-- Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the -- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module Duckling.Numeral.ES.Rules (rules) where import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.Maybe import Data.String import qualified Data.Text as Text import Prelude import Duckling.Dimensions.Types import Duckling.Numeral.Helpers import Duckling.Numeral.Types (NumeralData(..)) import qualified Duckling.Numeral.Types as TNumeral import Duckling.Regex.Types import Duckling.Types ruleNumeralsPrefixWithNegativeOrMinus :: Rule ruleNumeralsPrefixWithNegativeOrMinus = Rule { name = "numbers prefix with -, negative or minus" , pattern = [regex "-|menos", Predicate isPositive] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (_ : Token Numeral NumeralData { TNumeral.value = v } : _) -> double $ v * (-1) _ -> Nothing } byTensMap :: HashMap.HashMap Text.Text Integer byTensMap = HashMap.fromList [ ("veinte", 20) , ("treinta", 30) , ("cuarenta", 40) , ("cincuenta", 50) , ("sesenta", 60) , ("setenta", 70) , ("ochenta", 80) , ("noventa", 90) ] ruleNumeral2 :: Rule ruleNumeral2 = Rule { name = "number (20..90)" , pattern = [ regex "(veinte|treinta|cuarenta|cincuenta|sesenta|setenta|ochenta|noventa)" ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match : _)) : _) -> HashMap.lookup (Text.toLower match) byTensMap >>= integer _ -> Nothing } zeroToFifteenMap :: HashMap.HashMap Text.Text Integer zeroToFifteenMap = HashMap.fromList [ ("zero", 0) , ("cero", 0) , ("un", 1) , ("una", 1) , ("uno", 1) , ("dos", 2) , ("trés", 3) , ("tres", 3) , ("cuatro", 4) , ("cinco", 5) , ("seis", 6) , ("séis", 6) , ("siete", 7) , ("ocho", 8) , ("nueve", 9) , ("diez", 10) , ("dies", 10) , ("once", 11) , ("doce", 12) , ("trece", 13) , ("catorce", 14) , ("quince", 15) ] ruleNumeral :: Rule ruleNumeral = Rule { name = "number (0..15)" , pattern = [ regex "((c|z)ero|un(o|a)?|dos|tr(é|e)s|cuatro|cinco|s(e|é)is|siete|ocho|nueve|die(z|s)|once|doce|trece|catorce|quince)" ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match : _)) : _) -> HashMap.lookup (Text.toLower match) zeroToFifteenMap >>= integer _ -> Nothing } sixteenToTwentyNineMap :: HashMap.HashMap Text.Text Integer sixteenToTwentyNineMap = HashMap.fromList [ ("dieciseis", 16) , ("diesiséis", 16) , ("diesiseis", 16) , ("dieciséis", 16) , ("diecisiete", 17) , ("dieciocho", 18) , ("diecinueve", 19) , ("veintiuno", 21) , ("veintiuna", 21) , ("veintidos", 22) , ("veintidós", 22) , ("veintitrés", 23) , ("veintitres", 23) , ("veinticuatro", 24) , ("veinticinco", 25) , ("veintiséis", 26) , ("veintiseis", 26) , ("veintisiete", 27) , ("veintiocho", 28) , ("veintinueve", 29) ] ruleNumeral5 :: Rule ruleNumeral5 = Rule { name = "number (16..19 21..29)" , pattern = [ regex "(die(c|s)is(é|e)is|diecisiete|dieciocho|diecinueve|veintiun(o|a)|veintid(o|ó)s|veintitr(é|e)s|veinticuatro|veinticinco|veintis(é|e)is|veintisiete|veintiocho|veintinueve|treinta)" ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match : _)) : _) -> HashMap.lookup (Text.toLower match) sixteenToTwentyNineMap >>= integer _ -> Nothing } ruleNumeral3 :: Rule ruleNumeral3 = Rule { name = "number (16..19)" , pattern = [numberWith TNumeral.value (== 10), regex "y", numberBetween 6 10] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (_ : _ : Token Numeral NumeralData { TNumeral.value = v } : _) -> double $ 10 + v _ -> Nothing } ruleNumeralsSuffixesKMG :: Rule ruleNumeralsSuffixesKMG = Rule { name = "numbers suffixes (K, M, G)" , pattern = [dimension Numeral, regex "([kmg])(?=[\\W\\$€]|$)"] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token Numeral NumeralData { TNumeral.value = v } : Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match : _)) : _) -> case Text.toLower match of "k" -> double $ v * 1e3 "m" -> double $ v * 1e6 "g" -> double $ v * 1e9 _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing } oneHundredToThousandMap :: HashMap.HashMap Text.Text Integer oneHundredToThousandMap = HashMap.fromList [ ("cien", 100) , ("cientos", 100) , ("ciento", 100) , ("doscientos", 200) , ("trescientos", 300) , ("cuatrocientos", 400) , ("quinientos", 500) , ("seiscientos", 600) , ("setecientos", 700) , ("ochocientos", 800) , ("novecientos", 900) , ("mil", 1000) ] ruleNumeral6 :: Rule ruleNumeral6 = Rule { name = "number 100..1000 " , pattern = [ regex "(cien(to)?s?|doscientos|trescientos|cuatrocientos|quinientos|seiscientos|setecientos|ochocientos|novecientos|mil)" ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch (match : _)) : _) -> HashMap.lookup (Text.toLower match) oneHundredToThousandMap >>= integer _ -> Nothing } ruleNumeral4 :: Rule ruleNumeral4 = Rule { name = "number (21..29 31..39 41..49 51..59 61..69 71..79 81..89 91..99)" , pattern = [oneOf [70, 20, 60, 50, 40, 90, 30, 80], regex "y", numberBetween 1 10] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token Numeral NumeralData { TNumeral.value = v1 } : _ : Token Numeral NumeralData { TNumeral.value = v2 } : _) -> double $ v1 + v2 _ -> Nothing } ruleNumerals :: Rule ruleNumerals = Rule { name = "numbers 200..999" , pattern = [ numberBetween 2 10 , numberWith TNumeral.value (== 100) , numberBetween 0 100 ] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token Numeral NumeralData { TNumeral.value = v1 } : _ : Token Numeral NumeralData { TNumeral.value = v2 } : _) -> double $ 100 * v1 + v2 _ -> Nothing } ruleNumeralDotNumeral :: Rule ruleNumeralDotNumeral = Rule { name = "number dot number" , pattern = [dimension Numeral, regex "punto", Predicate $ not . hasGrain] , prod = \tokens -> case tokens of (Token Numeral NumeralData { TNumeral.value = v1 } : _ : Token Numeral NumeralData { TNumeral.value = v2 } : _) -> double $ v1 + decimalsToDouble v2 _ -> Nothing } ruleBelowTenWithTwoDigits :: Rule ruleBelowTenWithTwoDigits = Rule { name = "integer (0-9) with two digits" , pattern = [ regex "((c|z)ero)|0" , numberBetween 1 10 ] , prod = \case ( _: Token Numeral NumeralData { TNumeral.value = v }: _ ) -> double v _ -> Nothing } rules :: [Rule] rules = [ ruleBelowTenWithTwoDigits , ruleNumeral , ruleNumeral2 , ruleNumeral3 , ruleNumeral4 , ruleNumeral5 , ruleNumeral6 , ruleNumeralDotNumeral , ruleNumerals , ruleNumeralsPrefixWithNegativeOrMinus , ruleNumeralsSuffixesKMG ]