" Copyright 2010-present Greg Hurrell. All rights reserved. " Licensed under the terms of the BSD 2-clause license. " Set up the original implementation Command-T engine, codenamed "mirkwood". function! commandt#mirkwood#init() abort command! CommandTBuffer call commandt#BufferFinder() command! CommandTCommand call commandt#CommandFinder() command! CommandTHelp call commandt#HelpFinder() command! CommandTHistory call commandt#HistoryFinder() command! CommandTJump call commandt#JumpFinder() command! CommandTLine call commandt#LineFinder() command! CommandTMRU call commandt#MRUFinder() command! CommandTSearch call commandt#SearchFinder() command! CommandTTag call commandt#TagFinder() command! -nargs=? -complete=dir CommandT call commandt#FileFinder() command! CommandTFlush call commandt#Flush() command! CommandTLoad call commandt#Load() if !hasmapto('(CommandT)') && maparg('t', 'n') ==# '' nmap t (CommandT) endif nnoremap (CommandT) :CommandT if !hasmapto('(CommandTBuffer)') && maparg('b', 'n') ==# '' nmap b (CommandTBuffer) endif nnoremap (CommandTBuffer) :CommandTBuffer nnoremap (CommandTHelp) :CommandTHelp nnoremap (CommandTHistory) :CommandTHistory if has('jumplist') if !hasmapto('(CommandTJump)') && maparg('j', 'n') ==# '' nmap j (CommandTJump) endif nnoremap (CommandTJump) :CommandTJump endif nnoremap (CommandTCommand) :CommandTCommand nnoremap (CommandTLine) :CommandTLine nnoremap (CommandTMRU) :CommandTMRU nnoremap (CommandTSearch) :CommandTSearch nnoremap (CommandTTag) :CommandTTag endfunction