-- | Type for Message Authentication Status (). module Network.DomainAuth.Types where ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- See Qualifier in Network.DomainAuth.SPF.Types -- | The result of domain authentication. For more information, see -- . data DAResult = DAPass | DAHardFail | DASoftFail | DANeutral | DAFail | DATempError | DAPermError | DANone | DAPolicy | DANxDomain | DADiscard | DAUnknown deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded) instance Show DAResult where show DAPass = "pass" show DAHardFail = "hardfail" show DASoftFail = "softfail" show DANeutral = "neutral" show DAFail = "fail" show DATempError = "temperror" show DAPermError = "permerror" show DANone = "none" show DAPolicy = "policy" show DANxDomain = "nxdomain" show DADiscard = "discard" show DAUnknown = "unknown"