{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}

module Dvda.Algorithm.Construct
       ( Algorithm(..)
       , AlgOp(..)
       , Node(..)
       , InputIdx(..)
       , OutputIdx(..)
       , constructAlgorithm
       , squashWorkVector
       ) where

import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM

import Dvda.Expr
import Dvda.Algorithm.FunGraph ( FunGraph(..), Node(..), toFunGraph )

newtype InputIdx = InputIdx Int deriving Show
newtype OutputIdx = OutputIdx Int deriving Show

data AlgOp a = InputOp  Node InputIdx
             | OutputOp Node OutputIdx
             | NormalOp Node (GExpr a Node)
             deriving Show

data Algorithm a = Algorithm { algInDims :: Int
                             , algOutDims :: Int
                             , algOps :: [AlgOp a]
                             , algWorkSize :: Int

newtype LiveNode = LiveNode Int deriving Show
newtype NodeMap a = NodeMap (IM.IntMap a) deriving Show
nmEmpty :: NodeMap a
nmEmpty = NodeMap IM.empty

nmInsertWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> Node -> a -> NodeMap a -> NodeMap a
nmInsertWith f (Node k) v (NodeMap im) = NodeMap (IM.insertWith f k v im)

nmLookup :: Node -> NodeMap a -> Maybe a
nmLookup (Node k) (NodeMap im) = IM.lookup k im

nmInsert :: Node -> a -> NodeMap a -> NodeMap a
nmInsert (Node k) val (NodeMap im) = NodeMap $ IM.insert k val im

squashWorkVec' :: NodeMap Int -> NodeMap LiveNode -> [LiveNode] -> [AlgOp a] -> [AlgOp a]
squashWorkVec' accessMap liveMap0 (LiveNode pool0:pools) (InputOp k inIdx:xs) =
  InputOp (Node pool0) inIdx : squashWorkVec' accessMap liveMap pools xs
    -- input to the the first element of the live pool
    -- update the liveMap to reflect this
    -- update the pool to reflect this
    liveMap = nmInsertWith err k (LiveNode pool0) liveMap0
    err = error "SSA node written to more than once"
squashWorkVec' accessMap0 liveMap0 pool0 (OutputOp k outIdx:xs) =
  OutputOp (Node lk) outIdx : squashWorkVec' accessMap liveMap0 pool xs
    -- output from node looked up from live variables
    (LiveNode lk) = fromMaybe noLiveErr (nmLookup k liveMap0)
      where noLiveErr = error "OutputOp couldn't find node in live map"
    -- decrement access map, if references are now zero, add live node back to pool
    (accessMap, pool) = case nmLookup k accessMap0 of
      Just 0 -> error "squashWorkVec': accessed something with 0 references"
      Just 1 -> (nmInsert k 0 accessMap0, LiveNode lk:pool0)
      Just n -> (nmInsert k (n-1) accessMap0, pool0)
      Nothing -> error "squashWorkVec': node not in access map"
squashWorkVec' accessMap0 liveMap0 pool0 (NormalOp k gexpr0:xs) =
  NormalOp (Node retLiveK) gexpr : squashWorkVec' accessMap liveMap pool xs
    decrement (am0, p0) depk = case nmLookup depk am0 of
      Just 0 -> error "squashWorkVec': accessed something with 0 references"
      Just 1 -> ((nmInsert depk     0 am0, LiveNode lk:p0), Node lk)
      Just n -> ((nmInsert depk (n-1) am0,             p0), Node lk)
      Nothing -> error "squashWorkVec': node not in access map"
        LiveNode lk = fromMaybe (error "depsLiveKs missing") (nmLookup depk liveMap0)

    ((accessMap, LiveNode retLiveK:pool), gexpr) =
      T.mapAccumL decrement (accessMap0, pool0) gexpr0
    liveMap = nmInsert k (LiveNode retLiveK) liveMap0
squashWorkVec' _ _ _ [] = []
squashWorkVec' _ _ [] _ = error "squashWorkVec': empty pool"

-- | Converts SSA to live variables.
--   This reduces the size of the work vector by re-using dead registers.
--   Does this break if it's called more than once?
--   Maybe these should have different types
squashWorkVector :: Algorithm a -> Algorithm a
squashWorkVector alg =
  Algorithm { algOps = newAlgOps
            , algInDims = algInDims alg
            , algOutDims = algOutDims alg
            , algWorkSize = workVectorSize newAlgOps
    addOne k = nmInsertWith (+) k (1::Int)
    countAccesses accMap  (InputOp _ _:xs) = countAccesses accMap xs
    countAccesses accMap  (OutputOp k _:xs) = countAccesses (addOne k accMap) xs
    countAccesses accMap0 (NormalOp _ gexpr:xs) = countAccesses accMap xs
        accMap = F.foldr addOne accMap0 gexpr
    countAccesses accMap [] = accMap
    accesses = countAccesses nmEmpty (algOps alg)

    newAlgOps = squashWorkVec' accesses nmEmpty (map LiveNode [0..]) (algOps alg)

graphToAlg :: [(Node,GExpr a Node)] -> V.Vector (Sym,InputIdx) -> V.Vector (Node,OutputIdx)
              -> [AlgOp a]
graphToAlg rgr0 inSyms outIdxs = f rgr0
    inSymMap = HM.fromList (F.toList inSyms :: [(Sym,InputIdx)])
    outIdxMap = IM.fromList (map (\(Node k, x) -> (k, x)) (F.toList outIdxs :: [(Node,OutputIdx)]))

    f ((k@(Node k'),GSym s):xs) = case HM.lookup s inSymMap of
      Nothing -> error "toAlg: symbolic is not in inputs"
      Just inIdx -> case IM.lookup k' outIdxMap of
        -- sym is an input
        Nothing -> InputOp k inIdx : f xs
        -- sym is an input and an output
        Just outIdx -> InputOp k inIdx : OutputOp k outIdx : f xs
    f ((k@(Node k'),x):xs) = case IM.lookup k' outIdxMap of
      -- no input or output
      Nothing -> NormalOp k x : f xs
      -- output only
      Just outIdx -> NormalOp k x : OutputOp k outIdx : f xs
    f [] = []

workVectorSize :: [AlgOp a] -> Int
workVectorSize = workVectorSize' (-1)
    workVectorSize' n (NormalOp (Node m) _:xs) = workVectorSize' (max n m) xs
    workVectorSize' n (InputOp  (Node m) _:xs) = workVectorSize' (max n m) xs
    workVectorSize' n (OutputOp (Node m) _:xs) = workVectorSize' (max n m) xs
    workVectorSize' n [] = n+1

-- | create a SSA algorithm from a vector of symbolic inputs and outputs
constructAlgorithm :: V.Vector (Expr a) -> V.Vector (Expr a) -> IO (Algorithm a)
constructAlgorithm inputVecs outputVecs = do
  fg <- toFunGraph inputVecs outputVecs
  let inputIdxs  = V.map (\(k,x) -> (x,  InputIdx k)) (V.indexed ( fgInputs fg))
      outputIdxs = V.map (\(k,x) -> (x, OutputIdx k)) (V.indexed (fgOutputs fg))
      ops = graphToAlg (fgReified fg) inputIdxs outputIdxs
  return Algorithm { algInDims  = V.length inputIdxs
                   , algOutDims = V.length outputIdxs
                   , algOps = ops
                   , algWorkSize = workVectorSize ops