{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Dropbox (
    -- * Configuration
    localeEn, localeEs, localeFr, localeDe, localeJp,
    -- * HTTP connection manager
    -- * OAuth
    -- * Get user account info
    getAccountInfo, AccountInfo(..),
    -- * Get file/folder metadata
    getMetadata, getMetadataWithChildren, getMetadataWithChildrenIfChanged,
    Meta(..), MetaBase(..), MetaExtra(..), FolderContents(..), FileExtra(..),
    FolderHash(..), FileRevision(..),
    -- * Upload/download files
    getFile, getFileBs,
    putFile, WriteMode(..),
    -- * Common data types
    fileRevisionToString, folderHashToString,
    ErrorMessage, URL, Path,
    RequestBody(..), bsRequestBody, bsSink,
) where

- Proper return values for 404, 406, oauth unlinked, etc.

import Network.HTTP.Base (urlEncode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8 (toString, fromString)
import qualified Data.URLEncoded as URLEncoded
import qualified Network.URI as URI
import Data.URLEncoded (URLEncoded)
import qualified Text.JSON as JSON
import Text.JSON (JSON, readJSON, showJSON)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Format (parseTime, formatTime)
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT, MonadUnsafeIO, MonadThrow, MonadResource(..), runResourceT, allocate)
import Data.Conduit (Sink, Source, ($=), ($$+-))
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as HC
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HT
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Header as HT
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder.ByteString as BlazeBS

import Dropbox.Certificates

type ErrorMessage = String

type URL = String

-- |Dropbox file and folder paths.  Should always start with "/".
type Path = String

apiVersion = "1"

-- |The type of folder access your Dropbox application uses (<https://www.dropbox.com/developers/start/core>).
data AccessType
    = AccessTypeDropbox   -- ^Full access to the user's entire Dropbox
    | AccessTypeAppFolder -- ^Access to an application-specific \"app folder\" within the user's Dropbox
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- |Your application's Dropbox \"app key\" and \"app secret\".
data AppId = AppId String String deriving (Show, Eq)

-- |An OAuth request token (returned by 'authStart')
data RequestToken = RequestToken String String deriving (Show, Eq)

-- |An OAuth request token (returned by 'authFinish', used to construct a 'Session')
data AccessToken = AccessToken String String deriving (Show, Eq)

accessTypePath :: AccessType -> String
accessTypePath AccessTypeDropbox = "dropbox"
accessTypePath AccessTypeAppFolder = "sandbox"

accessTypeRoot :: AccessType -> String
accessTypeRoot AccessTypeDropbox = "dropbox"
accessTypeRoot AccessTypeAppFolder = "app_folder"

-- |The set of hosts that serve the Dropbox API.  Just use 'hostsDefault'.
data Hosts = Hosts
    { hostsWeb :: String         -- ^The Dropbox API web host (for OAuth step 2)
    , hostsApi :: String         -- ^The Dropbox API endpoint for most non-content-transferring calls.
    , hostsApiContent :: String  -- ^The Dropbox API endpoint for most content-transferring calls.
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- |The standard set of hosts that serve the Dropbox API.  Used to create a 'Config'.
hostsDefault :: Hosts
hostsDefault = Hosts
    { hostsWeb = "www.dropbox.com"
    , hostsApi = "api.dropbox.com"
    , hostsApiContent = "api-content.dropbox.com"

-- |Specifies a locale (the string is a two-letter locale code)
newtype Locale = Locale String deriving (Show, Eq)

-- |English (American) (\"en\").
localeEn :: Locale
localeEn = Locale "en"

-- |Spanish (\"es\").
localeEs :: Locale
localeEs = Locale "es"

-- |French (\"fr\").
localeFr :: Locale
localeFr = Locale "fr"

-- |German (\"de\").
localeDe :: Locale
localeDe = Locale "de"

-- |Japanese (\"jp\").
localeJp :: Locale
localeJp = Locale "jp"

-- |The configuration used to make API calls.  You typically create
-- one of these via the 'config' helper function.
data Config = Config
    { configHosts :: Hosts           -- ^The hosts to connect to (just use 'hostsDefault').
    , configUserLocale :: Locale     -- ^The locale that the Dropbox service should use when returning user-visible strings.
    , configAppId :: AppId           -- ^Your app's key/secret
    , configAccessType :: AccessType -- ^The type of folder access your Dropbox application uses.
    } deriving (Show)

-- |A convenience function that constructs a 'Config'.  It's in the 'IO' monad because we read from
-- a file to get the list of trusted SSL certificates, which is used to verify the server over SSL.
mkConfig ::
    -> String      -- ^Your Dropbox app key
    -> String      -- ^Your Dropbox app secret
    -> AccessType  -- ^'configAccessType'
    -> IO Config
mkConfig userLocale appKey appSecret accessType = do
    return $ Config
        { configHosts = hostsDefault
        , configUserLocale = userLocale
        , configAppId = AppId appKey appSecret
        , configAccessType = accessType

-- |Contains a 'Config' and an 'AccessToken'.  Every API call (after OAuth is complete)
-- requires this as an argument.
data Session = Session
    { sessionConfig :: Config
    , sessionAccessToken :: AccessToken  -- ^The 'AccessToken' obtained from 'authFinish'

-- Authentication/Authorization

buildOAuthHeaderNoToken (AppId consumerKey consumerSecret) =
    "OAuth oauth_version=\"1.0\", oauth_signature_method=\"PLAINTEXT\""
    ++ ", oauth_consumer_key=\"" ++ urlEncode consumerKey ++ "\""
    ++ ", oauth_signature=\"" ++ sig ++ "\""
        sig = urlEncode consumerSecret ++ "&"

buildOAuthHeader (AppId consumerKey consumerSecret) (signingKey, signingSecret) =
    "OAuth oauth_version=\"1.0\", oauth_signature_method=\"PLAINTEXT\""
    ++ ", oauth_consumer_key=\"" ++ urlEncode consumerKey ++ "\""
    ++ ", oauth_token=\"" ++ urlEncode signingKey ++ "\""
    ++ ", oauth_signature=\"" ++ sig ++ "\""
        sig = urlEncode consumerSecret ++ "&" ++ urlEncode signingSecret

-- |OAuth step 1.  If successful, returns a 'RequestToken' (to be used with
-- 'authFinish' eventually) and an authorization URL that you should redirect the user
-- to next.  If you provide a callback URL (optional), then the authorization URL you
-- send the user to will redirect to your callback URL after the user authorizes your
-- application.
authStart ::
    Manager      -- ^The HTTP connection manager to use.
    -> Config
    -> Maybe URL -- ^The callback URL (optional)
    -> IO (Either ErrorMessage (RequestToken, URL))
authStart mgr config callback = do
    result <- httpClientGet mgr uri oauthHeader (mkHandler handler)
    return $ mergeLefts result
        Locale locale = configUserLocale config
        host = hostsApi (configHosts config)
        webHost = hostsWeb (configHosts config)
        consumerPair = configAppId config
        uri = "https://" ++ host ++ ":443/" ++ apiVersion ++ "/oauth/request_token?locale=" ++ urlEncode locale
        oauthHeader = buildOAuthHeaderNoToken consumerPair

        -- The handler is a callback that is executed on the response
        -- In case the OK:
        handler 200 _ body = do
            let sBody = UTF8.toString body  -- toString should return a Maybe, but it doesn't.  You too, Haskell?
            case parseTokenParts sBody of
                Left err -> Left $ "couldn't understand response from Dropbox: " ++ err
                Right requestToken@(RequestToken requestTokenKey _) -> do
                    let authorizeUrl = "https://" ++ webHost ++ "/"++apiVersion++"/oauth/authorize?locale=" ++ urlEncode locale ++ "&oauth_token=" ++ urlEncode requestTokenKey ++ callbackSuffix
                    Right (requestToken, authorizeUrl)
        -- In case of an error:
        handler code reason body = Left $ "server returned " ++ show code ++ ": " ++ show reason ++ ": " ++ show body
        callbackSuffix = case callback of
            Nothing -> ""
            Just callbackUrl -> "&oauth_callback=" ++ urlEncode callbackUrl
        parseTokenParts :: String -> Either String RequestToken
        parseTokenParts s = do
            enc <- URLEncoded.importString s
            key <- requireKey enc "oauth_token"
            secret <- requireKey enc "oauth_token_secret"
            return $ RequestToken key secret

-- |OAuth step 3.  Once you've directed the user to the authorization URL from 'authStart'
-- and the user has authorized your app, call this function to get a 'RequestToken', which
-- is used to make Dropbox API calls.
authFinish ::
    Manager          -- ^The HTTP connection manager to use.
    -> Config
    -> RequestToken  -- ^The 'RequestToken' obtained from 'authStart'
    -> IO (Either ErrorMessage (AccessToken, String))
        -- ^The 'AccessToken' used to make Dropbox API calls and the user's Dropbox user ID.
authFinish mgr config (RequestToken rtKey rtSecret) = do
    result <- httpClientGet mgr uri oauthHeader (mkHandler handler)
    return $ mergeLefts result
        host = hostsApi (configHosts config)
        (Locale locale) = configUserLocale config
        consumerPair = configAppId config
        uri = "https://" ++ host ++ ":443/"++apiVersion++"/oauth/access_token?locale=" ++ urlEncode locale
        oauthHeader = buildOAuthHeader consumerPair (rtKey, rtSecret)
        handler 200 _ body = do
            let sBody = UTF8.toString body  -- toString should return a Maybe, but it doesn't.  You too, Haskell?
            case parseResponse sBody of
                Left err -> Left $ "couldn't understand response from Dropbox: " ++ err
                Right value -> Right value
        handler code reason body = Left $ "server returned " ++ show code ++ ": " ++ show reason ++ ": " ++ show body
        parseResponse :: String -> Either String (AccessToken, String)
        parseResponse s = do
            enc <- URLEncoded.importString s
            key <- requireKey enc "oauth_token"
            secret <- requireKey enc "oauth_token_secret"
            userId <- requireKey enc "uid"
            return $ (AccessToken key secret, userId)

requireKey :: URLEncoded -> String -> Either String String
requireKey enc name = case URLEncoded.lookup name enc of
    Just value -> return value
    Nothing -> Left $ "missing parameter \"" ++ name ++ "\""


dbTimeFormat = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"

dbFormatTime = formatTime defaultTimeLocale dbTimeFormat
dbParseTime = parseTime defaultTimeLocale dbTimeFormat

-- JSON parse helpers
readJsonFieldT :: JSON a => String -> [(String, JSON.JSValue)] -> b -> (a -> b) -> JSON.Result b
readJsonFieldT a as d t = case lookup a as of
    Just jv -> do
        v <- readJSON jv
        return (t v)
    Nothing -> JSON.Ok d

readJsonFieldD :: JSON a => String -> [(String, JSON.JSValue)] -> a -> JSON.Result a
readJsonFieldD a as d = readJsonFieldT a as d id

readJsonField :: JSON a => String -> [(String, JSON.JSValue)] -> JSON.Result a
readJsonField a as = maybe (fail $ "missing field \"" ++ a ++ "\"") return (lookup a as) >>= readJSON

handleJsonBodyT :: JSON a => (a -> b) -> ByteString -> Either ErrorMessage b
handleJsonBodyT tf body = case JSON.decode $ UTF8.toString body of
    JSON.Ok v -> Right (tf v)
    JSON.Error err -> Left $ "couldn't parse response from Dropbox: " ++ err

handleJsonBody :: JSON a => ByteString -> Either ErrorMessage a
handleJsonBody = handleJsonBodyT id

-- GetAccountInfo

-- |Information about a user account.
data AccountInfo = AccountInfo
    { accountInfoUid :: Word64            -- ^Dropbox user ID
    , accountInfoDisplayName :: String    -- ^Full name (when displayed as a single string)
    , accountInfoCountry :: Maybe String  -- ^Two-letter country code, if available
    , accountInfoReferralUrl :: String    -- ^Dropbox referral link
    , accountInfoQuota :: Quota           -- ^Information about the storage quota
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

data Quota = Quota
    { quotaTotal :: Word64    -- ^Total space allocation (bytes)
    , quotaNormal :: Word64   -- ^Space used outside of shared folders (bytes)
    , quotaShared :: Word64   -- ^Space used in shared folders (bytes)
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

instance JSON AccountInfo where
    showJSON a = JSON.makeObj
        [ ("uid", showJSON $ accountInfoUid a)
        , ("display_name", showJSON $ accountInfoDisplayName a)
        , ("country", showJSON $ accountInfoCountry a)
        , ("referral_link", showJSON $ accountInfoReferralUrl a)
        , ("quota_info", showJSON $ accountInfoQuota a)
    readJSON (JSON.JSObject obj) = do
        uid <- readJsonField "uid" m
        displayName <- readJsonField "display_name" m
        country <- readJsonFieldT "country" m Nothing Just
        referralUrl <- readJsonField "referral_link" m
        quota <- readJsonField "quota_info" m
        return $ AccountInfo
            { accountInfoUid = uid
            , accountInfoDisplayName = displayName
            , accountInfoCountry = country
            , accountInfoReferralUrl = referralUrl
            , accountInfoQuota = quota
        where m = JSON.fromJSObject obj
    readJSON _ = fail "expecting an object"

instance JSON Quota where
    showJSON q = JSON.makeObj
        [ ("quota", showJSON $ quotaTotal q)
        , ("normal", showJSON $ quotaNormal q)
        , ("shared", showJSON $ quotaShared q)
    readJSON (JSON.JSObject obj) = do
        total <- readJsonField "quota" m
        normal <- readJsonField "normal" m
        shared <- readJsonField "shared" m
        return $ Quota
            { quotaTotal = total
            , quotaNormal = normal
            , quotaShared = shared
        where m = JSON.fromJSObject obj
    readJSON _ = fail "expecting an object"

-- |Retrieve information about the user account your 'AccessToken' is connected to.
getAccountInfo ::
    Manager     -- ^The HTTP connection manager to use.
    -> Session
    -> IO (Either ErrorMessage AccountInfo)
getAccountInfo mgr session = do
    result <- doGet mgr session hostsApi "account/info" [] (mkHandler handler)
    return $ mergeLefts result
        handler 200 _ body = handleJsonBody body
        handler code reason body = Left $ "non-200 response from Dropbox (" ++ (show code) ++ ":" ++ reason ++ ": " ++ (show body) ++ ")"

-- Metadata JSON

-- |The metadata for a file or folder.  'MetaBase' contains the metadata common to
-- files and folders.  'MetaExtra' contains the file-specific or folder-specific data.
data Meta = Meta MetaBase MetaExtra
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Metadata common to both files and folders.
data MetaBase = MetaBase
    { metaRoot :: AccessType  -- ^Matches the 'AccessType' of the app that retrieved the metadata.
    , metaPath :: String      -- ^The full path (starting with a \"/\") of the file or folder, relative to 'metaRoot'
    , metaIsDeleted :: Bool   -- ^Whether this metadata entry refers to a file that had been deleted when the entry was retrieved.
    , metaThumbnail :: Bool   -- ^Will be @True@ if this file might have a thumbnail, and @False@ if it definitely doesn't.
    , metaIcon :: String      -- ^The name of the icon used to illustrate this file type in Dropbox's icon library (<https://www.dropbox.com/static/images/dropbox-api-icons.zip>).
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Extra metadata (in addition to the stuff that's common to files and folders).
data MetaExtra
    = File FileExtra    -- ^Files have additional metadata
    | Folder            -- ^Folders do not have any additional metadata
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Represents a file's revision ('fileRevision').
newtype FileRevision = FileRevision String deriving (Eq, Show)
fileRevisionToString (FileRevision s) = s

-- |Extra metadata specific to files (and not folders)
data FileExtra = FileExtra
    { fileBytes :: Integer         -- ^The file size (bytes)
    , fileHumanSize :: String      -- ^A human-readable representation of the file size, for example "15 bytes" (localized according to 'Locale' in 'Config')
    , fileRevision :: FileRevision -- ^The revision of the file
    , fileModified :: UTCTime      -- ^When this file was added or last updated
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Represents an identifier for a folder's metadata and children's metadata.  Can be used with
-- 'getMetadataWithChildrenIfChanged' to avoid downloading a folder's metadata and children's metadata
-- if it hasn't changed.
newtype FolderHash = FolderHash String deriving (Eq, Show)
folderHashToString (FolderHash s) = s

-- |The metadata for the immediate children of a folder.
data FolderContents = FolderContents
    { folderHash :: FolderHash  -- ^An identifier for the folder's metadata and children's metadata.
    , folderChildren :: [Meta]  -- ^The metadata for the immediate children of a folder.
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- Used internally to parse out a metadata for a folder that also includes a child list.
newtype MetaWithChildren = MetaWithChildren (Meta, Maybe FolderContents)
removeMetaChildren (MetaWithChildren (meta, _)) = meta
addMetaChildren meta = MetaWithChildren (meta, Nothing)

instance JSON Meta where
    showJSON = showJSON.addMetaChildren
    readJSON = (liftM removeMetaChildren).readJSON

instance JSON MetaWithChildren where
    showJSON (MetaWithChildren (Meta base extra, maybeContents)) = JSON.makeObj (baseFields ++ extraFields ++ contentsFields)
            baseFields =
                [ ("root", showJSON $ accessTypeRoot $ metaRoot base)
                , ("path", showJSON $ metaPath base)
                , ("is_deleted", showJSON $ metaIsDeleted base)
                , ("thumb_exists", showJSON $ metaThumbnail base)
                , ("icon", showJSON $ metaIcon base)
            extraFields = case extra of
                File f ->
                    [ ("bytes", showJSON $ fileBytes f)
                    , ("size", showJSON $ fileHumanSize f)
                    , ("rev", showJSON $ fileRevisionToString $ fileRevision f)
                    , ("modified", showJSON $ dbFormatTime $ fileModified f)
                Folder -> []
            contentsFields = case maybeContents of
                Just fc ->
                    [ ("hash", showJSON $ folderHashToString $ folderHash fc)
                    , ("contents", showJSON $ map addMetaChildren (folderChildren fc))
                Nothing -> []

    readJSON (JSON.JSObject obj) = do
        rootStr :: String <- readJsonField "root" m
        root <- case rootStr of
            "app_folder" -> return AccessTypeAppFolder
            "dropbox" -> return AccessTypeDropbox
            _ -> fail ("expecting \"app_folder\" or \"dropbox\", instead got: " ++ show rootStr)
        path <- readJsonField "path" m
        isDeleted <- readJsonFieldD "is_deleted" m False
        thumbnail <- readJsonField "thumb_exists" m
        icon <- readJsonField "icon" m
        let base = MetaBase {
              metaRoot = root
            , metaPath = path
            , metaIsDeleted = isDeleted
            , metaThumbnail = thumbnail
            , metaIcon = icon
        isFolder <- readJsonField "is_dir" m
        (extra, contents) <- if isFolder
            then do
                hash <- readJsonFieldD "hash" m ""
                children <- readJsonFieldD "contents" m []
                return $ (Folder, Just FolderContents
                    { folderHash = FolderHash hash
                    , folderChildren = (map removeMetaChildren children)
            else do
                bytes <- readJsonField "bytes" m
                humanSize <- readJsonField "size" m
                revision <- readJsonField "rev" m
                modifiedStr <- readJsonField "modified" m
                modified <- case dbParseTime modifiedStr of
                    Just utcTime -> return utcTime
                    Nothing -> fail "invalid date/time format"
                return $ (File FileExtra
                    { fileBytes = bytes
                    , fileHumanSize = humanSize
                    , fileRevision = FileRevision revision
                    , fileModified = modified
                    }, Nothing)
        return $ MetaWithChildren (Meta base extra, contents)
            m = JSON.fromJSObject obj
    readJSON _ = fail "expecting an object"

-- GetMetadata

checkPath :: Monad m => Path -> m (Either ErrorMessage a) -> m (Either ErrorMessage a)
checkPath ('/':_) action = action
checkPath _ _            = return $ Left $ "path must start with \"/\""

-- |Get the metadata for the file or folder at the given path.
getMetadata ::
    (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnsafeIO m, MonadIO m) 
    => Manager    -- ^The HTTP connection manager to use.
    -> Session
    -> Path      -- ^The full path (relative to your 'DbAccessType' root)
    -> m (Either ErrorMessage Meta)
getMetadata mgr session path = checkPath path $ do
    result <- doGet mgr session hostsApi url params (mkHandler handler)
    return $ mergeLefts result
        at = accessTypePath $ configAccessType (sessionConfig session)
        url = "metadata/" ++ at ++ path
        params = [("list", "false")]
        handler 200 _ body = handleJsonBody body
        handler code reason body = Left $ "non-200 response from Dropbox (" ++ (show code) ++ ":" ++ reason ++ ": " ++ (show body) ++ ")"

-- |Get the metadata for the file or folder at the given path.  If it's a folder,
-- return the metadata for the folder's immediate children as well.
getMetadataWithChildren ::
    (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnsafeIO m, MonadIO m) 
    => Manager    -- ^The HTTP connection manager to use.
    -> Session
    -> Path       -- ^The full path (relative to your 'DbAccessType' root)
    -> Maybe Integer
                  -- ^A limit on folder contents (max: 10,000).  If the path refers to a folder and this folder
                  -- has more than the specified number of immediate children, the entire
                  -- 'getMetadataWithChildren' call will fail with an HTTP 406 error code.  If unspecified, or
                  -- if set to zero, the server will set this to 10,000.
    -> m (Either ErrorMessage (Meta, Maybe FolderContents))
getMetadataWithChildren mgr session path childLimit = checkPath path $ do
    result <- doGet mgr session hostsApi url params (mkHandler handler)
    return $ mergeLefts result
        at = accessTypePath $ configAccessType (sessionConfig session)
        url = "metadata/" ++ at ++ path
        params = [("list", "true")] ++ case childLimit of
            Just l -> [("file_limit", show l)]
            Nothing -> []
        handler 200 _ body = handleJsonBodyT (\(MetaWithChildren v) -> v) body
        handler code reason body = Left $ "non-200 response from Dropbox (" ++ (show code) ++ ":" ++ reason ++ ": " ++ (show body) ++ ")"

-- |Same as 'getMetadataWithChildren' except it'll return @Nothing@ if the 'FolderHash'
-- of the folder on Dropbox is the same as the 'FolderHash' passed in.
getMetadataWithChildrenIfChanged ::
    (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnsafeIO m, MonadIO m) 
    => Manager       -- ^The HTTP connection manager to use.
    -> Session
    -> Path
    -> Maybe Integer 
    -> FolderHash    -- ^For folders, the returned child metadata will include a 'folderHash' field that
                     -- is a short identifier for the current state of the folder.  If the 'FolderHash'
                     -- for the specified path hasn't change, this call will return @Nothing@, which
                     -- indicates that the previously-retrieved metadata is still the latest.
    -> m (Either ErrorMessage (Maybe (Meta, Maybe FolderContents)))
getMetadataWithChildrenIfChanged mgr session path childLimit (FolderHash hash) = checkPath path $ do
    result <- doGet mgr session hostsApi url params (mkHandler handler)
    return $ mergeLefts result
        at = accessTypePath $ configAccessType (sessionConfig session)
        url = "metadata/" ++ at ++ path
        params = [("list", "true"), ("hash", hash)] ++ case childLimit of
            Just l -> [("file_limit", show l)]
            Nothing -> []
        handler 200 _ body = handleJsonBodyT (\(MetaWithChildren v) -> Just v) body
        handler 304 _ _ = Right Nothing
        handler code reason body = Left $ "non-200 response from Dropbox (" ++ (show code) ++ ":" ++ reason ++ ": " ++ (show body) ++ ")"

-- GetFile

-- |Gets a file's contents and metadata.  If you just want the entire contents of
-- a file as a single 'ByteString', use 'getFileBs'.
getFile ::
    (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnsafeIO m, MonadIO m)
    => Manager               -- ^The HTTP connection manager to use.
    -> Session
    -> Path               -- ^The full path (relative to your 'DbAccessType' root)
    -> Maybe FileRevision -- ^The revision of the file to retrieve.
    -> (Meta -> Sink ByteString (ResourceT m) r)
                          -- ^Given the file metadata, yield a 'Sink' to process the response body
    -> m (Either ErrorMessage (Meta, r))
                          -- ^This function returns whatever your 'Sink' returns, paired up with the file metadata.
getFile mgr session path mrev sink = checkPath path $ do
    result <- doGet mgr session hostsApiContent url params handler
    return $ mergeLefts result
        at = accessTypePath $ configAccessType (sessionConfig session)
        url = "files/" ++ at ++ path
        params = maybe [] (\(FileRevision rev) -> [("rev", rev)]) mrev

        handler (HT.Status 200 _) headers = case getHeaders "X-Dropbox-Metadata" headers of
            [metaJson] -> case handleJsonBody metaJson of
                Left err -> return (Left err)
                Right meta -> do
                    r <- sink meta
                    return $ Right (meta, r)
            l -> return $ Left $ "expecting response to have exactly one \"X-Dropbox-Metadata\" header, found " ++ show (length l)
        handler (HT.Status code reason) _ = do
            body <- bsSink
            return $ Left $ "non-200 response from Dropbox (" ++ (show code) ++ ":" ++ (BS8.unpack reason) ++ ": " ++ (show body) ++ ")"

-- |A variant of 'getFile' that just returns a strict 'ByteString' (instead of having
-- you pass in a 'Sink' to process the body.
getFileBs ::
    (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnsafeIO m, MonadIO m) 
    => Manager               -- ^The HTTP connection manager to use.
    -> Session
    -> Path                  -- ^The full path (relative to your 'DbAccessType' root)
    -> Maybe FileRevision    -- ^The revision of the file to retrieve.
    -> m (Either ErrorMessage (Meta, ByteString))
getFileBs mgr session path mrev = getFile mgr session path mrev (\_ -> bsSink)

-- putFile

data WriteMode
    = WriteModeAdd
        -- ^If there is already a file at the specified path, rename the new file.
    | WriteModeUpdate FileRevision
        -- ^Check that there is a file there with the given revision.  If so, overwrite
        -- it.  If not, rename the new file.
    | WriteModeForce
        -- ^If there is already a file at the specified path, overwrite it.

putFile ::
    (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnsafeIO m, MonadIO m) 
    => Manager       -- ^The HTTP connection manager to use.
    -> Session
    -> Path          -- ^The full path (relative to your 'DbAccessType' root)
    -> WriteMode
    -> RequestBody m -- ^The file contents.
    -> m (Either ErrorMessage Meta)
putFile mgr session path writeMode contents = checkPath path $ do
    result <- doPut mgr session hostsApiContent url params contents (mkHandler handler)
    return $ mergeLefts result
        params = case writeMode of
            WriteModeAdd -> [("overwrite", "false")]
            WriteModeUpdate (FileRevision rev) -> [("parent_rev", rev)]
            WriteModeForce -> [("overwrite", "true")]
        at = accessTypePath $ configAccessType (sessionConfig session)
        url = "files_put/" ++ at ++ path
        handler 200 _ body = handleJsonBody body
        handler code reason body = Left $ "non-200 response from Dropbox (" ++ (show code) ++ ":" ++ reason ++ ": " ++ (show body) ++ ")"


-- very low level uri generator, handles proper escaping
generateDropboxURI' :: Bool -> String -> String -> Int -> String -> [(String, String)] -> String
generateDropboxURI' escapePath proto host port path params = URI.uriToString id (URLEncoded.addToURI (URLEncoded.importList params) (URI.URI proto (Just $ URI.URIAuth "" host $ ":" ++ show port) path' "" "")) ""
  where path' = if escapePath then (URI.escapeURIString URI.isAllowedInURI path) else path

prepRequest :: Session -> (Hosts -> String) -> String -> [(String, String)] -> (String, String)
prepRequest (Session config (AccessToken atKey atSecret)) hostSelector path params = (uri, oauthHeader)
        host = hostSelector (configHosts config)
        (Locale locale) = configUserLocale config
        consumerPair = configAppId config
        uri = generateDropboxURI' False "https:" host 443 ("/" ++ apiVersion ++ "/" ++ path) (("locale", locale) : params)
        oauthHeader = buildOAuthHeader consumerPair (atKey, atSecret)

doPut ::
    (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnsafeIO m, MonadIO m) 
    => Manager
    -> Session
    -> (Hosts -> String)
    -> String
    -> [(String,String)]
    -> RequestBody m
    -> Handler r m
    -> m (Either ErrorMessage r)
doPut mgr session hostSelector path params requestBody handler = do
    let (uri, oauthHeader) = prepRequest session hostSelector path params
    httpClientPut mgr uri oauthHeader handler requestBody

doGet ::
    (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnsafeIO m, MonadIO m) 
    => Manager
    -> Session
    -> (Hosts -> String)
    -> String
    -> [(String,String)]
    -> Handler r m
    -> m (Either ErrorMessage r)
doGet mgr session hostSelector path params handler = do
    let (uri, oauthHeader) = prepRequest session hostSelector path params
    httpClientGet mgr uri oauthHeader handler


-- |`ManagerSettings` that include the DropBox SSL certificates
managerSettings :: (MonadBaseControl IO m) => m HC.ManagerSettings
managerSettings = do 
    return $ HC.def { HC.managerCheckCerts = certVerifierFunc certVerifierFromDbX509s }

-- |The HTTP connection manager.  Using the same 'Manager' instance across
-- multiple API calls 
type Manager = HC.Manager

-- |A bracket around an HTTP connection manager.
-- Uses default 'ManagerSettings' as computed by 'managerSettings'.
withManager ::
    (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnsafeIO m, MonadIO m)
    => (HC.Manager -> ResourceT m a) -> m a
withManager inner = runResourceT $ do
    ms <- managerSettings
    (_, manager) <- allocate (HC.newManager ms) HC.closeManager
    inner manager


type SimpleHandler r = Int -> String -> ByteString -> r

-- HTTP response-handling function.
type Handler r m = HT.Status -> HT.ResponseHeaders -> (Sink ByteString (ResourceT m) r)

-- |An HTTP request body: an 'Int64' for the length and a 'Source'
-- that yields the actual data.
data RequestBody m = RequestBody Int64 (Source (ResourceT m) ByteString)

-- |Create a 'RequestBody' from a single 'ByteString'
bsRequestBody :: MonadIO m => ByteString -> RequestBody m
bsRequestBody bs = RequestBody length (CL.sourceList [bs])
        length = fromInteger $ toInteger $ BS.length bs

getHeaders :: HT.HeaderName -> [HT.Header] -> [ByteString]
getHeaders name headers = [ val | (key, val) <- headers, key == name ]

mkHandler ::
    Monad m => SimpleHandler r 
    -> Handler r m
mkHandler sh (HT.Status code reason) _headers = do
    bs <- bsSink
    return $ sh code (BS8.unpack reason) bs

mergeLefts :: Either a (Either a b) -> Either a b
mergeLefts v = case v of
    Left a -> Left a
    Right r -> r

-- |A 'Sink' that reads in 'ByteString' chunks and constructs one concatenated 'ByteString'
bsSink :: (Monad m) => Sink ByteString m ByteString
bsSink = do
    chunks <- CL.consume
    return $ BS.concat chunks

-- | Runs an http request with a given oauth header
httpClientDo ::
    (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnsafeIO m, MonadIO m) 
    => Manager
    -> HT.Method
    -> RequestBody m
    -> URL
    -> String
    -> Handler r m
    -> m (Either String r)
httpClientDo mgr method (RequestBody len bsSource) url oauthHeader handler =
    case HC.parseUrl url of
        Just baseReq -> do
            let req = baseReq {
                HC.secure = True,
                HC.method = method,
                HC.requestHeaders = headers,
                HC.requestBody = HC.RequestBodySource len builderSource,
                HC.checkStatus = \_ _ -> Nothing }
            result <- runResourceT $ do
                HC.Response code _ headers body <- HC.http req mgr
                body $$+- handler code headers
            return $ Right result
        Nothing -> do
            return $ Left $ "bad URL: " ++ show url
        headers = [("Authorization", UTF8.fromString oauthHeader)]
        builderSource = bsSource $= (CL.map BlazeBS.fromByteString)

httpClientGet ::
    (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnsafeIO m, MonadIO m) 
    => Manager
    -> URL
    -> String
    -> Handler r m
    -> m (Either String r)
httpClientGet mgr url oauthHeader handler = httpClientDo mgr HT.methodGet (bsRequestBody BS.empty) url oauthHeader handler

httpClientPut ::
    (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnsafeIO m, MonadIO m) 
    => Manager
    -> URL
    -> String
    -> Handler r m
    -> RequestBody m
    -> m (Either String r)
httpClientPut mgr url oauthHeader handler requestBody = httpClientDo mgr HT.methodPut requestBody url oauthHeader handler