{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Text.Docvim.AST where

import Control.Lens.Fold
import Control.Lens.Getter
import Control.Lens.Plated
import Data.Char
import Data.Data
import Data.Data.Lens
import Data.Monoid

data Node
    -- Roots
    = Project [Node] -- list of translation units (files)
    | Unit [Node] -- translation unit (file)

    -- To remove any node from the tree, we can just replace it with this.
    | Empty

    -- VimL nodes
    | FunctionDeclaration { functionBang :: Bool
                          , functionName :: String
                          , functionArguments :: ArgumentList
                          , functionAttributes :: [String]
                          , functionBody :: [Node]
    | LetStatement { letLexpr :: String
                    , letValue :: String
    | LexprStatement { lexprBang :: Bool
                      , lexprExpr :: String
    | LwindowStatement { lwindowHeight :: Maybe Int }
    | UnletStatement { unletBang :: Bool
                      , unletBody :: String
    | GenericStatement String -- ^ For the stuff we only crudely parse for now.

    -- Docvim nodes: "block-level" elements
    | DocBlock [Node]
    | Paragraph [Node]
    | LinkTargets [String]
    | List [Node]
    | ListItem [Node]
    | Blockquote [Node]
    | Fenced [String]
    | Separator

    -- Docvim nodes: "phrasing content" elements
    | Plaintext String
    | BreakTag
    | Link String
    | Code String
    | Whitespace

    -- Docvim nodes: annotations
    | PluginAnnotation Name Description
    | FunctionsAnnotation
    | FunctionAnnotation Name -- not sure if I will want more here
    | IndentAnnotation
    | DedentAnnotation
    | CommandsAnnotation
    | CommandAnnotation Name (Maybe Parameters)
    | FooterAnnotation
    | MappingsAnnotation
    | MappingAnnotation Name
    | OptionsAnnotation
    | OptionAnnotation Name Type (Maybe Default)
    | HeadingAnnotation String
    | SubheadingAnnotation String

    -- Docvim nodes: synthesized nodes
    | TOC [String]
  deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- The VimScript (VimL) grammar is embodied in the implementation of
-- https://github.com/vim/vim/blob/master/src/eval.c; there is no formal
-- specification for it, and there are many ambiguities that can only be
-- resolved at runtime. We aim to parse a loose subset.

-- TODO: deal with bar |
--       note that `function X() |` does not work, and `endf` must be on a line
--       of its own too (not a syntax error to do `| endf`, but it doesn't work
--       , so you need to add another `endf`, which will blow up at runtime.
-- TODO: validate name = CapitalLetter or s:foo or auto#loaded

data ArgumentList = ArgumentList [Argument]
  deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)

data Argument = Argument String
  deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)

instance Plated Node

type Default = String
type Description = String
type Name = String
type Type = String
type Parameters = String

-- | Walks an AST node calling the supplied visitor function.
-- This is an in-order traversal.
-- For example, to implement a visitor which counts all nodes:
-- >  import Data.Monoid
-- >  count = getSum $ walk (\_ -> 1) (Sum 0) tree
-- For comparison, here is a (probably inefficient) alternative way using
-- `Control.Lens.Plated` instead of `walk`:
-- > import Control.Lens.Operators
-- > import Control.Lens.Plated
-- > import Data.Data.Lens
-- > count = length $ tree ^.. cosmosOf uniplate
-- Another example; accumulating `SubheadingAnnotation` nodes into a list:
-- >  accumulator node@(SubheadingAnnotation _) = [node]
-- >  accumulator _ = [] -- skip everything else
-- >  nodes = walk accumulator [] tree
-- Again, for comparison, the same without `walk`, this time using a list
-- comprehension:
-- > import Control.Lens.Operators
-- > import Control.Lens.Plated
-- > import Data.Data.Lens
-- > [n | n@(SubheadingAnnotation _) <- tree ^.. cosmosOf uniplate]
walk :: Monoid a => (Node -> a) -> a -> Node -> a
walk f = foldlOf (cosmosOf uniplate . to f) (<>)
-- TODO: consider making it possible for `f` to return `Nothing` to
-- short-circuit traversal, or `Just a` to continue with the current `mappend`
-- behavior.

-- | Sanitizes a link target similar to the way that GitHub does:
--    - Downcase.
--    - Filter, keeping only letter, number, space, hyphen.
--    - Change spaces to hyphens.
--    - Uniquify by appending "-1", "-2", "-3" etc (not yet implemented).
-- We use this both for generating GitHub friendly link targets, and for
-- auto-generating new link targets for use inside Vim help files.
-- Source: https://gist.github.com/asabaylus/3071099#gistcomment-1593627
sanitizeAnchor :: String -> String
sanitizeAnchor = hyphenate . keepValid . downcase
    hyphenate = map spaceToHyphen
    spaceToHyphen c = if c == ' ' then '-' else c
    keepValid = filter (`elem` (['a'..'z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ " -"))
    downcase = map toLower

invalidNode :: forall t. t
invalidNode = error "Invalid Node type"