module Fight where import TestPrelude test_Fight = testGroup "fight" [ prove "adds damage to both creatures" $ do withLocation (Active, Play) $ addCreature (2, 4) "Angel 1" withLocation (Active, Play) $ addCreature (3, 4) "Angel 2" fight "Angel 1" "Angel 2" validate "Angel 1" $ matchDamage 3 validate "Angel 2" $ matchDamage 2 , prove "fighting self adds double damage" $ do withLocation (Active, Play) $ addCreature (2, 4) "Angel 1" fight "Angel 1" "Angel 1" validate "Angel 1" $ matchDamage 4 , refute "require first card to be in play" "in play" $ do withLocation (Active, Graveyard) $ addCreature (2, 4) "Angel 1" withLocation (Active, Play) $ addCreature (3, 4) "Angel 2" fight "Angel 1" "Angel 2" , refute "require second card to be in play" "in play" $ do withLocation (Active, Play) $ addCreature (2, 4) "Angel 1" withLocation (Active, Graveyard) $ addCreature (3, 4) "Angel 2" fight "Angel 1" "Angel 2" , refute "require first card to be a creature" "has attribute creature" $ do withLocation (Active, Graveyard) $ addEnchantment "Angel 1" withLocation (Active, Play) $ addCreature (3, 4) "Angel 2" fight "Angel 1" "Angel 2" , refute "require second card to be a creature" "has attribute creature" $ do withLocation (Active, Play) $ addCreature (2, 4) "Angel 1" withLocation (Active, Graveyard) $ addEnchantment "Angel 2" fight "Angel 1" "Angel 2" ]