dph-prim-par- Data Parallel Haskell segmented arrays. (production version)

Safe HaskellNone




Parallel combinators for segmented unboxed arrays


Scattered indexing

indexsFromVector :: Unbox a => Vector a -> Vector Int -> Vector aSource

Lookup elements from a Vector.

TODO: make this parallel.

indexsFromVectorsUPVSegdP :: (Unbox a, Unboxes a) => Vectors a -> UPVSegd -> Vector (Int, Int) -> Vector aSource

Lookup elements from some Vectors through a UPVSegd.

TODO: make this parallel.

indexsFromVectorsUPVSegd :: (Unbox a, Unboxes a) => Vectors a -> UPVSegd -> Vector (Int, Int) -> Vector aSource

Lookup elements from some Vectors through a UPVSegd

Scattered extracts

extractsFromNestedUPSSegd :: Unbox a => UPSSegd -> Vector (Vector a) -> Vector aSource

Copy segments from a nested vectors and concatenate them into a new array.

extractsFromVectorsUPSSegd :: (Unbox a, Unboxes a) => UPSSegd -> Vectors a -> Vector aSource

TODO: make this parallel.

extractsFromVectorsUPVSegdP :: (Unbox a, Unboxes a) => UPVSegd -> Vectors a -> Vector aSource

Parallel extracts from UPVSegd and Segmap TODO: This just distributes the segmap over the gang, and will be unbalanced if there aren't many segments, or they have varying sizes.

extractsFromVectorsUPVSegd :: (Unbox a, Unboxes a) => UPVSegd -> Vectors a -> Vector aSource

Sequential extracts from UPVSegd.

extractsFromVectorsUPSSegdSegmap :: (Unbox a, Unboxes a) => UPSSegd -> Vectors a -> Vector Int -> Vector aSource

Sequential extracts from USSegd and Segmap