dph-prim-par- Parallel Primitives for Data-Parallel Haskell.




Distributed types and operations.


Gang operations

data Gang Source

A Gang is a group of threads which execute arbitrary work requests. To get the gang to do work, write Req-uest values to its MVars


forkGang :: Int -> IO GangSource

Fork a Gang with the given number of threads (at least 1).

gangSize :: Gang -> IntSource

The number of threads in the Gang.

Gang hacks

Distributed types and classes

class DT a whereSource

Class of distributable types. Instances of DT can be distributed across all workers of a Gang. All such types must be hyperstrict as we do not want to pass thunks into distributed computations.

Associated Types

data Dist a Source

data MDist a :: * -> *Source


indexD :: Dist a -> Int -> aSource

Extract a single element of an immutable distributed value.

newMD :: Gang -> ST s (MDist a s)Source

Create an unitialised distributed value for the given Gang. The gang is used (only) to know how many elements are needed in the distributed value.

readMD :: MDist a s -> Int -> ST s aSource

Extract an element from a mutable distributed value.

writeMD :: MDist a s -> Int -> a -> ST s ()Source

Write an element of a mutable distributed value.

unsafeFreezeMD :: MDist a s -> ST s (Dist a)Source

Unsafely freeze a mutable distributed value.

deepSeqD :: a -> b -> bSource

sizeD :: Dist a -> IntSource

Number of elements in the distributed value. For debugging only, as we shouldn't depend on the size of the gang.

sizeMD :: MDist a s -> IntSource

Number of elements in the mutable distributed value. For debugging only, as we shouldn't care about the actual number.

measureD :: a -> StringSource

Show a distributed value. For debugging only.


DT Bool 
DT Char 
DT Double 
DT Float 
DT Int 
DT Word8 
DT () 
DT USegd 
DT a => DT (Maybe a) 
Unbox a => DT (Vector a) 
(DT a, DT b) => DT (a, b) 

Higher-order combinators

mapD :: (DT a, DT b) => Gang -> (a -> b) -> Dist a -> Dist bSource

Map a function over a distributed value.

zipWithD :: (DT a, DT b, DT c) => Gang -> (a -> b -> c) -> Dist a -> Dist b -> Dist cSource

Combine two distributed values with the given function.

foldD :: DT a => Gang -> (a -> a -> a) -> Dist a -> aSource

Fold a distributed value.

scanD :: forall a. DT a => Gang -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Dist a -> (Dist a, a)Source

Prefix sum of a distributed value.


eqD :: (Eq a, DT a) => Gang -> Dist a -> Dist a -> BoolSource

Test whether to distributed values are equal. This requires a Gang and hence can't be defined in terms of Eq.

neqD :: (Eq a, DT a) => Gang -> Dist a -> Dist a -> BoolSource

Test whether to distributed values are not equal. This requires a Gang and hence can't be defined in terms of Eq.

Distributed scalars

scalarD :: DT a => Gang -> a -> Dist aSource

Distribute a scalar. Each thread gets its own copy of the same value.

andD :: Gang -> Dist Bool -> BoolSource

AND together all instances of a distributed Bool.

orD :: Gang -> Dist Bool -> BoolSource

OR together all instances of a distributed Bool.

sumD :: (Num a, DT a) => Gang -> Dist a -> aSource

Sum all instances of a distributed number.

Distributed pairs

zipD :: (DT a, DT b) => Dist a -> Dist b -> Dist (a, b)Source

Pairing of distributed values. The two values must belong to the same Gang.

unzipD :: (DT a, DT b) => Dist (a, b) -> (Dist a, Dist b)Source

Unpairing of distributed values.

fstD :: (DT a, DT b) => Dist (a, b) -> Dist aSource

Extract the first elements of a distributed pair.

sndD :: (DT a, DT b) => Dist (a, b) -> Dist bSource

Extract the second elements of a distributed pair.

Distributed arrays

lengthD :: Unbox a => Dist (Vector a) -> Dist IntSource

Yield the distributed length of a distributed array.

splitLenD :: Gang -> Int -> Dist IntSource

Distribute an array length over a Gang. Each thread holds the number of elements it's reponsible for.

splitLenIdxD :: Gang -> Int -> Dist (Int, Int)Source

Distribute an array length over a Gang. Each thread holds the number of elements it's responsible for, and the index of the start of its chunk.

splitD :: Unbox a => Gang -> Distribution -> Vector a -> Dist (Vector a)Source

Distribute an array over a Gang.

NOTE: This is defined in terms of splitD_impl to avoid introducing loops through RULES. Without it, splitJoinD would be a loop breaker.

splitAsD :: Unbox a => Gang -> Dist Int -> Vector a -> Dist (Vector a)Source

Distribute an array over a Gang such that each threads gets the given number of elements.

joinLengthD :: Unbox a => Gang -> Dist (Vector a) -> IntSource

Get the overall length of a distributed array. We ask each thread for its chunk length, and sum them all up.

joinD :: Unbox a => Gang -> Distribution -> Dist (Vector a) -> Vector aSource

Join a distributed array.

NOTE: This is defined in terms of joinD_impl to avoid introducing loops through RULES. Without it, splitJoinD would be a loop breaker.

splitJoinD :: (Unbox a, Unbox b) => Gang -> (Dist (Vector a) -> Dist (Vector b)) -> Vector a -> Vector bSource

Split a vector over a gang, run a distributed computation, then join the pieces together again.

joinDM :: Unbox a => Gang -> Dist (Vector a) -> ST s (MVector s a)Source

Join a distributed array, yielding a mutable global array

data Distribution Source

This is a phantom parameter used to record whether a distributed value is balanced evenly among the threads. It's used to signal this property between RULES, but the actual value is never used.


permuteD :: forall a. Unbox a => Gang -> Dist (Vector a) -> Dist (Vector Int) -> Vector aSource

Permute for distributed arrays.

atomicUpdateD :: forall a. Unbox a => Gang -> Dist (Vector a) -> Dist (Vector (Int, a)) -> Vector aSource


fromD :: DT a => Gang -> Dist a -> [a]Source

Yield all elements of a distributed value. NOTE: For debugging only, don't use in production code.

toD :: DT a => Gang -> [a] -> Dist aSource

Generate a distributed value from the first p elements of a list. NOTE: For debugging only, don't use in production code.

debugD :: DT a => Dist a -> StringSource

Show all members of a distributed value.