" Copyright 2015-present Greg Hurrell. All rights reserved. " Licensed under the terms of the BSD 2-clause license. "" " " @plugin loupe Loupe plug-in for Vim " " # Intro " " > "loupe (noun)
" > a small magnifying glass used by jewelers and watchmakers." " " *loupe-features* " Loupe enhances Vim's |search-commands| in four ways: " " ## 1. Makes the currently selected match easier to see " " When searching using |/|, |?|, |star|, |#|, |n|, |N| or similar, it can be " hard to see the "current" match from among all the matches that 'hlsearch' " highlights. Loupe makes the currently selected match easier to see by: " " - Applying a different |:highlight| group (by default, |hl-IncSearch|) to the " match under the cursor. " - Keeping the matching line centered within the window when jumping between " matches with |n| and |N|. " " ## 2. Applies sane pattern syntax by default " " Loupe makes "very magic" (|/\v|) syntax apply by default when searching. This " is true even if you initiate a search via a novel means, such as from a visual " selection or with a complicated |:range| prefix. " " This means that you can use a pattern syntax closer to the familiar regular " expression syntax from languages such as Perl, Ruby, JavaScript (indeed, most " other modern languages that support regular expressions). " " ## 3. Provides a shortcut to remove search highlighting " " Loupe maps n to quickly remove all 'hlsearch' highlighting (although " you can provide an alternative mapping of your choosing or suppress the " feature entirely). " " ## 4. Sensible defaults for search-related features " " Loupe provides reasonable defaults for most search-related Vim settings to " provide a good "out of the box" experience. For more details, or to see how to " override Loupe's settings, see |loupe-overrides|. " " " # Installation " " To install Loupe, use your plug-in management system of choice. " " If you don't have a "plug-in management system of choice", I recommend " Pathogen (https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen) due to its simplicity and " robustness. Assuming that you have Pathogen installed and configured, and that " you want to install Loupe into `~/.vim/bundle`, you can do so with: " " ``` " git clone https://github.com/wincent/loupe.git ~/.vim/bundle/loupe " ``` " " Alternatively, if you use a Git submodule for each Vim plug-in, you could do " the following after `cd`-ing into the top-level of your Git superproject: " " ``` " git submodule add https://github.com/wincent/loupe.git ~/vim/bundle/loupe " git submodule init " ``` " " To generate help tags under Pathogen, you can do so from inside Vim with: " " ``` " :call pathogen#helptags() " ``` " " @footer " " # Overrides " " Loupe sets a number of search-related Vim settings to reasonable defaults in " order to provide a good "out of the box" experience. The following overrides " will be set unless suppressed or overridden (see |loupe-suppress-overrides|): " " @indent " *loupe-history-override* " 'history' " " Increased to 1000, to increase the number of previous searches remembered. " Note that Loupe only applies this setting if the current value of 'history' " is less than 1000. " " *loupe-hlsearch-override* " 'hlsearch' " " Turned on (when there is a previous search pattern, highlight all its " matches). " " *loupe-incsearch-override* " 'incsearch' " " Turned on (while typing a search command, show where the pattern matches, as " it was typed so far). " " *loupe-ignorecase-override* " 'ignorecase' " " Turned on (to ignore case in search patterns). " " *loupe-shortmess-override* " 'shortmess' " " Adds "s", which suppresses the display of "search hit BOTTOM, continuing at " TOP" and "search hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOM" messages. " " *loupe-smartcase-override* " 'smartcase' " " Turned on (overrides 'ignorecase', making the search pattern case-sensitive " whenever it containers uppercase characters). " " @dedent " " *loupe-suppress-overrides* " ## Preventing Loupe overrides from taking effect " " To override any of these choices, you can place overrides in an " |after-directory| (ie. `~/.vim/after/plugin/loupe.vim`). For example: " " ``` " " Override Loupe's 'history' setting from 1000 to 10000. " set history=10000 " " " Reset Loupe's 'incsearch' back to Vim default. " set incsearch&vim " " " Remove unwanted 's' from 'shortmess'. " set shortmess-=s " ``` " " # Related " " Just as Loupe aims to improve the within-file search experience, Ferret does " the same for multi-file searching and replacing: " " - https://github.com/wincent/ferret " " # Website " " The official Loupe source code repo is at: " " - http://git.wincent.com/loupe.git " " A mirror exists at: " " - https://github.com/wincent/loupe " " Official releases are listed at: " " - http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=5215 " " " # License " " Copyright 2015-present Greg Hurrell. All rights reserved. " " Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without " modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: " " 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, " this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. " " 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, " this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation " and/or other materials provided with the distribution. " " THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" " AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE " IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE " ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE " LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR " CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF " SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS " INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN " CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) " ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE " POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. " " " # Development " " ## Contributing patches " " Patches can be sent via mail to greg@hurrell.net, or as GitHub pull requests " at: https://github.com/wincent/loupe/pulls " " ## Cutting a new release " " At the moment the release process is manual: " " - Perform final sanity checks and manual testing " - Update the |loupe-history| section of the documentation " - Verify clean work tree: " " ``` " git status " ``` " " - Tag the release: " " ``` " git tag -s -m "$VERSION release" $VERSION " ``` " " - Publish the code: " " ``` " git push origin master --follow-tags " git push github master --follow-tags " ``` " " - Produce the release archive: " " ``` " git archive -o loupe-$VERSION.zip HEAD -- . " ``` " " - Upload to http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=5215 " " # Authors " " Loupe is written and maintained by Greg Hurrell . " " The original idea for the |g:LoupeHighlightGroup| feature was taken from " Damian Conway's Vim set-up: " " - https://github.com/thoughtstream/Damian-Conway-s-Vim-Setup/blob/master/plugin/hlnext.vim " " Which he discussed in his "More Instantly Better Vim" presentation at OSCON " 2013: " " - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHm36-na4-4 " " # History " " 1.1 (15 June 2016) " " - Make compatible with older versions of Vim that do not have |v:hlsearch|. " - Add support for special delimiters with |:substitute| command. " " ## 1.0 (28 December 2015) " " - Renamed the |LoupeClearHighlight| mapping to " |(LoupeClearHighlight)|. " " ## 0.1 (5 July 2015) " " - Initial release, extracted from my dotfiles " (https://github.com/wincent/wincent). "" " @option g:LoupeLoaded any " " To prevent Loupe from being loaded, set |g:LoupeLoaded| to any value in your " |.vimrc|. For example: " " ``` " let g:LoupeLoaded=1 " ``` if exists('g:LoupeLoaded') || &compatible || v:version < 700 finish endif let g:LoupeLoaded=1 " Temporarily set 'cpoptions' to Vim default as per `:h use-cpo-save`. let s:cpoptions=&cpoptions set cpoptions&vim " Reasonable defaults for search-related settings. if &history < 1000 set history=1000 " Longer search and command history (default is 50). endif if has('extra_search') set hlsearch " Highlight search strings. set incsearch " Incremental search ("find as you type"). endif set ignorecase " Ignore case when searching. set shortmess+=s " Don't echo search wrap messages. set smartcase " Case-sensitive search if search string includes a capital letter. "" " @option g:LoupeClearHighlightMap boolean 1 " " Controls whether to set up the |(LoupeClearHighlight)| mapping. To " prevent any mapping from being configured, set to 0: " " ``` " let g:LoupeClearHighlightMap=0 " ``` let s:clear=get(g:, 'LoupeClearHighlightMap', 1) if s:clear if !hasmapto('(LoupeClearHighlight)') && maparg('n', 'n') ==# '' nmap n (LoupeClearHighlight) endif endif "" " @mapping (LoupeClearHighlight) " " Loupe maps n to |(LoupeClearHighlight)|, which clears all " visible highlights (like |:nohighlight| does). To use an alternative mapping " instead, create a different one in your |.vimrc| instead using |:nmap|: " " ``` " " Instead of n, use x. " nmap x (LoupeClearHighlight) " ``` " " Note that Loupe will not try to set up its n mapping if any of the " following are true: " " - A mapping for n already exists. " - An alternative mapping for |(LoupeClearHighlight)| has already been set " up from a |.vimrc|. " - The mapping has been suppressed by setting |g:LoupeClearHighlightMap| to 1 " in your |.vimrc|. nnoremap (LoupeClearHighlight) \ :nohlsearch \ :call loupe#private#clear_highlight() " Make `:nohlsearch` behave like (LoupeClearHighlight). cabbrev noh (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 4 ? 'noh call loupe#private#clear_highlight()' : 'noh') cabbrev nohl (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 5 ? 'nohl call loupe#private#clear_highlight()' : 'nohl') cabbrev nohls (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 6 ? 'nohls call loupe#private#clear_highlight()' : 'nohls') cabbrev nohlse (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 7 ? 'nohlse call loupe#private#clear_highlight()' : 'nohlse') cabbrev nohlsea (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 8 ? 'nohlsea call loupe#private#clear_highlight()' : 'nohlsea') cabbrev nohlsear (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 9 ? 'nohlsear call loupe#private#clear_highlight()' : 'nohlsear') cabbrev nohlsearc (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 10 ? 'nohlsearc call loupe#private#clear_highlight()' : 'nohlsearc') cabbrev nohlsearch (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 11 ? 'nohlsearch call loupe#private#clear_highlight()' : 'nohlsearch') "" " @option g:LoupeVeryMagic boolean 1 " " Controls whether "very magic" pattern syntax (|/\v|) is applied by default. " To disable, set to 0: " " ``` " let g:LoupeVeryMagic=0 " ``` function s:MagicString() let s:magic=get(g:, 'LoupeVeryMagic', 1) return s:magic ? '\v' : '' endfunction nnoremap / loupe#private#prepare_highlight('/' . MagicString()) nnoremap ? loupe#private#prepare_highlight('?' . MagicString()) xnoremap / loupe#private#prepare_highlight('/' . MagicString()) xnoremap ? loupe#private#prepare_highlight('?' . MagicString()) if !empty(s:MagicString()) " Any single-byte character may be used as a delimiter except \, ", | and " alphanumerics. See `:h E146`. cnoremap ! loupe#private#very_magic_slash('!') cnoremap # loupe#private#very_magic_slash('#') cnoremap $ loupe#private#very_magic_slash('$') cnoremap % loupe#private#very_magic_slash('%') cnoremap & loupe#private#very_magic_slash('&') cnoremap ' loupe#private#very_magic_slash("'") cnoremap ( loupe#private#very_magic_slash('(') cnoremap ) loupe#private#very_magic_slash(')') cnoremap * loupe#private#very_magic_slash('*') cnoremap + loupe#private#very_magic_slash('+') cnoremap , loupe#private#very_magic_slash(',') cnoremap - loupe#private#very_magic_slash('-') cnoremap . loupe#private#very_magic_slash('.') cnoremap / loupe#private#very_magic_slash('/') cnoremap : loupe#private#very_magic_slash(':') cnoremap ; loupe#private#very_magic_slash(';') cnoremap < loupe#private#very_magic_slash('<') cnoremap = loupe#private#very_magic_slash('=') cnoremap > loupe#private#very_magic_slash('>') cnoremap ? loupe#private#very_magic_slash('?') cnoremap @ loupe#private#very_magic_slash('@') cnoremap [ loupe#private#very_magic_slash('[') cnoremap ] loupe#private#very_magic_slash(']') cnoremap ^ loupe#private#very_magic_slash('^') cnoremap _ loupe#private#very_magic_slash('_') cnoremap ` loupe#private#very_magic_slash('`') cnoremap { loupe#private#very_magic_slash('{') cnoremap } loupe#private#very_magic_slash('}') cnoremap ~ loupe#private#very_magic_slash('~') endif function! s:map(keys, name) "" " @option g:LoupeCenterResults boolean 1 " " Controls whether the match's line is vertically centered within the window " when jumping (via |n|, |N| etc). To disable, set to 0: " " ``` " let g:LoupeCenterResults=0 " ``` let s:center=get(g:, 'LoupeCenterResults', 1) let s:center_string=s:center ? 'zz' : '' if !hasmapto('(Loupe' . a:name . ')') execute 'nmap ' . a:keys . ' (Loupe' . a:name . ')' endif execute 'nnoremap (Loupe' . a:name . ')' . \ ' ' . \ a:keys . \ s:center_string . \ ':call loupe#hlmatch()' endfunction "" " @mapping (LoupeOctothorpe) " " Loupe maps |#| to |(LoupeOctothorpe)| in order to implement custom " highlighting and line-centering for the current match. " " To prevent this from happening, create an alternate mapping in your |.vimrc|: " " ``` " nmap (LoupeOctothorpe) " ``` call s:map('#', 'Octothorpe') "" " @mapping (LoupeStar) " " Loupe maps |star| to |(LoupeStar)| in order to implement custom " highlighting and line-centering for the current match. " " To prevent this from happening, create an alternate mapping in your |.vimrc|: " " ``` " nmap (LoupeStar) " ``` call s:map('*', 'Star') "" " @mapping (LoupeN) " " Loupe maps |N| to |(LoupeN)| in order to implement custom " highlighting and line-centering for the current match. " " To prevent this from happening, create an alternate mapping in your |.vimrc|: " " ``` " nmap (LoupeN) " ``` call s:map('N', 'N') "" " @mapping (LoupeGOctothorpe) " " Loupe maps |g#| to |(LoupeGOctothorpe)| in order to implement custom " highlighting and line-centering for the current match. " " To prevent this from happening, create an alternate mapping in your |.vimrc|: " " ``` " nmap (LoupeGOctothorpe) " ``` call s:map('g#', 'GOctothorpe') "" " @mapping (LoupeGStar) " " Loupe maps |gstar| to |(LoupeGStar)| in order to implement custom " highlighting and line-centering for the current match. " " To prevent this from happening, create an alternate mapping in your |.vimrc|: " " ``` " nmap (LoupeGStar) " ``` call s:map('g*', 'GStar') "" " @mapping (Loupen) " " Loupe maps |n| to |(Loupen)| in order to implement custom " highlighting and line-centering for the current match. " " To prevent this from happening, create an alternate mapping in your |.vimrc|: " " ``` " nmap (Loupen) " ``` call s:map('n', 'n') " Clean-up stray `matchadd()` vestiges. if has('autocmd') && has('extra_search') augroup LoupeCleanUp autocmd! autocmd WinEnter * :call loupe#private#cleanup() augroup END endif " Restore 'cpoptions' to its former value. let &cpoptions=s:cpoptions unlet s:cpoptions