module Run (
#ifdef TEST
, doctest_
, Summary
, stripOptGhc
) where

import           Data.List
import           Control.Monad (when, unless)
import           System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import           System.IO

import qualified Control.Exception as E
import           Panic

import           PackageDBs
import           Parse
import           Help
import           Runner
import qualified Interpreter

-- | Run doctest with given list of arguments.
-- Example:
-- >>> doctest ["-iexample/src", "example/src/Example.hs"]
-- Examples: 2  Tried: 2  Errors: 0  Failures: 0
-- This can be used to create a Cabal test suite that runs doctest for your
-- project.
doctest :: [String] -> IO ()
doctest args
  | "--help"    `elem` args = putStr usage
  | "--version" `elem` args = printVersion
  | otherwise = do
      i <- Interpreter.interpreterSupported
      unless i $ do
        hPutStrLn stderr "WARNING: GHC does not support --interactive, skipping tests"

      let (f, args_) = stripOptGhc args
      when f $ do
        hPutStrLn stderr "WARNING: --optghc is deprecated, doctest now accepts arbitrary GHC options\ndirectly."
        hFlush stderr

      packageDBArgs <- getPackageDBArgs
      let addPackageConf = (packageDBArgs ++)

      r <- doctest_ (addPackageConf args_) `E.catch` \e -> do
        case fromException e of
          Just (UsageError err) -> do
            hPutStrLn stderr ("doctest: " ++ err)
            hPutStrLn stderr "Try `doctest --help' for more information."
          _ -> E.throwIO e
      when (not $ isSuccess r) exitFailure

isSuccess :: Summary -> Bool
isSuccess s = sErrors s == 0 && sFailures s == 0

-- |
-- Strip --optghc from GHC options.  This is for backward compatibility with
-- previous versions of doctest.
-- A boolean is returned with the stripped arguments.  It is True if striping
-- occurred.
stripOptGhc :: [String] -> (Bool, [String])
stripOptGhc = go
    go args = case args of
      []                      -> (False, [])
      "--optghc" : opt : rest -> (True, opt : snd (go rest))
      opt : rest              -> maybe (fmap (opt :)) (\x (_, xs) -> (True, x :xs)) (stripPrefix "--optghc=" opt) (go rest)

doctest_ :: [String] -> IO Summary
doctest_ args = do

  -- get examples from Haddock comments
  modules <- getDocTests args

  Interpreter.withInterpreter args $ \repl -> do
    runModules repl modules