#include "fusion-phases.h"

-- | Parallel selectors.
module Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Parallel.UPSel (
  -- * Types
  UPSel2, UPSelRep2,

  -- * Operations on segment descriptors
  tagsUPSel2, indicesUPSel2, elementsUPSel2_0, elementsUPSel2_1,
  selUPSel2, repUPSel2, mkUPSel2,
  mkUPSelRep2, indicesUPSelRep2, elementsUPSelRep2_0, elementsUPSelRep2_1,
) where
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.Vector as Seq
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.USel
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed
import Data.Array.Parallel.Base (Tag, tagToInt)

-- | Contains a selector `USel2`, as well as an `USelRep2` which says how 
--   to distribute this selector across the PEs. 
--   See @dph-prim-seq:Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.Segmented.USel@
--   for more discussion of what selectors are for.
data UPSel2 
        = UPSel2 
        { upsel2_usel :: USel2
        , upsel2_rep  :: UPSelRep2 }

-- | A `UPSelRep2` describes how to distribute the two data vectors
--   corresponding to a `UPSel2` across several PEs.
--   Suppose we want to perform the following combine operation:
-- @
--    combine [0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1] [A0,A1,A2,A3,A4] [B0,B1,B2,B3] 
--     = [A0,A1,B0,B1,A2,B2,A3,A4,B3]
-- @
--   The first array is the tags array, that says which of the data arrays to
--   get each successive element from. As `combine` is difficult to compute
--   in parallel, if we are going to perform several combines with the same
--   tag array, we can precompute a selector that tells us where to get each
--   element. The selector contains the original tags, as well as the source
--   index telling us where to get each element for the result array.
-- @
--    [0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1]      -- tags    (which data vector to take the elem from)
--    [0,1,0,1,2,2,3,4,3]      -- indices (where in the vector to take the elem from)
-- @
--  Suppose we want to distribute the combine operation across 3 PEs. It's
--  easy to split the selector like so:
-- @       
--     PE0                PE1               PE2
--    [0,0,1]            [1,0,1]           [0,0,1]   -- tags
--    [0,1,0]            [1,2,2]           [3,4,3]   -- indices
-- @
--  We now need to split the two data arrays. Each PE needs slices of the data
--  arrays that correspond to the parts of the selector that were given to it.
--  For the current example we get:
-- @
--    PE0                PE1               PE2
--    [A0,A1]            [A2]              [A3,A4]
--    [B0]               [B1,B2]           [B3]
-- @
--  The `UPSelRep2` contains the starting index and length of each of of these
--  slices:
-- @
--         PE0                PE1               PE2
--    ((0, 0), (2, 1))   ((2, 1), (1, 2))  ((3, 3), (2, 1))
--    indices   lens      indices  lens    indices  lens
-- @
type UPSelRep2
        = Dist ((Int,Int), (Int,Int))

-- | O(1). Get the tags of a selector.
tagsUPSel2 :: UPSel2 -> Vector Tag
{-# INLINE tagsUPSel2 #-}
tagsUPSel2 = tagsUSel2 .  upsel2_usel

-- | O(1). Get the indices of a selector.
indicesUPSel2 :: UPSel2 -> Vector Int
{-# INLINE indicesUPSel2 #-}
indicesUPSel2 = indicesUSel2 . upsel2_usel

-- | O(1). TODO: What is this for?
elementsUPSel2_0 :: UPSel2 -> Int
{-# INLINE elementsUPSel2_0 #-}
elementsUPSel2_0 = elementsUSel2_0 . upsel2_usel

-- | O(1). TODO: What is this for?
elementsUPSel2_1 :: UPSel2 -> Int
{-# INLINE elementsUPSel2_1 #-}
elementsUPSel2_1 = elementsUSel2_1 . upsel2_usel

-- | O(1). TODO: What is this for?
selUPSel2 :: UPSel2 -> USel2
{-# INLINE selUPSel2 #-}
selUPSel2 = upsel2_usel

-- | O(1). TODO: What is this for?
repUPSel2 :: UPSel2 -> UPSelRep2
{-# INLINE repUPSel2 #-}
repUPSel2 = upsel2_rep

-- Representation selectors ---------------------------------------------------

-- | Computes a `UPSelRep2` from an array of tags. This is used when parallelising
--   a `combine` operation. See the docs for `UPSelRep2` for details.
mkUPSelRep2 :: Vector Tag -> UPSelRep2
{-# INLINE mkUPSelRep2 #-}
mkUPSelRep2 tags = zipD idxs lens
    lens = mapD   theGang count
         $ splitD theGang balanced tags

    idxs = fst
         $ scanD theGang add (0,0) lens

    count bs = let ones = Seq.sum (Seq.map tagToInt bs)
               in (Seq.length bs - ones,ones)

    add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (x1+x2, y1+y2)

indicesUPSelRep2 :: Vector Tag -> UPSelRep2 -> Vector Int
{-# INLINE indicesUPSelRep2 #-}
indicesUPSelRep2 tags rep = joinD theGang balanced
                          $ zipWithD theGang indices
                                             (splitD theGang balanced tags)
    indices tags ((i,j), (m,n))
      = Seq.combine2ByTag tags (Seq.enumFromStepLen i 1 m)
                               (Seq.enumFromStepLen j 1 n)

-- | O(n).
elementsUPSelRep2_0 :: Vector Tag -> UPSelRep2 -> Int
{-# INLINE elementsUPSelRep2_0 #-}
elementsUPSelRep2_0 _ = sumD theGang . fstD . sndD

-- | O(n).
elementsUPSelRep2_1 :: Vector Tag -> UPSelRep2 -> Int
{-# INLINE elementsUPSelRep2_1 #-}
elementsUPSelRep2_1 _ = sumD theGang . sndD . sndD

-- | O(1). Construct a selector. Wrapper for `UPSel2`.
mkUPSel2 :: Vector Tag -> Vector Int -> Int -> Int -> UPSelRep2 -> UPSel2
{-# INLINE mkUPSel2 #-}
mkUPSel2 tags is n0 n1 rep = UPSel2 (mkUSel2 tags is n0 n1) rep