{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}


Ray-casting routines for constructive solid geometry.

This module provides constructors for complex bodies as well as
routines to compute intersections of such bodies with ray. In DSMC it
is used to calculate points at which particles hit the body surface.

Gas-surface interactions are not handled by this module, see
'DSMC.Surface' instead.


module DSMC.Traceables
    ( -- * Bodies
    -- ** Primitives
    , plane
    , sphere
    , cylinder
    , cylinderFrustum
    , cone
    , coneFrustum
    -- ** Compositions
    , intersect
    , unite
    , complement
    -- * Ray casting
    , HitPoint(..)
    , hitPoint
    , HitSegment
    , Trace
    , trace
    -- * Body membership
    , inside


import Prelude hiding (Just, Nothing, Maybe, fst, snd)

import Data.Functor
import Data.Strict.Maybe
import Data.Strict.Tuple

import DSMC.Particles
import DSMC.Util
import DSMC.Util.Vector

-- | Time when particle hits the surface with normal at the hit point.
-- If hit is in infinity, then normal is Nothing.
-- Note that this datatype is strict only on first argument: we do not
-- compare normals when classifying traces.
data HitPoint = HitPoint !Double (Maybe Vec3)
                deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | A segment on time line when particle is inside the body.
-- Using strict tuple performs better: 100 traces for 350K
-- particles perform roughly 7s against 8s with common datatypes.
type HitSegment = (Pair HitPoint HitPoint)

-- | Trace of a linearly-moving particle on a body is a list of time
-- segments/intervals during which the particle is inside the body.
-- >                       # - particle
-- >                        \
-- >                         \
-- >                          o------------
-- >                      ---/ *           \---
-- >                    -/      *              \-
-- >                   /         *               \
-- >                  (           *  - trace      )
-- >                   \           *             /
-- >                    -\          *          /-
-- >       primitive -  ---\         *     /---
-- >                          --------o----
-- >                                   \
-- >                                    \
-- >                                    _\/
-- >                                      \
-- For example, since a ray intersects a plane only once, a half-space
-- primitive defined by this plane results in a half-interval trace of
-- a particle:
-- >                                          /
-- >                                         /
-- >                                        /
-- >              #------------------------o*****************>
-- >              |                       /                  |
-- >           particle                  /            goes to infinity
-- >                                    /
-- >                                   /
-- >                                  /
-- >                                 / - surface of half-space
-- Ends of segments or intervals are calculated by intersecting the
-- trajectory ray of a particle and the surface of the primitive. This
-- may be done by substituting the equation of trajectory @X(t) = X_o
-- + V*t@ into the equation which defines the surface and solving it
-- for @t@. If the body is a composition, traces from primitives are
-- then classified according to operators used to define the body
-- (union, intersection or complement).
-- Although only convex primitives are used in current implementation,
-- compositions may result in concave bodies, which is why trace is
-- defined as a list of segments.
-- In this example, body is an intersection of a sphere and sphere
-- complement:
-- >                                /|\
-- >                                 |
-- >                                 |
-- >                                 |
-- >                   -----------   |
-- >              ----/           \--o-
-- >            -/                   * \-
-- >          -/               hs2 - *   \
-- >        -/                       * ---/
-- >       /                         o/
-- >      /                        -/|
-- >     /                        /  |
-- >     |                       /   |
-- >    /                        |   |
-- >    |                       /    |
-- >    |                       |    |
-- >    |                       \    |
-- >    \                        |   |
-- >     |                       \   |
-- >     \                        \  |
-- >      \                        -\|
-- >       \                         o\
-- >        -\                       * ---\
-- >          -\               hs1 - *   /
-- >            -\                   * /-
-- >              ----\           /--o-
-- >                   -----------   |
-- >                                 |
-- >                                 |
-- >                                 # - particle
-- If only intersections of concave primitives were allowed, then
-- trace type might be simplified to be just single 'HitSegment'.
type Trace = [HitSegment]

-- | IEEE positive infinity.
infinityP :: Double
infinityP = (/) 1 0

-- | Negative infinity.
infinityN :: Double
infinityN = -infinityP

hitN :: HitPoint
hitN = (HitPoint infinityN Nothing)

hitP :: HitPoint
hitP = (HitPoint infinityP Nothing)

-- | CSG body is a recursive composition of primitive objects or other
-- bodies.
data Body = Plane !Vec3 !Double
          -- ^ Half-space with normalized outward normal and distance
          -- of boundary plane from origin.
          | Sphere !Vec3 !Double
          -- ^ Sphere defined by center and radius.
          | Cylinder !Vec3 !Point !Double
          -- ^ Infinite circular cylinder with normalized axis vector,
          -- point on axis and radius.
          | Cone !Vec3 !Point !Double !Matrix !Double !Double
          -- ^ Cone defined by inward axis direction, vertex and
          -- cosine to angle h between axis and outer edge.
          -- Additionally transformation matrix $n * n - cos^2 h$,
          -- tangent of angle and odelta are stored for intersection
          -- calculations.
          | Union !Body !Body
          | Intersection !Body !Body
          | Complement !Body
            deriving Show

-- | A half-space defined by arbitary point on the boundary plane and
-- outward normal (not necessarily a unit vector).
plane :: Point -> Vec3 -> Body
plane p n = Plane nn (p .* nn)
              nn = normalize n

-- | A sphere defined by center point and radius.
sphere :: Vec3 -> Double -> Body
sphere o r = Sphere o r

-- | An infinite circular cylinder defined by two arbitary
-- points on axis and radius.
cylinder :: Point -> Point -> Double -> Body
cylinder p1 p2 r = Cylinder (normalize $ p2 <-> p1) p1 r

-- | A finite right circular cylinder defined by two points on its top
-- and bottom and radius.
cylinderFrustum :: Point -> Point -> Double -> Body
cylinderFrustum pb pt r =
    intersect (plane pt axis)
                  (intersect (plane pb $ invert axis)
                                 (cylinder pb pt r))
      axis = pt <-> pb

-- | An infinite right circular cone defined by outward axis vector,
-- apex point and angle between generatrix and axis (in degrees, less
-- than 90).
cone :: Vec3 -> Point -> Double -> Body
cone a o h =
        h' = cos $ (h * pi / 180)
        n = normalize $ invert a
        gamma = diag (-h' * h')
        m = addM (n `vxv` n) gamma
        ta = tan $ h
        odelta = n .* o
      Cone n o h' m ta odelta

-- | A conical frustum given by two points on its axis with radii at
-- that points. One of radii may be zero (in which case one of frustum
-- ends will be the apex).
coneFrustum :: (Point, Double) -> (Point, Double) -> Body
coneFrustum (p1, r1) (p2, r2) =
        -- Direction from pb to pt is towards apex. Corresponding
        -- radii are rb > rt.
        (pb, rb, pt, rt) = case (r1 < r2) of
                             True -> (p2, r2, p1, r1)
                             False -> (p1, r1, p2, r2)
        -- Cone axis and frustum height
        gap =  pt <-> pb
        height = norm gap
        axis = normalize gap
        -- Calculate distance from pt to apex.
        dist = if rt == 0 
               then 0 
               else height / (rb / rt - 1)
        apex = pt <+> (axis .^ dist)
        -- Angle between generatrix and axis
        degs = atan (rb / (dist + norm (pt <-> pb))) * (180 / pi)
      intersect (plane pt axis)
                    (intersect (plane pb $ invert axis)
                                   (cone axis apex degs))

-- | Intersection of two bodies.
intersect :: Body -> Body -> Body
intersect !b1 !b2 = Intersection b1 b2

-- | Union of two bodies.
unite :: Body -> Body -> Body
unite !b1 !b2 = Union b1 b2

-- | Complement to a body (normals flipped).
complement :: Body -> Body
complement !b = Complement b

-- | Calculate a trace of a particle on a body.
trace :: Body -> Particle -> Trace
{-# INLINE trace #-}

trace !b@(Plane n d) !p@(pos, v) =
        !f = -(n .* v)
      if f == 0
          -- If ray is parallel to plane and is inside, then trace is
          -- the whole timeline.
          if inside b p
          then [(HitPoint infinityN Nothing) :!: (HitPoint infinityP Nothing)]
          else []
              !t = (pos .* n - d) / f
            if f > 0
            then [(HitPoint t (Just n)) :!: (HitPoint infinityP Nothing)]
            else [(HitPoint infinityN Nothing) :!: (HitPoint t (Just n))]

trace !(Sphere c r) !(pos, v) =
          !d = pos <-> c
          !roots = solveq (v .* v) (v .* d * 2) (d .* d - r * r)
          normal !u = normalize (u <-> c)
        case roots of
          Nothing -> []
          Just (t1 :!: t2) ->
              [HitPoint t1 (Just $ normal $ moveBy pos v t1) :!:
               HitPoint t2 (Just $ normal $ moveBy pos v t2)]

trace !(Cylinder n c r) !(pos, v) =
        d = (pos <-> c) >< n
        e = v >< n
        roots = solveq (e .* e) (d .* e * 2) (d .* d - r * r)
        normal u = normalize $ h <-> (n .^ (h .* n))
            where h = u <-> c
      case roots of
        Nothing -> []
        Just (t1 :!: t2) ->
            [HitPoint t1 (Just $ normal $ moveBy pos v t1) :!:
                      HitPoint t2 (Just $ normal $ moveBy pos v t2)]

trace !(Cone n c _ m ta odelta) !(pos, v) =
      delta = pos <-> c
      c2 = dotM v     v     m
      c1 = dotM v     delta m
      c0 = dotM delta delta m
      roots = solveq c2 (2 * c1) c0
      normal !u = normalize $ nx .^ (1 / ta) <-> ny .^ ta
          where h = u <-> c
                -- Component of h parallel to cone axis
                ny' = n .^ (n .* h)
                ny = normalize ny'
                -- Perpendicular component
                nx = normalize $ h <-> ny'
      case roots of
        Nothing -> []
        Just (t1 :!: t2) ->
                pos1 = moveBy pos v t1
                pos2 = moveBy pos v t2
              case ((pos1 .* n - odelta) > 0, (pos2 .* n - odelta) > 0) of
                (True, True) -> [HitPoint t1 (Just $ normal pos1) :!:
                                 HitPoint t2 (Just $ normal pos2)]
                (True, False) -> [HitPoint infinityN Nothing :!:
                                  HitPoint t1 (Just $ normal pos1)]
                (False, True) -> [HitPoint t2 (Just $ normal pos2) :!:
                                  HitPoint infinityP Nothing]
                (False, False) -> []

trace !(Intersection b1 b2) !p =
    intersectTraces tr1 tr2
          tr1 = trace b1 p
          tr2 = trace b2 p

trace !(Union b1 b2) !p =
    uniteTraces tr1 tr2
          tr1 = trace b1 p
          tr2 = trace b2 p

trace !(Complement b) !p =
    complementTrace $ trace b p

uniteTraces :: Trace -> Trace -> Trace
uniteTraces u [] = u
uniteTraces u (v:t2) =
      uniteTraces (unite1 u v) t2
        merge :: HitSegment -> HitSegment -> HitSegment
        merge !(a1 :!: b1) !(a2 :!: b2) = (min a1 a2) :!: (max b1 b2)
        {-# INLINE merge #-}
        unite1 :: Trace -> HitSegment -> Trace
        unite1 [] hs = [hs]
        unite1 t@(hs1@(a1 :!: b1):tr') hs2@(a2 :!: b2)
            | b1 < a2 = hs1:(unite1 tr' hs2)
            | a1 > b2 = hs2:t
            | otherwise = unite1 tr' (merge hs1 hs2)
        {-# INLINE unite1 #-}
{-# INLINE uniteTraces #-}

intersectTraces :: Trace -> Trace -> Trace
intersectTraces tr1 tr2 =
        -- Overlap two overlapping segments
        overlap :: HitSegment -> HitSegment -> HitSegment
        overlap !(a1 :!: b1) !(a2 :!: b2) = (max a1 a2) :!: (min b1 b2)
        {-# INLINE overlap #-}
      case tr2 of
        [] -> []
        (hs2@(a2 :!: b2):tr2') ->
            case tr1 of
              [] -> []
              (hs1@(a1 :!: b1):tr1') ->
                  case (b1 < a2) of
                    True -> (intersectTraces tr1' tr2)
                    False ->
                        case (b2 < a1) of
                          True -> intersectTraces tr1 tr2'
                          False -> (overlap hs1 hs2):(intersectTraces tr1' tr2)
{-# INLINE intersectTraces #-}

-- | Complement to trace (normals flipped) in @R^3@.
complementTrace :: Trace -> Trace
complementTrace ((sp@(HitPoint ts _) :!: ep):xs) =
    start ++ (complementTrace' ep xs)
      flipNormals :: HitSegment -> HitSegment
      flipNormals !((HitPoint t1 n1) :!: (HitPoint t2 n2)) =
          (HitPoint t1 (invert <$> n1)) :!: (HitPoint t2 (invert <$> n2))
      {-# INLINE flipNormals #-}
      -- Start from infinity if first hitpoint is finite
      start = if (isInfinite ts)
              then []
              else [flipNormals $ hitN :!: sp]
      complementTrace' :: HitPoint -> Trace -> Trace
      complementTrace' c ((a :!: b):tr) =
          -- Bridge between last point of previous segment and first
          -- point of the next one.
          (flipNormals (c :!: a)):(complementTrace' b tr)
      complementTrace' a@(HitPoint t _) [] =
          -- End in infinity if last hitpoint is finite
          if (isInfinite t)
          then []
          else [flipNormals (a :!: hitP)]
complementTrace [] = [hitN :!: hitP]
{-# INLINE complementTrace #-}

-- | If the particle has hit the body during last time step, calculate
-- the first corresponding 'HitPoint'. Note that the time at which the hit
-- occured will be negative. This is the primary function to calculate
-- ray-body intersections.
hitPoint :: Time -> Body -> Particle -> Maybe HitPoint
hitPoint !dt !b !p =
        lastHit = [(HitPoint (-dt) Nothing) :!: (HitPoint 0 Nothing)]
      case (intersectTraces lastHit $ trace b p) of
        [] -> Nothing
        (hs:_) -> Just $ fst hs
{-# INLINE hitPoint #-}

-- | True if particle is in inside the body.
inside :: Body -> Particle -> Bool
{-# INLINE inside #-}

inside !(Plane n d) !(pos, _) = (pos .* n - d) < 0

inside !(Sphere c r) !(pos, _) = (norm $ pos <-> c) < r

inside !(Cylinder n c r) !(pos, _) =
    (norm $ h <-> (n .^ (h .* n))) < r
      h = pos <-> c

inside !(Cone n c a _ _ _) !(pos, _) =
    (n .* (normalize $ pos <-> c)) > a

inside !(Intersection b1 b2) !p = inside b1 p && inside b2 p

inside !(Union b1 b2) !p = inside b1 p || inside b2 p

inside !(Complement b) !p = not $ inside b p