Safe Haskell | None |
Monadic FRP basic definitions and composition functions.
See the paper Monadic Functional Reactive Programming by Atze van der Ploeg. Haskell Symposium '13.
An example can be found at
Notice that currently Monadic FRP relies on a closed union (ADT) of basic events, which has the following downsides:
- Reactive level sharing requires an explicit call to a memoization function.
- Reactive level recursion is problematic.
A function preprended with i indices a initialized signal variant of an signal computation function.
- data Event a
- type EvReqs e = Set e
- type EvOccs e = Set e
- data React e alpha
- exper :: e -> React e e
- interpret :: Monad m => (EvReqs e -> m (EvOccs e)) -> React e a -> m a
- newtype Sig e a b = Sig (React e (ISig e a b))
- data ISig e a b
- interpretSig :: Monad m => (EvReqs e -> m (EvOccs e)) -> (a -> m r) -> Sig e a b -> m b
- first :: Ord e => React e a -> React e b -> React e (React e a, React e b)
- parR :: Ord e => React e a -> React e b -> React e (React e a, React e b)
- update :: Ord e => React e a -> EvOccs e -> React e a
- repeat :: React e a -> Sig e a b
- spawn :: Sig e t t1 -> Sig e (ISig e t t1) b
- map :: (t -> a) -> Sig e t b -> Sig e a b
- imap :: (t -> a) -> ISig e t b -> ISig e a b
- scanl :: (a -> t -> a) -> a -> Sig e t t1 -> Sig e a t1
- iscanl :: (a -> t -> a) -> a -> Sig e t t1 -> ISig e a t1
- break :: (a -> Bool) -> Sig e a b -> Sig e a (ISig e a b)
- ibreak :: (a -> Bool) -> ISig e a b -> ISig e a (ISig e a b)
- foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Sig e b r -> React e a
- ifoldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> ISig e b r -> React e a
- find :: (a -> Bool) -> Sig t a t1 -> React t (Maybe a)
- at :: Ord t => Sig t a t1 -> React t b -> React t (Maybe a)
- until :: Ord e => Sig e a t -> React e b -> Sig e a (Sig e a t, React e b)
- iuntil :: Ord t => ISig t a b -> React t alpha -> ISig t a (ISig t a b, React t alpha)
- (<^>) :: Ord e => Sig e (t -> a) b -> Sig e t t1 -> Sig e a (ISig e (t -> a) b, ISig e t t1)
- pairs :: Ord e => ISig e t1 b -> ISig e t2 t -> ISig e (t1, t2) (ISig e t1 b, ISig e t2 t)
- bothStart :: Ord t4 => Sig t4 t t1 -> Sig t4 t2 t3 -> React t4 (ISig t4 t t1, ISig t4 t2 t3)
- indexBy :: (Show a, Ord e) => Sig e a l -> Sig e b r -> Sig e a ()
- iindexBy :: Ord e => ISig e a b -> Sig e t t1 -> Sig e a ()
- emitAll :: ISig e a b -> Sig e a b
- emit :: a -> Sig e a ()
- always :: a -> Sig e a b
- waitFor :: React e b -> Sig e a b
- hold :: Sig e a b
- res :: Sig t t1 b -> React t b
- ires :: ISig t t1 b -> React t b
- cur :: Sig t a t1 -> Maybe a
- icur :: ISig t a t1 -> Maybe a
- done :: React t a -> Maybe a
- done' :: React t c -> c
- cons :: Ord e => ISig e a l -> ISig e [a] r -> ISig e [a] ()
- parList :: Ord e => Sig e (ISig e a l) r -> Sig e [a] ()
- iparList :: Ord e => Sig e (ISig e a l) r -> ISig e [a] ()
- memo :: Ord e => React e a -> React e a
- memoSig :: Ord e => Sig e a b -> Sig e a b
- imemoSig :: Ord e => ISig e a b -> ISig e a b
Basic definitions
A reactive computation
interpret :: Monad m => (EvReqs e -> m (EvOccs e)) -> React e a -> m aSource
The interpreter for reactive computations. The first argument is a function that answers event requests in the monad m, the second is the reactive computation.
A signal computation is a reactive computation of an initialized signal
An initialized signal
interpretSig :: Monad m => (EvReqs e -> m (EvOccs e)) -> (a -> m r) -> Sig e a b -> m bSource
The interpreter for signal computations taking three arguments:
- a function that answers event requests in the monad m
- a function that processes the emitted values in the monad m
- the signal computation.
first :: Ord e => React e a -> React e b -> React e (React e a, React e b)Source
Run two reactive computations in parallel until either completes, and return the new state of both.
Notice that
flip first == first
update :: Ord e => React e a -> EvOccs e -> React e aSource
Call the continuation function of a reactive computation if it awaits at least one of the event occurences.
repeat :: React e a -> Sig e a bSource
Repeat the given reactive computation indefinitely, each time emitting its result.
spawn :: Sig e t t1 -> Sig e (ISig e t t1) bSource
Repeat the given signal computation indefinitely, each time emitting its initialized signal result.
map :: (t -> a) -> Sig e t b -> Sig e a bSource
Transform the emmited values of a signal computation by applying the function to each of them.
imap :: (t -> a) -> ISig e t b -> ISig e a bSource
Transform the emmited values of an initialized signal computation by applying the function to each of them.
scanl :: (a -> t -> a) -> a -> Sig e t t1 -> Sig e a t1Source
The list function scanl is similar to foldl, but returns a list of successive reduced values instead of a single value. the signal variant works analogously.
break :: (a -> Bool) -> Sig e a b -> Sig e a (ISig e a b)Source
Run the signal computation as long as the given predicate does not hold on the emitted values. Once a value is emmited on which the predicate holds, the rest of the signal computation is returned.
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Sig e b r -> React e aSource
|foldl| on signal computations behaves the same as waiting for the signal computation to end and then applying the fold
on the list of emitted values.
find :: (a -> Bool) -> Sig t a t1 -> React t (Maybe a)Source
Find the first emmited value on which the predicate hold.
at :: Ord t => Sig t a t1 -> React t b -> React t (Maybe a)Source
Sample the form of the signal computation at the time the reactive computation completes
until :: Ord e => Sig e a t -> React e b -> Sig e a (Sig e a t, React e b)Source
Run the signal computation until the reactive computation completes, and return the new state of both computations.
(<^>) :: Ord e => Sig e (t -> a) b -> Sig e t t1 -> Sig e a (ISig e (t -> a) b, ISig e t t1)Source
Apply the values from the second signal computation to the values from the first signal computation over time. When one ends, the new state of both is returned.
pairs :: Ord e => ISig e t1 b -> ISig e t2 t -> ISig e (t1, t2) (ISig e t1 b, ISig e t2 t)Source
Emitted the pairs of the emitted values from both signal computations over time. When one ends, the new state of both is returned.
bothStart :: Ord t4 => Sig t4 t t1 -> Sig t4 t2 t3 -> React t4 (ISig t4 t t1, ISig t4 t2 t3)Source
Wait for both signal computation to become initialized, and then return both their initizialized signals.
indexBy :: (Show a, Ord e) => Sig e a l -> Sig e b r -> Sig e a ()Source
Sample the former signal computation each time the later emits a value.
res :: Sig t t1 b -> React t bSource
Convert the result of a signal computation to a reactive computation.
ires :: ISig t t1 b -> React t bSource
Convert the result of an initialized signal a reactive computation.
Dynamic lists
cons :: Ord e => ISig e a l -> ISig e [a] r -> ISig e [a] ()Source
Cons the values from the first signal computation to the values form the latter signal computation over time.
parList :: Ord e => Sig e (ISig e a l) r -> Sig e [a] ()Source
Run the initialized signals from the given signal computation in parallel, and emit the lists of the current form of all alive initialized signals.
memo :: Ord e => React e a -> React e aSource
Memoize the continuation function of the reactive computation, and the continuation function of all next states.