Name: dow Version: 0.1.0 Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Synopsis: Dungeons of Wor Category: game, reactivity, FRP Description: Dungeons of Wor is a homage to the classic arcade game, Wizard of Wor. It uses the artwork and levels from the Astrocade version, but the gameplay mechanics differ from the original in several ways. . This game is also an experiment in functional reactive programming, so it might be a useful resource to anyone interested in this topic. It was coded using the simple version of Elerea, which provides discrete streams as first-class values. Author: Patai Gergely Maintainer: Patai Gergely ( Copyright: (c) 2009, Patai Gergely License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Stability: experimental Build-Type: Simple Extra-Source-Files: src/Actor.hs src/Game.hs src/GraphUtils.hs src/HighScore.hs src/Level.hs src/Render.hs src/Sprites.hs src/Text.hs src/Utils.hs src/Vector.hs Data-Files: README data/charset.txt data/levels.txt data/sprites.txt Executable dow Executable: dow HS-Source-Dirs: src Main-IS: Main.hs Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5, elerea >= 1.2.3, OpenGL >= 2.4, GLFW >= 0.4, array, mtl, directory GHC-Options: -O2