-- Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
-- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
-- of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.

{-# LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Duckling.Time.KO.Rules
  ( rules ) where

import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Prelude

import Duckling.Dimensions.Types
import Duckling.Numeral.Helpers (parseInt)
import Duckling.Ordinal.Types (OrdinalData (..))
import qualified Duckling.Ordinal.Types as TOrdinal
import Duckling.Regex.Types
import Duckling.Time.Helpers
import Duckling.Time.Types (TimeData (..))
import qualified Duckling.Time.Types as TTime
import qualified Duckling.TimeGrain.Types as TG
import Duckling.Types

ruleNamedday :: Rule
ruleNamedday = Rule
  { name = "<named-day>에"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isADayOfWeek
    , regex "\xc5d0"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (x:_) -> Just x
      _ -> Nothing

ruleLiberationDay :: Rule
ruleLiberationDay = Rule
  { name = "Liberation Day"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xad11\xbcf5\xc808"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 8 15

ruleTheDayAfterTomorrow :: Rule
ruleTheDayAfterTomorrow = Rule
  { name = "the day after tomorrow - 내일모래"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "(\xb0b4\xc77c)?\xbaa8\xb798"
  , prod = \_ ->
      tt . cycleNthAfter False TG.Day 1 $ cycleNth TG.Day 1

ruleConstitutionDay :: Rule
ruleConstitutionDay = Rule
  { name = "Constitution Day"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc81c\xd5cc\xc808"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 6 17

ruleTimeofday4 :: Rule
ruleTimeofday4 = Rule
  { name = "<time-of-day>이전"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isATimeOfDay
    , regex "(\xc774)?\xc804"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:_) ->
        tt $ withDirection TTime.Before td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleDay :: Rule
ruleDay = Rule
  { name = "day"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isDOMInteger
    , regex "\xc77c"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (token:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        tt $ dayOfMonth v
      _ -> Nothing

ruleSinceTimeofday :: Rule
ruleSinceTimeofday = Rule
  { name = "since <time-of-day>"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isATimeOfDay
    , regex "\xc774\xb798\xb85c"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:_) ->
        tt . withDirection TTime.After $ predNth (- 1) False td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleThisDayofweek :: Rule
ruleThisDayofweek = Rule
  { name = "this <day-of-week>"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc774\xbc88(\xc8fc)?|\xae08\xc8fc"
    , Predicate isADayOfWeek
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (_:Token Time td:_) ->
        tt $ predNth 0 False td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleNewYearsDay :: Rule
ruleNewYearsDay = Rule
  { name = "New Year's Day"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc2e0\xc815|\xc124\xb0a0"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 1 1

ruleLastTime :: Rule
ruleLastTime = Rule
  { name = "last <time>"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc804|\xc800\xbc88|\xc9c0\xb09c"
    , dimension Time
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (_:Token Time td:_) ->
        tt $ predNth (-1) False td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleDatetimeDatetimeInterval :: Rule
ruleDatetimeDatetimeInterval = Rule
  { name = "<datetime> - <datetime> (interval)"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isNotLatent
    , regex "\\-|\\~|\xbd80\xd130"
    , Predicate isNotLatent
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
        tt $ interval TTime.Closed (td1, td2)
      _ -> Nothing

ruleInDuration :: Rule
ruleInDuration = Rule
  { name = "in <duration>"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Duration
    , regex "(\xc548|\xb0b4)(\xc5d0)?"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Duration dd:_) ->
        tt $ inDuration dd
      _ -> Nothing

ruleNow :: Rule
ruleNow = Rule
  { name = "now"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xbc29\xae08|\xc9c0\xae08|\xbc29\xae08|\xb9c9"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ cycleNth TG.Second 0

ruleMonth :: Rule
ruleMonth = Rule
  { name = "month"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1 12
    , regex "\xc6d4"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (token:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        tt $ month v
      _ -> Nothing

ruleSeason4 :: Rule
ruleSeason4 = Rule
  { name = "season"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xbd04"
  , prod = \_ ->
      let from = monthDay 3 20
          to = monthDay 6 21
      in tt $ interval TTime.Open (from, to)

ruleYearLatent2 :: Rule
ruleYearLatent2 = Rule
  { name = "year (latent)"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 2101 10000
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (token:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        tt . mkLatent $ year v
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTimeAfterNext :: Rule
ruleTimeAfterNext = Rule
  { name = "<time> after next"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Time
    , regex "after next"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:_) ->
        tt $ predNth 1 True td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleNoon :: Rule
ruleNoon = Rule
  { name = "noon"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc815\xc624"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ hour False 12

ruleToday :: Rule
ruleToday = Rule
  { name = "today"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc624\xb298|\xb2f9\xc77c|\xae08\xc77c"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ cycleNth TG.Day 0

ruleIntegerHourofdayRelativeMinutes :: Rule
ruleIntegerHourofdayRelativeMinutes = Rule
  { name = "<integer> (hour-of-day) relative minutes 전"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isAnHourOfDay
    , Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1 59
    , regex "\xbd84\xc804"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:token:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        t <- minutesBefore v td
        Just $ Token Time t
      _ -> Nothing

ruleHourofdayIntegerAsRelativeMinutes :: Rule
ruleHourofdayIntegerAsRelativeMinutes = Rule
  { name = "<hour-of-day> <integer> (as relative minutes)"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isAnHourOfDay
    , Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1 59
    , regex "\xbd84"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time TimeData {TTime.form = Just (TTime.TimeOfDay (Just hours) _)}:
       _) -> do
        n <- getIntValue token
        tt $ hourMinute True hours n
      _ -> Nothing

ruleHalfHourofdayRelativeMinutes :: Rule
ruleHalfHourofdayRelativeMinutes = Rule
  { name = "half (hour-of-day) relative minutes 전"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isAnHourOfDay
    , regex "\xbc18\xc804"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:_) -> Token Time <$> minutesBefore 30 td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleHourofdayHalfAsRelativeMinutes :: Rule
ruleHourofdayHalfAsRelativeMinutes = Rule
  { name = "<hour-of-day> half (as relative minutes)"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isAnHourOfDay
    , regex "\xbc18"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time TimeData {TTime.form = Just (TTime.TimeOfDay (Just hours) _)}:
       _) -> tt $ hourMinute True hours 30
      _ -> Nothing

ruleSeconds :: Rule
ruleSeconds = Rule
  { name = "seconds"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 0 59
    , regex "\xcd08"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (token:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        tt $ second v
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTimeOrdinalCycle :: Rule
ruleTimeOrdinalCycle = Rule
  { name = "<time> <ordinal> <cycle>"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Time
    , dimension Ordinal
    , dimension TimeGrain
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:Token Ordinal od:Token TimeGrain grain:_) ->
        tt $ cycleNthAfter True grain (TOrdinal.value od - 1) td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTheDayBeforeYesterday :: Rule
ruleTheDayBeforeYesterday = Rule
  { name = "the day before yesterday - 엊그제"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "(\xc5ca)?\xadf8(\xc81c|\xc7ac)"
  , prod = \_ ->
      tt . cycleNthAfter False TG.Day (-1) $ cycleNth TG.Day (-1)

ruleDayofweek :: Rule
ruleDayofweek = Rule
  { name = "day-of-week"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "(\xc6d4|\xd654|\xc218|\xbaa9|\xae08|\xd1a0|\xc77c)(\xc694\xc77c|\xc69c)"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):_) -> case match of
        "\xc6d4" -> tt $ dayOfWeek 1
        "\xd654" -> tt $ dayOfWeek 2
        "\xc218" -> tt $ dayOfWeek 3
        "\xbaa9" -> tt $ dayOfWeek 4
        "\xae08" -> tt $ dayOfWeek 5
        "\xd1a0" -> tt $ dayOfWeek 6
        "\xc77c" -> tt $ dayOfWeek 7
        _ -> Nothing
      _ -> Nothing

ruleNextCycle :: Rule
ruleNextCycle = Rule
  { name = "next <cycle>"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xb2e4\xc74c|\xc624\xb294|\xcc28|\xb0b4"
    , dimension TimeGrain
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (_:Token TimeGrain grain:_) ->
        tt $ cycleNth grain 1
      _ -> Nothing

ruleNamedmonth :: Rule
ruleNamedmonth = Rule
  { name = "<named-month>에"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isAMonth
    , regex "\xc5d0"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (x:_) -> Just x
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTimeofdayApproximately :: Rule
ruleTimeofdayApproximately = Rule
  { name = "<time-of-day> approximately"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isATimeOfDay
    , regex "\xc815\xb3c4|\xcbe4"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:_) -> tt $ notLatent td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleDurationFromNow :: Rule
ruleDurationFromNow = Rule
  { name = "<duration> from now"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc9c0\xae08\xbd80\xd130"
    , dimension Duration
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Duration dd:_) ->
        tt $ inDuration dd
      _ -> Nothing

ruleLunch :: Rule
ruleLunch = Rule
  { name = "lunch"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc810\xc2ec"
  , prod = \_ ->
      let from = hour False 12
          to = hour False 14
      in tt . mkLatent . partOfDay $
           interval TTime.Open (from, to)

ruleLastCycle :: Rule
ruleLastCycle = Rule
  { name = "last <cycle>"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc9c0\xb09c|\xc791|\xc804|\xc800\xbc88"
    , dimension TimeGrain
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (_:Token TimeGrain grain:_) ->
        tt . cycleNth grain $ - 1
      _ -> Nothing

ruleAfternoon :: Rule
ruleAfternoon = Rule
  { name = "afternoon"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc624\xd6c4"
  , prod = \_ ->
      let from = hour False 12
          to = hour False 19
      in tt . mkLatent . partOfDay $
           interval TTime.Open (from, to)

ruleChristmasEve :: Rule
ruleChristmasEve = Rule
  { name = "christmas eve"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "(\xd06c\xb9ac\xc2a4\xb9c8\xc2a4)?\xc774\xbe0c"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 12 24

ruleInduringThePartofday :: Rule
ruleInduringThePartofday = Rule
  { name = "in|during the <part-of-day>"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isAPartOfDay
    , regex "\xc5d0|\xb3d9\xc548"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:_) ->
        tt $ notLatent td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleIntersectBy :: Rule
ruleIntersectBy = Rule
  { name = "intersect by \",\""
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isNotLatent
    , regex ","
    , Predicate isNotLatent
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
        Token Time <$> intersect td1 td2
      _ -> Nothing

ruleMmdd :: Rule
ruleMmdd = Rule
  { name = "mm/dd"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])/(3[01]|[12]\\d|0?[1-9])"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (mm:dd:_)):_) -> do
        m <- parseInt mm
        d <- parseInt dd
        tt $ monthDay m d
      _ -> Nothing

ruleAfterDuration :: Rule
ruleAfterDuration = Rule
  { name = "after <duration>"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Duration
    , regex "(\xc774)?\xd6c4"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Duration dd:_) ->
        tt . withDirection TTime.After $ inDuration dd
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTimeofdayLatent :: Rule
ruleTimeofdayLatent = Rule
  { name = "time-of-day (latent)"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 0 23
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (token:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        tt . mkLatent $ hour True v
      _ -> Nothing

ruleExactlyTimeofday :: Rule
ruleExactlyTimeofday = Rule
  { name = "exactly <time-of-day>"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isATimeOfDay
    , regex "\xc815\xac01"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:_) -> tt $ notLatent td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleSeason3 :: Rule
ruleSeason3 = Rule
  { name = "season"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xaca8\xc6b8"
  , prod = \_ ->
      let from = monthDay 12 21
          to = monthDay 3 20
      in tt $ interval TTime.Open (from, to)

ruleSeason :: Rule
ruleSeason = Rule
  { name = "season"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc5ec\xb984"
  , prod = \_ ->
      let from = monthDay 6 21
          to = monthDay 9 23
      in tt $ interval TTime.Open (from, to)

ruleDayWithKoreanNumeral :: Rule
ruleDayWithKoreanNumeral = Rule
  { name = "day with korean number - 십일..삼십일일"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "((\xc774|\xc0bc)?\xc2ed(\xc77c|\xc774|\xc0bc|\xc0ac|\xc624|\xc721|\xce60|\xd314|\xad6c)?)\xc77c"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (_:m1:m2:_)):_) ->
        let dozens = case m1 of
              "\xc774" -> 2
              "\xc0bc" -> 3
              _        -> 1
            units = case m2 of
              "\xc77c" -> 1
              "\xc774" -> 2
              "\xc0bc" -> 3
              "\xc0ac" -> 4
              "\xc624" -> 5
              "\xc721" -> 6
              "\xce60" -> 7
              "\xd314" -> 8
              "\xad6c" -> 9
              _        -> 1
        in tt . dayOfMonth $ 10 * dozens + units
      _ -> Nothing

ruleDayWithKoreanNumeral2 :: Rule
ruleDayWithKoreanNumeral2 = Rule
  { name = "day with korean number - 일일..구일"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "(\xc77c|\xc774|\xc0bc|\xc0ac|\xc624|\xc721|\xce60|\xd314|\xad6c)\xc77c"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):_) -> case match of
        "\xc77c" -> tt $ dayOfMonth 1
        "\xc774" -> tt $ dayOfMonth 2
        "\xc0bc" -> tt $ dayOfMonth 3
        "\xc0ac" -> tt $ dayOfMonth 4
        "\xc624" -> tt $ dayOfMonth 5
        "\xc721" -> tt $ dayOfMonth 6
        "\xce60" -> tt $ dayOfMonth 7
        "\xd314" -> tt $ dayOfMonth 8
        "\xad6c" -> tt $ dayOfMonth 9
        _ -> Nothing
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTimeofday2 :: Rule
ruleTimeofday2 = Rule
  { name = "<time-of-day>에"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isATimeOfDay
    , regex "\xc5d0"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (_:Token Time td:_) ->
        tt $ notLatent td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleDurationAgo :: Rule
ruleDurationAgo = Rule
  { name = "<duration> ago"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Duration
    , regex "(\xc774)?\xc804"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Duration dd:_) ->
        tt $ durationAgo dd
      _ -> Nothing

ruleLastNCycle :: Rule
ruleLastNCycle = Rule
  { name = "last n <cycle>"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc9c0\xb09c"
    , Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1 9999
    , dimension TimeGrain
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (_:token:Token TimeGrain grain:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        tt $ cycleN True grain (- v)
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTimeNthTime :: Rule
ruleTimeNthTime = Rule
  { name = "<time> nth <time> - 3월 첫째 화요일"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Time
    , dimension Ordinal
    , dimension Time
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td1:
       Token Ordinal (OrdinalData {TOrdinal.value = v}):
       Token Time td2:
       _) -> Token Time . predNth (v - 1) False <$> intersect td1 td2
      _ -> Nothing

ruleWithinDuration :: Rule
ruleWithinDuration = Rule
  { name = "within <duration>"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Duration
    , regex "\xc774\xb0b4(\xc5d0)?"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Duration dd:_) ->
        let from = cycleNth TG.Second 0
            to = inDuration dd
        in tt $ interval TTime.Open (from, to)
      _ -> Nothing

ruleMidnighteodendOfDay :: Rule
ruleMidnighteodendOfDay = Rule
  { name = "midnight|EOD|end of day"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc790\xc815"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ hour False 0

ruleIntersect :: Rule
ruleIntersect = Rule
  { name = "intersect"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isNotLatent
    , Predicate isNotLatent
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td1:Token Time td2:_) ->
        Token Time <$> intersect td1 td2
      _ -> Nothing

ruleAboutTimeofday :: Rule
ruleAboutTimeofday = Rule
  { name = "about <time-of-day>"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xb300\xcda9|\xc57d"
    , Predicate isATimeOfDay
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (_:Token Time td:_) -> tt $ notLatent td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleEndOfTime :: Rule
ruleEndOfTime = Rule
  { name = "end of <time>"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Time
    , regex "\xb9d0"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:_) ->
        tt $ predNth 1 False td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTimePartofday :: Rule
ruleTimePartofday = Rule
  { name = "<time> <part-of-day>"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Time
    , Predicate isAPartOfDay
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td1:Token Time td2:_) ->
        Token Time <$> intersect td1 td2
      _ -> Nothing

ruleWeekend :: Rule
ruleWeekend = Rule
  { name = "week-end"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc8fc\xb9d0"
  , prod = \_ -> do
      from <- intersect (dayOfWeek 5) (hour False 18)
      to <- intersect (dayOfWeek 1) (hour False 0)
      tt $ interval TTime.Open (from, to)

ruleTimeDayofweek :: Rule
ruleTimeDayofweek = Rule
  { name = "<time> 마지막 <day-of-week>"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Time
    , regex "\xb9c8\xc9c0\xb9c9"
    , Predicate isADayOfWeek
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
        tt $ predLastOf td2 td1
      _ -> Nothing

ruleDate :: Rule
ruleDate = Rule
  { name = "<date>에"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Time
    , regex "\xc5d0"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (x:_) -> Just x
      _ -> Nothing

ruleNextTime :: Rule
ruleNextTime = Rule
  { name = "next <time>"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xb2e4\xc74c|\xc624\xb294"
    , Predicate isNotLatent
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (_:Token Time td:_) ->
        tt $ predNth 0 True td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTimeCycle2 :: Rule
ruleTimeCycle2 = Rule
  { name = "<time> 마지막 <cycle>"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Time
    , regex "\xb9c8\xc9c0\xb9c9"
    , dimension TimeGrain
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:_:Token TimeGrain grain:_) ->
        tt $ cycleLastOf grain td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleYyyymmdd :: Rule
ruleYyyymmdd = Rule
  { name = "yyyy-mm-dd"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "(\\d{2,4})-(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])-(3[01]|[12]\\d|0?[1-9])"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (yy:mm:dd:_)):_) -> do
        y <- parseInt yy
        m <- parseInt mm
        d <- parseInt dd
        tt $ yearMonthDay y m d
      _ -> Nothing

ruleNextNCycle :: Rule
ruleNextNCycle = Rule
  { name = "next n <cycle>"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xb2e4\xc74c"
    , Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1 9999
    , dimension TimeGrain
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (_:token:Token TimeGrain grain:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        tt $ cycleN True grain v
      _ -> Nothing

ruleMorning :: Rule
ruleMorning = Rule
  { name = "morning"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc544\xce68"
  , prod = \_ ->
      let from = hour False 4
          to = hour False 12
      in tt . mkLatent . partOfDay $
           interval TTime.Open (from, to)

ruleThisCycle :: Rule
ruleThisCycle = Rule
  { name = "this <cycle>"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc774\xbc88|\xae08|\xc62c"
    , dimension TimeGrain
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (_:Token TimeGrain grain:_) ->
        tt $ cycleNth grain 0
      _ -> Nothing

ruleThisTime :: Rule
ruleThisTime = Rule
  { name = "this <time>"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc774\xbc88"
    , dimension Time
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (_:Token Time td:_) ->
        tt $ predNth 0 False td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTimeofday3 :: Rule
ruleTimeofday3 = Rule
  { name = "<time-of-day> 정각"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isATimeOfDay
    , regex "\xc815\xac01"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:_) ->
        tt $ notLatent td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleMemorialDay :: Rule
ruleMemorialDay = Rule
  { name = "Memorial Day"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xd604\xcda9\xc77c"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 6 6

ruleYearLatent :: Rule
ruleYearLatent = Rule
  { name = "year (latent)"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween (- 10000) 999
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (token:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        tt . mkLatent $ year v
      _ -> Nothing

ruleYesterday :: Rule
ruleYesterday = Rule
  { name = "yesterday"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc5b4\xc81c"
  , prod = \_ -> tt . cycleNth TG.Day $ - 1

ruleSeason2 :: Rule
ruleSeason2 = Rule
  { name = "season"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xac00\xc744"
  , prod = \_ ->
      let from = monthDay 9 23
          to = monthDay 12 21
      in tt $ interval TTime.Open (from, to)

ruleAfterTimeofday :: Rule
ruleAfterTimeofday = Rule
  { name = "after <time-of-day>"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate $ liftM2 (||) isATimeOfDay isAPartOfDay
    , regex "\xc9c0\xb098\xc11c|(\xc774)?\xd6c4(\xc5d0)?"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:_) ->
        tt . notLatent $ withDirection TTime.After td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleChristmas :: Rule
ruleChristmas = Rule
  { name = "christmas"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xd06c\xb9ac\xc2a4\xb9c8\xc2a4"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 12 25

ruleTimeofdayAmpm :: Rule
ruleTimeofdayAmpm = Rule
  { name = "<time-of-day> am|pm"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isATimeOfDay
    , regex "(in the )?([ap])(\\s|\\.)?m?\\.?"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (_:ap:_)):_) ->
        tt . timeOfDayAMPM td $ Text.toLower ap == "a"
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTimeCycle :: Rule
ruleTimeCycle = Rule
  { name = "<time> 마지막 <cycle> "
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Time
    , regex "\xb9c8\xc9c0\xb9c9"
    , dimension TimeGrain
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token TimeGrain grain:_:Token Time td:_) ->
        tt $ cycleLastOf grain td
      _ -> Nothing

-- (assoc (intersect (cycle-nth :day 0)
--                   (interval (hour (inc (:start %1)) false)
--                             (hour (inc (:end %1)) false) false))
--        :form :part-of-day)
ruleAfterPartofday :: Rule
ruleAfterPartofday = Rule
  { name = "after <part-of-day>"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isAPartOfDay
    , regex "\xc9c0\xb098\xc11c|\xd6c4\xc5d0"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:_) ->
        Token Time . partOfDay <$> intersect (cycleNth TG.Day 0) td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTimeofday :: Rule
ruleTimeofday = Rule
  { name = "time-of-day"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 0 24
    , regex "\xc2dc"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (token:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        tt $ hour True v
      _ -> Nothing

ruleHangulDay :: Rule
ruleHangulDay = Rule
  { name = "Hangul Day"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xd55c\xae00\xb0a0"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 10 9

ruleHhmm :: Rule
ruleHhmm = Rule
  { name = "hh:mm"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "((?:[01]?\\d)|(?:2[0-3]))[:.]([0-5]\\d)"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (hh:mm:_)):_) -> do
        h <- parseInt hh
        m <- parseInt mm
        tt $ hourMinute True h m
      _ -> Nothing

ruleYearQuarter :: Rule
ruleYearQuarter = Rule
  { name = "<year> <1..4>quarter"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Time
    , Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1 4
    , Predicate $ isGrain TG.Quarter
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:token:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        tt $ cycleNthAfter False TG.Quarter (v - 1) td
      _ -> Nothing

ruleYear :: Rule
ruleYear = Rule
  { name = "year"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1000 2100
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (token:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        tt $ year v
      _ -> Nothing

ruleChildrensDay :: Rule
ruleChildrensDay = Rule
  { name = "Children's Day"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc5b4\xb9b0\xc774\xb0a0"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 5 5

ruleAbsorptionOfAfterNamedDay :: Rule
ruleAbsorptionOfAfterNamedDay = Rule
  { name = "absorption of , after named day"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate isADayOfWeek
    , regex ","
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (x:_) -> Just x
      _ -> Nothing

ruleByTime :: Rule
ruleByTime = Rule
  { name = "by <time> - 까지"
  , pattern =
    [ dimension Time
    , regex "\xae4c\xc9c0"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:_) -> tt $
        interval TTime.Open (cycleNth TG.Second 0, td)
      _ -> Nothing

ruleHhmmMilitaryAmpm :: Rule
ruleHhmmMilitaryAmpm = Rule
  { name = "hhmm (military) am|pm"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "((?:1[012]|0?\\d))([0-5]\\d)"
    , regex "([ap])\\.?m?\\.?"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (hh:mm:_)):Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (ap:_)):_) -> do
        h <- parseInt hh
        m <- parseInt mm
        tt . timeOfDayAMPM (hourMinute True h m) $
          Text.toLower ap == "a"
      _ -> Nothing

ruleQuarter :: Rule
ruleQuarter = Rule
  { name = "<1..4> quarter"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1 4
    , Predicate $ isGrain TG.Quarter
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (token:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        tt . cycleNthAfter False TG.Quarter (v - 1) $
          cycleNth TG.Year 0
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTimeofdayTimeofdayInterval :: Rule
ruleTimeofdayTimeofdayInterval = Rule
  { name = "<time-of-day> - <time-of-day> (interval)"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate $ liftM2 (&&) isATimeOfDay isNotLatent
    , regex "\\-|\\~|\xbd80\xd130"
    , Predicate isATimeOfDay
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td1:_:Token Time td2:_) ->
        tt $ interval TTime.Closed (td1, td2)
      _ -> Nothing

ruleNationalFoundationDay :: Rule
ruleNationalFoundationDay = Rule
  { name = "National Foundation Day"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xac1c\xcc9c\xc808"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 10 3

ruleEveningnight :: Rule
ruleEveningnight = Rule
  { name = "evening|night"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc800\xb141|\xbc24"
  , prod = \_ ->
      let from = hour False 18
          to = hour False 0
      in tt . partOfDay . mkLatent $
           interval TTime.Open (from, to)

ruleIndependenceMovementDay :: Rule
ruleIndependenceMovementDay = Rule
  { name = "Independence Movement Day"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xc0bc\xc77c\xc808"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ monthDay 3 1

ruleMmddyyyy :: Rule
ruleMmddyyyy = Rule
  { name = "mm/dd/yyyy"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "(\\d{2,4})[-/](0?[1-9]|1[0-2])[/-](3[01]|[12]\\d|0?[1-9])"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (yy:mm:dd:_)):_) -> do
        y <- parseInt yy
        m <- parseInt mm
        d <- parseInt dd
        tt $ yearMonthDay y m d
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTomorrow :: Rule
ruleTomorrow = Rule
  { name = "tomorrow"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "\xb0b4\xc77c|\xba85\xc77c|\xb0bc"
  , prod = \_ -> tt $ cycleNth TG.Day 1

ruleAmpmTimeofday :: Rule
ruleAmpmTimeofday = Rule
  { name = "am|pm <time-of-day>"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "(\xc624\xc804|\xc544\xce68|\xc624\xd6c4|\xc800\xb141)"
    , Predicate isATimeOfDay
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):
       Token Time td:
       _) -> tt . timeOfDayAMPM td $
         elem match ["\xc624\xc804", "\xc544\xce68"]
      _ -> Nothing

ruleYear2 :: Rule
ruleYear2 = Rule
  { name = "year"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate $ isIntegerBetween 1 2100
    , regex "\xb144"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (token:_) -> do
        v <- getIntValue token
        tt $ year v
      _ -> Nothing

ruleHhmmss :: Rule
ruleHhmmss = Rule
  { name = "hh:mm:ss"
  , pattern =
    [ regex "((?:[01]?\\d)|(?:2[0-3]))[:.]([0-5]\\d)[:.]([0-5]\\d)"
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (hh:mm:ss:_)):_) -> do
        h <- parseInt hh
        m <- parseInt mm
        s <- parseInt ss
        tt $ hourMinuteSecond True h m s
      _ -> Nothing

ruleTimezone :: Rule
ruleTimezone = Rule
  { name = "<time> timezone"
  , pattern =
    [ Predicate $ liftM2 (&&) isATimeOfDay isNotLatent
  , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of
      (Token Time td:
       Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (tz:_)):
       _) -> Token Time <$> inTimezone tz td
      _ -> Nothing

rules :: [Rule]
rules =
  [ ruleAboutTimeofday
  , ruleAbsorptionOfAfterNamedDay
  , ruleAfterDuration
  , ruleAfterPartofday
  , ruleAfterTimeofday
  , ruleAfternoon
  , ruleAmpmTimeofday
  , ruleByTime
  , ruleChildrensDay
  , ruleChristmas
  , ruleChristmasEve
  , ruleConstitutionDay
  , ruleDate
  , ruleDatetimeDatetimeInterval
  , ruleDay
  , ruleDayWithKoreanNumeral
  , ruleDayWithKoreanNumeral2
  , ruleDayofweek
  , ruleDurationAgo
  , ruleDurationFromNow
  , ruleEndOfTime
  , ruleEveningnight
  , ruleExactlyTimeofday
  , ruleHangulDay
  , ruleHhmm
  , ruleHhmmMilitaryAmpm
  , ruleHhmmss
  , ruleHourofdayIntegerAsRelativeMinutes
  , ruleHourofdayHalfAsRelativeMinutes
  , ruleInDuration
  , ruleIndependenceMovementDay
  , ruleInduringThePartofday
  , ruleIntegerHourofdayRelativeMinutes
  , ruleHalfHourofdayRelativeMinutes
  , ruleIntersect
  , ruleIntersectBy
  , ruleLastCycle
  , ruleLastNCycle
  , ruleLastTime
  , ruleLiberationDay
  , ruleLunch
  , ruleMemorialDay
  , ruleMidnighteodendOfDay
  , ruleMmdd
  , ruleMmddyyyy
  , ruleMonth
  , ruleMorning
  , ruleNamedday
  , ruleNamedmonth
  , ruleNationalFoundationDay
  , ruleNewYearsDay
  , ruleNextCycle
  , ruleNextNCycle
  , ruleNextTime
  , ruleNoon
  , ruleNow
  , ruleQuarter
  , ruleSeason
  , ruleSeason2
  , ruleSeason3
  , ruleSeason4
  , ruleSinceTimeofday
  , ruleTheDayAfterTomorrow
  , ruleTheDayBeforeYesterday
  , ruleThisCycle
  , ruleThisDayofweek
  , ruleThisTime
  , ruleTimeAfterNext
  , ruleTimeCycle
  , ruleTimeCycle2
  , ruleTimeDayofweek
  , ruleTimeNthTime
  , ruleTimeOrdinalCycle
  , ruleTimePartofday
  , ruleTimeofday
  , ruleTimeofday2
  , ruleTimeofday3
  , ruleTimeofday4
  , ruleTimeofdayAmpm
  , ruleTimeofdayApproximately
  , ruleTimeofdayLatent
  , ruleTimeofdayTimeofdayInterval
  , ruleToday
  , ruleTomorrow
  , ruleWeekend
  , ruleWithinDuration
  , ruleYear
  , ruleYear2
  , ruleYearLatent
  , ruleYearLatent2
  , ruleYearQuarter
  , ruleYesterday
  , ruleYyyymmdd
  , ruleSeconds
  , ruleTimezone