-- Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the -- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Duckling.Numeral.EL.Rules ( rules ) where import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.Maybe import Data.String import Data.Text (Text) import Prelude import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.Text as Text import Duckling.Dimensions.Types import Duckling.Numeral.Helpers import Duckling.Numeral.Types (NumeralData (..)) import Duckling.Regex.Types import Duckling.Types import qualified Duckling.Numeral.Types as TNumeral oneOrTwoDigitsMap :: HashMap Text Integer oneOrTwoDigitsMap = HashMap.fromList [ ( "μηδέν" , 0 ) , ( "ένα" , 1 ) , ( "ένας" , 1 ) , ( "ενός" , 1 ) , ( "μία" , 1 ) , ( "μια" , 1 ) , ( "δύο" , 2 ) , ( "δυο" , 2 ) , ( "τρία" , 3 ) , ( "τρεις" , 3 ) , ( "τέσσερα" , 4 ) , ( "τέσσερις" , 4 ) , ( "πέντε" , 5 ) , ( "έξι" , 6 ) , ( "επτά" , 7 ) , ( "εφτά" , 7 ) , ( "οκτώ" , 8 ) , ( "οχτώ" , 8 ) , ( "εννιά" , 9 ) , ( "εννέα" , 9 ) , ( "δέκα" , 10 ) , ( "δεκαριά" , 10 ) , ( "έντεκα" , 11 ) , ( "ένδεκα" , 11 ) , ( "δώδεκα" , 12 ) , ( "ντουζίνα" , 12 ) , ( "ντουζίνες" , 12 ) , ( "δεκατρία" , 13 ) , ( "δεκατέσσερα" , 14 ) , ( "δεκαπέντε" , 15 ) , ( "δεκαέξι" , 16 ) , ( "δεκαεπτά" , 17 ) , ( "δεκαοκτώ" , 18 ) , ( "δεκαεννέα" , 19 ) , ( "δεκαεννιά" , 19 ) , ( "είκοσι" , 20 ) , ( "τριάντα" , 30 ) , ( "σαράντα" , 40 ) , ( "πενήντα" , 50 ) , ( "εξήντα" , 60 ) , ( "εβδομήντα" , 70 ) , ( "ογδόντα" , 80 ) , ( "ενενήντα" , 90 ) ] hundredsMap :: HashMap Text Integer hundredsMap = HashMap.fromList [ ( "δι" , 200 ) , ( "τρι" , 300 ) , ( "τετρ" , 400 ) , ( "πεντ" , 500 ) , ( "εξ" , 600 ) , ( "επτ" , 700 ) , ( "εφτ" , 700 ) , ( "οκτ" , 800 ) , ( "οχτ" , 800 ) , ( "εννι" , 900 ) ] ruleNumeral :: Rule ruleNumeral = Rule { name = "number (0..19, 20, 30..90)" , pattern = [ regex regexString ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):_) -> HashMap.lookup (Text.toLower match) oneOrTwoDigitsMap >>= integer _ -> Nothing } where regexString = "(" ++ intercalate "|" [ "μηδέν|[εέ]ν[αοό]ς?|μ[ιί]ας?" -- [0..1] , "δ[υύ]ο|τρ(ία|εις)|τέσσερ(α|ις)|πέντε" -- [2..5] , "έξι|ε[πφ]τά|ο[κχ]τώ|ενν(ιά|έα)|δέκα|δεκαριά" -- [6..10] , "έν[τδ]εκα|δώδεκα|ντουζίν(α|ες)" -- [11..12] , "δεκα(τρία|τέσσερα|πέντε|έξι|ε[πφ]τά|ο[χκ]τώ|ενν(έα|ιά))" -- [13..19] , "είκοσι|(τριά|σαρά|πενή|εξή|εβδομή|ογδό|ενενή)ντα" -- [2..9]0 ] ++ ")" ruleFew :: Rule ruleFew = Rule { name = "few" , pattern = [ regex "μερικ(ά|ές|οί)" ] , prod = \_ -> integer 3 } ruleCompositeTens :: Rule ruleCompositeTens = Rule { name = "integer 21..99" , pattern = [ oneOf [20,30..90] , numberBetween 1 10 ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token Numeral NumeralData{TNumeral.value = tens} : Token Numeral NumeralData{TNumeral.value = units} : _) -> double (tens + units) _ -> Nothing } ruleHundred :: Rule ruleHundred = Rule { name = "number (100)" , pattern = [ regex "(εκατόν?)" ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch _):_) -> integer 100 >>= withGrain 2 _ -> Nothing } ruleHundreds :: Rule ruleHundreds = Rule { name = "number (200..900)" , pattern = [ regex "(δι|τρι|τετρ|πεντ|εξ|ε(π|φ)τ|ο(χ|κ)τ|εννι)ακόσι(α|ες|οι)" ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):_) -> HashMap.lookup (Text.toLower match) hundredsMap >>= integer >>= withGrain 2 _ -> Nothing } rulePowersOfTen :: Rule rulePowersOfTen = Rule { name = "powers of tens" , pattern = [ regex "(χίλι(α|οι|ες)|χιλιάδες|εκατομμύρι(ο|α)|δις|δισεκατομμύριο)" ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):_) -> case Text.toLower match of "χίλια" -> double 1e3 >>= withGrain 3 >>= withMultipliable "χιλιάδες" -> double 1e3 >>= withGrain 3 >>= withMultipliable "εκατομμύριο" -> double 1e6 >>= withGrain 6 >>= withMultipliable "εκατομμύρια" -> double 1e6 >>= withGrain 6 >>= withMultipliable "δις" -> double 1e9 >>= withGrain 9 >>= withMultipliable "δισεκατομμύριο" -> double 1e9 >>= withGrain 9 >>= withMultipliable "δισεκατομμύρια" -> double 1e9 >>= withGrain 9 >>= withMultipliable _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing } ruleNegative :: Rule ruleNegative = Rule { name = "negative numbers" , pattern = [ regex "-|μείον" , Predicate isPositive ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (_:Token Numeral nd:_) -> double (TNumeral.value nd * (-1)) _ -> Nothing } ruleSum :: Rule ruleSum = Rule { name = "intersect 2 numbers" , pattern = [ Predicate hasGrain , Predicate $ and . sequence [not . isMultipliable, isPositive] ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token Numeral NumeralData{TNumeral.value = val1, TNumeral.grain = Just g}: Token Numeral NumeralData{TNumeral.value = val2}: _) | (10 ** fromIntegral g) > val2 -> double $ val1 + val2 _ -> Nothing } ruleMultiply :: Rule ruleMultiply = Rule { name = "compose by multiplication" , pattern = [ dimension Numeral , Predicate isMultipliable ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (token1:token2:_) -> multiply token1 token2 _ -> Nothing } ruleDecimals :: Rule ruleDecimals = Rule { name = "decimal number" , pattern = [ regex "(\\d+,\\d+)" ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):_) -> parseDecimal True (Text.replace "," "." match) _ -> Nothing } ruleCommaSpelledOut :: Rule ruleCommaSpelledOut = Rule { name = "one point two" , pattern = [ dimension Numeral , regex "κόμμα" , Predicate $ not . hasGrain ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token Numeral nd1:_:Token Numeral nd2:_) -> double $ TNumeral.value nd1 + decimalsToDouble (TNumeral.value nd2) _ -> Nothing } ruleDots :: Rule ruleDots = Rule { name = "dot-separated numbers" , pattern = [ regex "(\\d+(\\.\\d\\d\\d)+(,\\d+)?)" ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match:_)):_) -> parseDouble ( Text.replace "," "." $ Text.replace "." Text.empty match ) >>= double _ -> Nothing } rules :: [Rule] rules = [ ruleFew , ruleNumeral , ruleCompositeTens , rulePowersOfTen , ruleNegative , ruleHundred , ruleHundreds , ruleSum , ruleMultiply , ruleDecimals , ruleCommaSpelledOut , ruleDots ]