{- |
   Module      : Dvda
   Description : Top level module

   This is the top level module which exports the API

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}

module Dvda ( -- * primitives
            , symDependent
            , symDependentN
              -- * operations
            , rad
              -- * symbolic expression type
            , Expr
              -- * construct FunGraphs
            , toFunGraph
              -- * show/summarize FunGraphs
            , previewGraph
              -- * compile and link function
--            , buildHSFunction
--            , buildHSFunctionPure
--            , buildHSFunctionFromGraph
              -- * Heterogenous inputs/outputs
            , (:*)(..)
            ) where

import Dvda.AD ( rad )
import Dvda.Expr ( Expr, sym, symDependent, symDependentN )
import Dvda.FunGraph ( toFunGraph, (:*)(..) )
import Dvda.Vis ( previewGraph )
--import Dvda.HSBuilder