-- |
-- Module      : CAS.Dumb.Tree
-- Copyright   : (c) Justus Sagemüller 2017
-- License     : GPL v3
-- Maintainer  : (@) jsagemue $ uni-koeln.de
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveGeneric       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms                    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, UnicodeSyntax #-}

module CAS.Dumb.Tree where

import CAS.Dumb.Util.These

import qualified Data.Hashable as SH
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HMap
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)

import Data.Void
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow

import GHC.Generics

data CAS' γ   s⁰ = Symbol !s⁰
                     | Function ! (CAS' γ   s⁰)
                     | Operator ! (CAS' γ   s⁰) (CAS' γ   s⁰)
                     | OperatorChain
                          (CAS' γ   s⁰)       -- Initial operand
                          [(, CAS' γ   s⁰)] -- Chain of operator-application, in
                                                  -- reverse order (i.e. the head of this
                                                  -- list contains the rightmost operand)
                     | Gap !γ
  deriving (Functor, Eq, Generic)

chainableInfixL, chainableInfixR, chainableInfix
               :: ( -> Bool)  -- ^ Condition that all operators in the chain
                                --   must fulfill to be joined by this one
               ->             -- ^ The operator we want to add
               -> CAS' γ   s⁰ -> CAS' γ   s⁰
               -> CAS' γ   s⁰
chainableInfixL ppred infx (OperatorChain x ys) z
 | all (ppred . fst) ys  = OperatorChain x $ (infx,z):ys
chainableInfixL _ infx a b = OperatorChain a [(infx,b)]

chainableInfixR ppred infx (OperatorChain x ys) z
 | all (ppred . fst) ys  = OperatorChain x $ (infx,z):ys
chainableInfixR ppred infx x (OperatorChain y zs)
 | all (ppred . fst) zs  = OperatorChain x $ zs++[(infx,y)]
chainableInfixR _ infx a b = OperatorChain a [(infx,b)]

chainableInfix ppred infx (OperatorChain x ys) z
 | all (ppred . fst) ys  = OperatorChain x $ (infx,z):ys
chainableInfix ppred infx x (OperatorChain y zs)
 | all (ppred . fst) zs  = OperatorChain x $ zs++[(infx,y)]
chainableInfix _ infx a b = OperatorChain a [(infx,b)]

associativeOperator :: Eq  =>  -> CAS' γ   s⁰ -> CAS' γ   s⁰
                                  -> CAS' γ   s⁰
associativeOperator o (OperatorChain x ys) (OperatorChain ξ υs)
 | all ((==o) . fst) $ ys ++ υs  = OperatorChain x $ υs ++ (o,ξ):ys
associativeOperator o (OperatorChain x ys) z
 | all ((==o) . fst) $ ys  = OperatorChain x $ (o,z):ys
associativeOperator o x (OperatorChain y zs)
 | all ((==o) . fst) $ zs  = OperatorChain x $ zs ++ [(o,y)]
associativeOperator o x y = OperatorChain x [(o,y)]

type CAS = CAS' Void

instance (SH.Hashable γ, SH.Hashable s⁰, SH.Hashable , SH.Hashable )
              => SH.Hashable (CAS' γ   s⁰)

infixr 4 :=, :=:
data Equality' γ   s⁰
  = (:=) { originalExpression :: !(CAS' γ   s⁰)
         , transformationOptions :: [Equality' γ   s⁰] }
  | (:=:) { originalExpression :: !(CAS' γ   s⁰)
          , transformedExpression :: !(CAS' γ   s⁰) }
type Equality = Equality' Void

type GapId = Int
type Expattern   s⁰ = CAS' GapId   s⁰
type Eqspattern   s⁰ = Equality' GapId   s⁰

matchPattern ::  s⁰   . (Eq s⁰, Eq , Eq )
         => Expattern   s⁰ -> CAS   s⁰ -> Maybe (Map GapId (CAS   s⁰))
matchPattern (Gap i) e = Just $ Map.singleton i e
matchPattern (Symbol s) (Symbol s')
 | s==s'  = Just Map.empty
matchPattern (Function f x) (Function f' ξ)
 | f==f'  = matchPattern x ξ
matchPattern (Operator o x y) (Operator o' ξ υ)
    = matchPattern (OperatorChain x [(o,y)]) (OperatorChain ξ [(o',υ)])
matchPattern (OperatorChain x zs) (OperatorChain ξ ζs)
 | (fst<$>zs) == (fst<$>ζs)  = do
     xmatches <- matchPattern x ξ
     zsmatches <- sequence $ zipWith matchPattern (snd<$>zs) (snd<$>ζs)
     merge xmatches zsmatches
 where merge :: Map GapId (CAS   s⁰) -> [Map GapId (CAS   s⁰)]
                   -> Maybe (Map GapId (CAS   s⁰))
       merge acc [] = pure acc
       merge acc (xm:ms)
          = traverseUnionConflicts (\v w -> guard (v==w) >> Just v) xm acc
             >>= (`merge` ms)
matchPattern _ _ = Nothing

infixl 1 &~:, &~?, &~!

-- | @expr '&~:' pat ':=:' rep@ replaces every occurence of @pat@ within @expr@ with @rep@.
-- For example, <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dumb-cas/docs/CAS-Dumb-Symbols-Unicode-MathLatin_RomanGreek__BopomofoGaps.html#v:-119886- 𝑎>·<http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dumb-cas/docs/CAS-Dumb-Symbols-Unicode-MathLatin_RomanGreek__BopomofoGaps.html#v:-119887- 𝑏> − <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dumb-cas/docs/CAS-Dumb-Symbols-Unicode-MathLatin_RomanGreek__BopomofoGaps.html#v:-119888- 𝑐>·<http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dumb-cas/docs/CAS-Dumb-Symbols-Unicode-MathLatin_RomanGreek__BopomofoGaps.html#v:-119889- 𝑑> '&~:' <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dumb-cas/docs/CAS-Dumb-Symbols-Unicode-MathLatin_RomanGreek__BopomofoGaps.html#v:-12549- ㄅ>·<http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dumb-cas/docs/CAS-Dumb-Symbols-Unicode-MathLatin_RomanGreek__BopomofoGaps.html#v:-12568- ㄘ> ':=:' ㄘ·ㄅ yields 𝑏·𝑎 − 𝑑·𝑐.
(&~:) :: (Eq s⁰, Eq , Eq ) => CAS   s⁰ -> Eqspattern   s⁰ -> CAS   s⁰
e &~: orig := (alt:=_):_ = e &~: orig:=:alt
OperatorChain x ys &~: pat@(OperatorChain ξ υs):=:alt
  | exprLength > patLength
  , (remainSect, patLSect) <- splitAt (exprLength-patLength) ys
    = let (or₀, yr₀) = last remainSect
      in case matchPattern pat (OperatorChain x patLSect) of
       Just varMatchesL -> case fillGaps varMatchesL alt of
          Just patReplaced -> associativeOperator or₀ patReplaced
                               $ OperatorChain yr₀ (init remainSect) &~: pat:=:alt
       Nothing -> let (o₀,y₀) = last ys
                  in associativeOperator o₀ (x&~:(pat:=:alt))
                       $ OperatorChain y₀ (init ys) &~: pat:=:alt
 where patLength = length υs
       exprLength = length ys
e &~: orig:=:alt
  | Just varMatches <- matchPattern orig e
      = case fillGaps varMatches alt of
          Just refilled -> refilled
Function f x &~: p = Function f $ x&~:p
Operator o x y &~: p = Operator o (x&~:p) (y&~:p)
OperatorChain x [] &~: p = x&~:p
OperatorChain x ((oo,z):ys) &~: p
    = associativeOperator oo (OperatorChain x ys&~:p) (z&~:p)
e &~: _ = e

-- | @expr '&~?' pat ':=:' rep@ gives every possible way @pat@ can be replaced exactly
-- once within @expr@.
-- For example, <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dumb-cas/docs/CAS-Dumb-Symbols-Unicode-MathLatin_RomanGreek__BopomofoGaps.html#v:-119886- 𝑎>·<http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dumb-cas/docs/CAS-Dumb-Symbols-Unicode-MathLatin_RomanGreek__BopomofoGaps.html#v:-119887- 𝑏> − <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dumb-cas/docs/CAS-Dumb-Symbols-Unicode-MathLatin_RomanGreek__BopomofoGaps.html#v:-119888- 𝑐>·<http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dumb-cas/docs/CAS-Dumb-Symbols-Unicode-MathLatin_RomanGreek__BopomofoGaps.html#v:-119889- 𝑑> '&~?' <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dumb-cas/docs/CAS-Dumb-Symbols-Unicode-MathLatin_RomanGreek__BopomofoGaps.html#v:-12549- ㄅ>·<http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dumb-cas/docs/CAS-Dumb-Symbols-Unicode-MathLatin_RomanGreek__BopomofoGaps.html#v:-12568- ㄘ> ':=:' ㄘ·ㄅ yields [𝑏·𝑎 − 𝑐·𝑑, 𝑎·𝑏 − 𝑑·𝑐].
(&~?) :: (Eq s⁰, Eq , Eq ) => CAS   s⁰ -> Eqspattern   s⁰ -> [CAS   s⁰]
e &~? orig := (alt:=_):_ = e &~? orig:=:alt
e &~? orig:=:alt
  | Just varMatches <- matchPattern orig e
      = case fillGaps varMatches alt of
          Just refilled -> [refilled]
Function f x &~? p = Function f <$> (x&~?p)
Operator o x y &~? p = (flip (Operator o) y <$> (x&~?p))
                    ++ (      Operator o  x <$> (y&~?p))
OperatorChain x [] &~? p = x&~?p
OperatorChain x ((o,y):zs) &~? p@(orig:=:alt)
       = [ associativeOperator o ξs' y
         | ξs' <- OperatorChain x zs &~? p ]
      ++ rSectMatched
      ++ (OperatorChain x . (:zs) . (o,) <$> (y&~?p))
 where rSectMatched
        | OperatorChain ξ υs <- orig
        , patLength <- length υs
        , exprLength > patLength
        , (patRSect, (o₁,z₁):remainSect) <- splitAt (patLength-1) $ zs
        , Just varMatches <- matchPattern orig $ OperatorChain z₁ ((o,y):patRSect)
           = case fillGaps varMatches alt of
               Just refilled -> [associativeOperator o₁
                                  (OperatorChain x remainSect) refilled]
        | otherwise  = []
       exprLength = length zs + 1
e &~? _ = []

-- | @expr '&~!' pat ':=:' rep@ replaces @pat@ exactly once in @expr@. If this
--   is not possible, an error is raised. If multiple occurences match, the leftmost
--   is preferred.
(&~!) :: ( Eq s⁰, Eq , Eq 
         , Show (CAS   s⁰), Show (CAS' GapId   s⁰) )
         => CAS   s⁰ -> Eqspattern   s⁰ -> CAS   s⁰
e &~! orig := (alt:=_):_ = e &~! orig:=:alt
e&~!pat@(orig:=:_) = case e&~?pat of
     (e':_) -> e'
     []     -> error $ "Unable to match pattern "++show orig
                          ++"\nin expression "++show e

fillGaps :: Map GapId (CAS   s⁰) -> (Expattern   s⁰) -> Maybe (CAS   s⁰)
fillGaps matches (Gap i)
  | rematch@(Just _) <- Map.lookup i matches  = rematch
fillGaps matches (Symbol s) = Just $ Symbol s
fillGaps matches (Function f x) = Function f <$> fillGaps matches x
fillGaps matches (Operator o x y)
    = Operator o <$> fillGaps matches x
                 <*> fillGaps matches y
fillGaps matches (OperatorChain x ys)
    = OperatorChain <$> fillGaps matches x
                    <*> sequence [ (o,) <$> fillGaps matches y | (o,y) <- ys ]
fillGaps _ _ = Nothing

exploreEquality :: (Eq s⁰, Eq , Eq )
           => [Expattern   s⁰] -> CAS   s⁰ -> Equality   s⁰
exploreEquality tfms = undefined

showStructure :: CAS' γ   s⁰ -> String
showStructure e = go e ""
 where go (Symbol _) = ('σ':)
       go (Gap _) = ('γ':)
       go (Function _ x) = ("φ ("++) . go x . (')':)
       go (Operator _ x y) = ('(':) . go x . (")`υ`("++) . go y . (")"++)
       go (OperatorChain x ys) = ("χ ["++) . go x
                              . flip (foldr $ ((", "++).) . go . snd) (reverse ys) . (']':)

type Unwieldiness = Double

class Unwieldy e where
  unwieldiness :: e -> Unwieldiness

instance (Unwieldy , Unwieldy , Unwieldy s⁰) => Unwieldy (CAS   s⁰) where
  unwieldiness (Symbol s) = unwieldiness s
  unwieldiness (Function f x) = unwieldiness f + unwieldiness x
  unwieldiness (Operator o x y)
      = unwieldiness o + unwieldiness x + bigFirstPreference*unwieldiness y
  unwieldiness (OperatorChain x ys)
      = unwieldiness x + sum [ q * (unwieldiness o + unwieldiness y)
                             | (q,(o,y)) <- zip [1, bigFirstPreference ..] $ reverse ys ]

-- | How much it is preferred to start an operator-chain with the most complex
--   subexpression (e.g. with the highest-order monomial).
bigFirstPreference :: Unwieldiness
bigFirstPreference = 1 + 1e-6