" Copyright 2015-present Greg Hurrell. All rights reserved. " Licensed under the terms of the BSD 2-clause license. "" " @function loupe#hlmatch " " Apply highlighting to the current search match. " function! loupe#hlmatch() abort "" " @option g:LoupeHighlightGroup string IncSearch " Specifies the |:highlight| group used to emphasize the match currently under " the cursor for the current search pattern. Defaults to "IncSearch" (ie. " |hl-IncSearch|). For example: " " ``` " let g:LoupeHighlightGroup='Error' " ``` " " To prevent any special highlighting from being applied, set this option to " "" (ie. the empty string). let l:highlight=get(g:, 'LoupeHighlightGroup', 'IncSearch') if empty(l:highlight) return endif if has('autocmd') augroup LoupeHightlightMatch autocmd! augroup END endif call loupe#private#clear_highlight() " \c case insensitive " \%# current cursor position " @/ current search pattern let l:pattern='\c\%#' . @/ if exists('*matchadd') let w:loupe_hlmatch=matchadd(l:highlight, l:pattern) endif endfunction