[Body] # Path to body definition file definition = ./reentry2.geo volume_points = 1000 [Flow] # Absolute temperature, in K t = 300 # Concentration n = 1e20 # Molecular mass m = 29 # Flow velocity components, in m/s velocity = (1000, 0, 0) # How many real particles a single simulator particle represents fn = 5e16 [Surface] temperature = 300 [Macroscopic] # Macroscopic grid sizes, in m mx = 0.1 my = 0.1 mz = 0.1 [Domain] # Domain dimensions by x, y, z in m w = 12 l = 12 h = 6 [Simulation] dt = 1e-5 # For how many steps in steady regime to collect macroscopic data steady_steps = 500 # Consider the system steady when the ratio of total particle counts # on two consecutive steps differs from unit for less than this number steady_epsilon = 1e-6 # Interface domains extrusion ex = 0.04 # Start with empty simulation domain if true, fill it with particles # distributed according to flow parameters upon start otherwise empty_start = false