module Data.Dwarf.LNI where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>))
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Binary (Binary(..), Get)
import Data.Binary.Get (getWord8)
import Data.Dwarf.Reader
import Data.Dwarf.Utils
import Data.Int (Int8, Int64)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word64)
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as Get
import qualified Data.ByteString as B

-- Section 7.21 - Line Number Information
data DW_LNI
    = DW_LNI_special Word64 Int64
    | DW_LNS_copy
    | DW_LNS_advance_pc Word64
    | DW_LNS_advance_line Int64
    | DW_LNS_set_file Word64
    | DW_LNS_set_column Word64
    | DW_LNS_negate_stmt
    | DW_LNS_set_basic_block
    | DW_LNS_const_add_pc Word64
    | DW_LNS_fixed_advance_pc Word64
    | DW_LNS_set_prologue_end
    | DW_LNS_set_epilogue_begin
    | DW_LNS_set_isa Word64
    | DW_LNE_end_sequence
    | DW_LNE_set_address Word64
    | DW_LNE_define_file String Word64 Word64 Word64
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
getDW_LNI :: Reader -> Int64 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word64 -> Get DW_LNI
getDW_LNI dr line_base line_range opcode_base minimum_instruction_length = fromIntegral <$> getWord8 >>= getDW_LNI_
    where getDW_LNI_ 0x00 = do
            rest <- getByteStringLen getULEB128
            pure $ strictGet getDW_LNE rest
                where getDW_LNE = getWord8 >>= getDW_LNE_
                      getDW_LNE_ 0x01 = pure DW_LNE_end_sequence
                      getDW_LNE_ 0x02 = pure DW_LNE_set_address <*> drGetTargetAddress dr
                      getDW_LNE_ 0x03 = pure DW_LNE_define_file <*> getUTF8Str0 <*> getULEB128 <*> getULEB128 <*> getULEB128
                      getDW_LNE_ n | 0x80 <= n && n <= 0xff = fail $ "User DW_LNE data requires extension of parser for code " ++ show n
                      getDW_LNE_ n = fail $ "Unexpected DW_LNE code " ++ show n
          getDW_LNI_ 0x01 = pure DW_LNS_copy
          getDW_LNI_ 0x02 = pure DW_LNS_advance_pc <*> (* minimum_instruction_length) <$> getULEB128
          getDW_LNI_ 0x03 = pure DW_LNS_advance_line <*> getSLEB128
          getDW_LNI_ 0x04 = pure DW_LNS_set_file <*> getULEB128
          getDW_LNI_ 0x05 = pure DW_LNS_set_column <*> getULEB128
          getDW_LNI_ 0x06 = pure DW_LNS_negate_stmt
          getDW_LNI_ 0x07 = pure DW_LNS_set_basic_block
          getDW_LNI_ 0x08 = pure $ DW_LNS_const_add_pc (minimum_instruction_length * fromIntegral ((255 - opcode_base) `div` line_range))
          getDW_LNI_ 0x09 = pure DW_LNS_fixed_advance_pc <*> fromIntegral <$> drGetW16 dr
          getDW_LNI_ 0x0a = pure DW_LNS_set_prologue_end
          getDW_LNI_ 0x0b = pure DW_LNS_set_epilogue_begin
          getDW_LNI_ 0x0c = pure DW_LNS_set_isa <*> getULEB128
          getDW_LNI_ n | n >= opcode_base =
            let addr_incr = minimum_instruction_length * fromIntegral ((n - opcode_base) `div` line_range)
                line_incr = line_base + fromIntegral ((n - opcode_base) `mod` line_range)
             in pure $ DW_LNI_special addr_incr line_incr
          getDW_LNI_ n = fail $ "Unexpected DW_LNI opcode " ++ show n

stepLineMachine :: Bool -> Word8 -> DW_LNE -> [DW_LNI] -> [DW_LNE]
stepLineMachine _ _ _ [] = []
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNI_special addr_incr line_incr : xs) =
    let row = lnm { lnmAddress = lnmAddress lnm + addr_incr, lnmLine = lnmLine lnm + fromIntegral line_incr }
        new = row { lnmBasicBlock = False, lnmPrologueEnd = False, lnmEpilogueBegin = False }
    in row : stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNS_copy : xs) =
    let row = lnm
        new = row { lnmBasicBlock = False, lnmPrologueEnd = False, lnmEpilogueBegin = False }
    in row : stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNS_advance_pc incr : xs) =
    let new = lnm { lnmAddress = lnmAddress lnm + incr }
    in stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNS_advance_line incr : xs) =
    let new = lnm { lnmLine = lnmLine lnm + fromIntegral incr }
    in stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNS_set_file file : xs) =
    let new = lnm { lnmFile = file }
    in stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNS_set_column col : xs) =
    let new = lnm { lnmColumn = col }
    in stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNS_negate_stmt : xs) =
    let new = lnm { lnmStatement = not (lnmStatement lnm) }
    in stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNS_set_basic_block : xs) =
    let new = lnm { lnmBasicBlock = True }
    in stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNS_const_add_pc incr : xs) =
    let new = lnm { lnmAddress = lnmAddress lnm + incr }
    in stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNS_fixed_advance_pc incr : xs) =
    let new = lnm { lnmAddress = lnmAddress lnm + incr }
    in stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNS_set_prologue_end : xs) =
    let new = lnm { lnmPrologueEnd = True }
    in stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNS_set_epilogue_begin : xs) =
    let new = lnm { lnmEpilogueBegin = True }
    in stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNS_set_isa isa : xs) =
    let new = lnm { lnmISA = isa }
    in stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNE_end_sequence : xs) =
    let row = lnm { lnmEndSequence = True }
        new = defaultLNE is_stmt (lnmFiles lnm)
    in row : stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNE_set_address address : xs) =
    let new = lnm { lnmAddress = address }
    in stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs
stepLineMachine is_stmt mil lnm (DW_LNE_define_file name dir_index time len : xs) =
    let new = lnm { lnmFiles = lnmFiles lnm ++ [(name, dir_index, time, len)] }
    in stepLineMachine is_stmt mil new xs

data DW_LNE = DW_LNE
    { lnmAddress       :: Word64
    , lnmFile          :: Word64
    , lnmLine          :: Word64
    , lnmColumn        :: Word64
    , lnmStatement     :: Bool
    , lnmBasicBlock    :: Bool
    , lnmEndSequence   :: Bool
    , lnmPrologueEnd   :: Bool
    , lnmEpilogueBegin :: Bool
    , lnmISA           :: Word64
    , lnmFiles         :: [(String, Word64, Word64, Word64)]
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
defaultLNE :: Bool -> [(String, Word64, Word64, Word64)] -> DW_LNE
defaultLNE is_stmt files = DW_LNE
    { lnmAddress       = 0
    , lnmFile          = 1
    , lnmLine          = 1
    , lnmColumn        = 0
    , lnmStatement     = is_stmt
    , lnmBasicBlock    = False
    , lnmEndSequence   = False
    , lnmPrologueEnd   = False
    , lnmEpilogueBegin = False
    , lnmISA           = 0
    , lnmFiles         = files

-- | Retrieves the line information for a DIE from a given substring of the .debug_line section. The offset
-- into the .debug_line section is obtained from the DW_AT_stmt_list attribute of a DIE.
parseLNE :: Endianess -> TargetSize -> Word64 -> B.ByteString -> ([String], [DW_LNE])
parseLNE endianess target64 offset bs =
    let dr = endianReader endianess
    in getAt (getLNE target64 dr) offset bs

getDebugLineFileNames :: Get [(String, Word64, Word64, Word64)]
getDebugLineFileNames = whileJust $ traverse entry =<< getNonEmptyUTF8Str0
    entry file_name = do
      dir_index   <- getULEB128
      last_mod    <- getULEB128
      file_length <- getULEB128
      pure (file_name, dir_index, last_mod, file_length)

getLNE :: TargetSize -> EndianReader -> Get ([String], [DW_LNE])
getLNE target64 der = do
    (desr, endPos)             <- getUnitLength der
    let dr                      = reader target64 desr
    _version                   <- drGetW16 dr
    _header_length             <- drGetOffset dr
    minimum_instruction_length <- getWord8
    default_is_stmt            <- (/= 0) <$> getWord8
    line_base                  <- get :: Get Int8
    line_range                 <- getWord8
    opcode_base                <- getWord8
    _standard_opcode_lengths   <- replicateM (fromIntegral opcode_base - 1) getWord8
    _include_directories       <- whileM (/= "") getUTF8Str0
    file_names                 <- getDebugLineFileNames
    curPos <- fromIntegral <$> Get.bytesRead
    -- Check if we have reached the end of the section.
    if endPos <= curPos
      then pure (map (\(name, _, _, _) -> name) file_names, [])
      else do
        line_program <-
          fmap (++ [DW_LNE_end_sequence]) .
          whileM (/= DW_LNE_end_sequence) .
            getDW_LNI dr (fromIntegral line_base) line_range opcode_base $
            fromIntegral minimum_instruction_length
        let initial_state = defaultLNE default_is_stmt file_names
            line_matrix = stepLineMachine default_is_stmt minimum_instruction_length initial_state line_program
         in pure (map (\(name, _, _, _) -> name) file_names, line_matrix)