo/first$ . 0 2 3 1 2 A, B a A a A b B b B Zub: Sim Zub: sim I. a II. b C. three with a line break B. two A. one with a line break (hello) A (HELLO) B (THERE) i v xx SIM 1 20 5 20 1 5 1