{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} module Game where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Fix import Data.Array import Data.List import Data.Maybe import FRP.Elerea.Experimental.Simple import Actor import GraphUtils import HighScore import Level import Sprites import Utils import Vector numberOfLives = 5 data LevelState = LevelState { level :: Level , actors :: [Actor] , bullets :: [(ActorType,Vec)] , shooters :: [ActorType] } keySet1 = fst keySet2 = snd keyDir (True,_,_,_,_) = Just North keyDir (_,True,_,_,_) = Just South keyDir (_,_,True,_,_) = Just West keyDir (_,_,_,True,_) = Just East keyDir _ = Nothing keyShoot (_,_,_,_,s) = s keyAny k = keyShoot k || isJust (keyDir k) game highScore storeScore (renderGame,renderMenu) closeAction newActor levels keyPress = do let firstTrue s = do mask <- delay False =<< transfer False (||) s return (liftA2 (&&) (not <$> mask) s) mkGame 0 = playGame storeScore renderGame newActor levels keyPress 1 mkGame 1 = playGame storeScore renderGame newActor levels keyPress 2 mkGame _ = return (pure closeAction,pure True) keys <- memo (keySet1 <$> keyPress) (output,_) <- switcher . flip fmap highScore $ \score -> do (menu,pick) <- displayMenu (renderMenu score) ["ONE PLAYER GAME","TWO PLAYER GAME","QUIT"] keys picked <- firstTrue (keyShoot <$> keys) gameSource <- generator (toMaybe <$> picked <*> (mkGame <$> pick)) fullOutput <- menu --> gameSource return (fst =<< fullOutput,snd =<< fullOutput) return output displayMenu renderMenu items keys = do let val False = 0 val True = 1 up <- edge ((==Just North) . keyDir <$> keys) down <- edge ((==Just South) . keyDir <$> keys) item <- transfer2 0 (\u d i -> (i + val d - val u) `mod` length items) up down return ((renderMenu items <$> item,pure False),item) playGame storeScore renderFun newActor levels keyPress numPlayers = mdo let startLevel level enemyCount = playLevel newActor keyPress level numPlayers lives' enemyCount players = take numPlayers [YellowWorrior,BlueWorrior] pickLevel cnt rnd = case () of _ | cnt == 4 -> findLevel (=="arena") _ | cnt < 8 -> findLevel ((=='b').head) _ | cnt `mod` 6 == 1 -> findLevel (=="pit") otherwise -> findLevel ((=='w').head) where findLevel p = pickOne (filter (p.levelName) levels) pickOne xs = xs !! (rnd `mod` length xs) accumScore player state prev = max 0 $ prev + (sum . map killScore . actors) state - 10 * (length . filter (==player) . shooters) state where killScore a = if justDied a && action a == KilledBy player then actorValue a else 0 accumLives player state prev = max 0 $ prev + (sum . map lifeLost . actors) state where lifeLost a = if justDied a && actorType a == player then -1 else 0 levelNoise <- noise (state,trigLevel) <- switcher (startLevel <$> (pickLevel <$> levelCount <*> levelNoise) <*> levelCount) trigLevel' <- delay False trigLevel levelCount <- transfer 1 (\win cnt -> if win then cnt+1 else cnt) trigLevel' scores <- memo =<< (sequence <$> forM players (\t -> transfer 0 (accumScore t) state)) lives <- memo =<< (sequence <$> forM players (\t -> transfer numberOfLives (accumLives t) state)) lives' <- delay (replicate numPlayers numberOfLives) lives gameOver <- memo (all (==0) <$> lives) return (liftA2 (>>) ((\c s -> when c (storeScore s)) <$> gameOver <*> scores) (renderFun <$> state <*> levelCount <*> scores <*> lives) ,gameOver ) playLevel newActor keyPress level numPlayers lives enemyCount = mdo let mkEnemy etype = enemy (newActor etype) (if etype == Worluk then 2 else 1) level bullets mkShot c plr = if c && canShoot then (:[]) <$> bullet (actorType plr) (position plr) (facing plr) else return [] where canShoot = case action plr of Walking -> True Shooting -> True _ -> False spawnEnemies oldEnemies = concatMap (spawnEnemy (length oldEnemies == 1)) oldEnemies spawnEnemy isLast enemy = if justDied enemy then case actorType enemy of Burwor -> [mkEnemy Garwor <$> (position <$> head players)] Garwor -> [mkEnemy Thorwor <$> (position <$> head players)] Thorwor -> if isLast then [mkEnemy Worluk <$> (position <$> head players)] else [] _ -> [] else [] (lw,lh) = levelSize level playerInit = take numPlayers [(YellowWorrior,keySet1,1),(BlueWorrior,keySet2,0)] (players,bulletSources) <- fmap unzip $ forM (zip playerInit [0..]) $ \((worType,keySet,pix),lix) -> do shoot <- edge (keyShoot . keySet <$> keyPress) (player,_respawn) <- switcher . flip fmap lives $ \ls -> do let (pedir,py,px) = entrances level !! pix playerInit = (newActor worType (V (px*fieldSize) ((lh-py-1)*fieldSize))) { action = Entering pedir False , facing = [East,West] !! pix } respawn plr = ls !! lix > 1 && null (animation plr) if ls !! lix == 0 then return (pure (playerInit { animation = [] }),pure False) else do plr <- transfer3 playerInit (movePlayer level) (keyDir . keySet <$> keyPress) shoot enemies' return (plr, respawn <$> plr) bulletSource <- generator (mkShot <$> shoot <*> player) return (player,bulletSource) newBullets <- memo (concat <$> sequence bulletSources) bullets <- collection newBullets (notHitAnything level <$> enemies') let shooters = fmap (map fst) . sequence =<< newBullets initialEnemies <- replicateM enemyCount (mkEnemy Burwor (V (-3*fieldSize) (-3*fieldSize))) spawnedEnemies <- generator (sequence <$> (sequence . spawnEnemies =<< enemies')) enemySource <- delay initialEnemies spawnedEnemies enemies <- collection enemySource (pure (not . null . animation)) enemies' <- delay [] enemies return (LevelState level <$> (liftA2 (++) (sequence players) enemies) <*> bullets <*> shooters ,null <$> enemies ) bullet src pos dir = fmap ((,) src) <$> stateful pos (+3*dirVec dir) enemy newActor moveSpeed level bullets (V playerX playerY) = mdo let actorInit = (newActor (fromIntegral fieldSize*startPos)) { speed = moveSpeed, animSpeed = 4 } startPos = if abs (startX-playerX `div` fieldSize) < 3 && abs (startY-playerY `div` fieldSize) < 3 then V ((startX + lw `div` 2) `mod` lw) ((startY + lh `div` 2) `mod` lh) else V startX startY (lw,lh) = levelSize level startX <- (`mod` lw) <$> getRandom startY <- (`mod` lh) <$> getRandom startDir <- toEnum . (`mod` 4) <$> getRandom dirNoise <- noise actorInput <- startDir --> newDir level <$> dirNoise <*> actor' actor <- transfer2 actorInit (moveEnemy level) actorInput bullets actor' <- delay actorInit actor return actor notHitAnything lev es (_,pos@(V px py)) = (sy < fieldMid-bs || North `elem` legals) && (sx < fieldMid-bs || East `elem` legals) && (sy > -fieldMid+bs || South `elem` legals) && (sx > -fieldMid+bs || West `elem` legals) && not hitExplosion where legals = legalMovesAt lev (fieldPos pos) (sx,sy) = fieldSub pos bs = 3 hitExplosion = any hitBy es hitBy e = isDead e && abs (ex-px) < fieldMid && abs (ey-py) < fieldMid where V ex ey = position e newDir lev rnd act = if canMove lev act && (isHalfway || rnd `mod` 1000 < 500) then Nothing else Just pickedDir where legal = legalMovesAt lev (fieldPos (position act)) dirPool = if length legal < 2 then legal else legal \\ [turnBack (facing act)] pickedDir = dirPool !! (rnd `mod` length dirPool) isHalfway = halfway (fieldSub (position act)) (facing act) movePlayer level mov shoot enemies plr = case action plr of Entering dir False -> let startMoving = isJust mov in plr { action = Entering dir startMoving , position = position plr + if startMoving then dirVec dir else 0 } Entering dir True -> if fieldSub (position plr) == (0,0) then plr { action = Walking } else plr { position = position plr + dirVec dir } _ -> case mov of Nothing -> if action plr' /= Walking then animate plr' else plr' Just dir -> animate (if isAlive plr then move level dir plr' else plr') where plr' = case killed of _ | isDead plr -> plr Just enemy -> plr { animation = deathAnimation (skin plr) , action = KilledBy (actorType enemy) , animSpeed = 6 } _ | shoot -> plr { animation = shootAnimation (skin plr) , action = Shooting } otherwise -> plr killed = find ((==getXY plr).getXY) [enemy | enemy <- enemies, isAlive enemy] getXY = fieldPos.position moveEnemy level dir bs act = animate (mv act') where act' = case hit of Just (killer,_) -> act { animation = deathAnimation (skin act) , action = KilledBy killer } Nothing -> act mv = if isAlive act' then move level dir else id hit = find hitBy bs V px py = position act hitBy (_,(V bx by)) = abs (bx-px) < fieldMid && abs (by-py) < fieldMid move :: Level -> Direction -> Actor -> Actor move lev dir ent = mv ent $ fmap snd . find fst $ [(isHalfway dir || isAtMid && dirIsLegal, dir) ,(not isAtMid && dirIsLegal, dir') ,(isHalfway entDir || legalMove entDir, entDir) ] where mv e Nothing = e mv e (Just d) = e { position = position e + fromIntegral (speed e) * dirVec d , facing = d } dirIsLegal = legalMove dir legalMove d = d `elem` legalMovesAt lev (fieldPos (position ent)) isAtMid = atFieldMid sub dir isHalfway = halfway sub sub@(sx,sy) = fieldSub (position ent) entDir = facing ent dir' = case entDir of North | sy > 0 -> South East | sx > 0 -> West South | sy < 0 -> North West | sx < 0 -> East otherwise -> entDir canMove :: Level -> Actor -> Bool canMove lev ent = halfway || facing ent `elem` legalMovesAt lev (fieldPos (position ent)) where (sx,sy) = fieldSub (position ent) halfway = sx /= 0 || sy /= 0 legalMovesAt lev pos = legalMoves lev ! ix pos where ix (x,y) = (snd (levelSize lev)-1-y,x) animate :: Actor -> Actor animate ent = let ent' = ent { tick = (tick ent+1) `mod` animSpeed ent } adv = if tick ent' == 0 then 1 else 0 animation' = drop adv (animation ent') in case action ent' of Entering _ _ -> ent' Walking -> ent' { animation = animation' } Shooting -> if null animation' then ent' { animation = walkAnimation (skin ent') , action = Walking } else ent' { animation = animation' } KilledBy _ -> ent' { animation = animation' } dirVec North = V 0 1 dirVec East = V 1 0 dirVec South = V 0 (-1) dirVec West = V (-1) 0