-- | Here we use @dynamic-object@ to descibe the concept of point-like particles from
-- classical mechanics. Also read the HSpec tests :
-- <https://github.com/nushio3/dynamic-object/blob/master/test/ObjectSpec.hs>
-- for more details.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Data.Object.Dynamic.Examples.PointParticle
        Mass(..), Velocity(..), Momentum(..), KineticEnergy(..),
        mass, velocity, momentum, kineticEnergy,
        fromMassVelocity, fromMassMomentum,
        duck, lens, banana, envelope, ghost

import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Control.Lens hiding (lens)
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.String
import Test.QuickCheck

import Data.Object.Dynamic
import Data.Object.Dynamic.Types

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> :set -XScopedTypeVariables
-- >>> import Data.Object.Dynamic.Presets
-- >>> import Data.Maybe

-- | First, let us create a tiny two-dimensional vector class.
-- We make it an instance of 'Arbitrary' to use them later for tests.
data Vec a = Vec a a deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Typeable)

instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Vec a) where
  arbitrary = Vec <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
  shrink (Vec x y) = Vec <$> shrink x <*> shrink y

-- | Now, let us introduce the concepts of 'Mass', 'Velocity',
-- 'Momentum' and 'KineticEnergy'. Any such concepts are described
-- in terms of 'Member' labels.
data Mass = Mass deriving (Typeable)
instance (Objective o, UseReal o) => Member o Mass where
  type ValType o Mass = UnderlyingReal o

-- | To define a member with compound types like vector of real numbers,
-- we use 'UnderlyingReal' to
-- ask the object which real value it prefers, then put the response
-- into the type constructors.
data Velocity = Velocity deriving (Typeable)
instance (Objective o, UseReal o) => Member o Velocity where
  type ValType o Velocity = Vec (UnderlyingReal o)

data Momentum = Momentum deriving (Typeable)
instance (Objective o, UseReal o) => Member o Momentum where
  type ValType o Momentum = Vec (UnderlyingReal o)

data KineticEnergy = KineticEnergy deriving (Typeable)
instance (Objective o, UseReal o) => Member o KineticEnergy where
  type ValType o KineticEnergy = UnderlyingReal o

-- | Now we define the accessors. Accessors for 'Member's without default methods are
-- straightforward.
mass :: MemberLens o Mass
mass = memberLens Mass

-- | If the 'velocity' field is missing, we attempt to re-calculate it
-- from the 'mass' and 'momentum'. Here is how we can do that.
velocity :: (UseReal o, Fractional (UnderlyingReal o)) => MemberLens o Velocity
velocity = memberLensDef Velocity $ \this -> do
  m         <- this ^? mass
  Vec mx my <- this ^? momentum
  return $ Vec (mx/m) (my/m)

-- | If the 'momentum' field is missing, we re-calculate it
-- from the 'mass' and 'velocity'.
momentum :: (UseReal o, Fractional (UnderlyingReal o)) => MemberLens o Momentum
momentum = memberLensDef Momentum $ \this -> do
  m         <- this ^? mass
  Vec vx vy <- this ^? velocity
  return $ Vec (m * vx) (m * vy)

-- | 'kineticEnergy' is defined in terms of 'mass' and 'velocity' .
kineticEnergy :: (UseReal o, Fractional (UnderlyingReal o)) => MemberLens o KineticEnergy
kineticEnergy = memberLensDef KineticEnergy $ \this -> do
  m         <- this ^? mass
  Vec vx vy <- this ^? velocity
  return $ ((m * vx * vx) + (m * vy * vy)) / 2

-- | We can write functions that would construct a point particle from
--   its mass and velocity. And we can make the function polymorphic over the
--   representation of the real numbers the objects prefer.
fromMassVelocity :: (Objective o, UseReal o, Fractional real, real ~ (UnderlyingReal o))
                    => real -> Vec real -> o
fromMassVelocity m v =
  empty & insert Mass m
        & insert Velocity v

-- | We can also construct a point particle from
--   its mass and momentum.
fromMassMomentum :: (Objective o, UseReal o, Fractional real, real ~ (UnderlyingReal o))
                    => real -> Vec real -> o
fromMassMomentum m v =
   empty & insert Mass m
         & insert Momentum v

-- | We define an instance of point-like particle.  And again, we can
-- keep it polymorphic, so that anyone can choose its concrete type
-- later, according to their purpose.  Thus we will achieve the
-- polymorphic encoding of the knowledge of this world, in Haskell.
-- >>> (laserBeam :: Object DIT) ^? kineticEnergy
-- Just 1631.25
-- >>> (laserBeam :: Object Precise) ^? kineticEnergy
-- Just (6525 % 4)
-- Moreover, we can ask Ichiro to sign the ball. Usually, we needed to
-- create a new data-type to add a new field. But with
-- 'dynamic-object' we can do so without changing the type of the
-- ball. So, we can put our precious, one-of-a-kind ball
-- into toybox together with less uncommon balls, and with various
-- other toys. And still, we can safely access the contents of the
-- toybox without runtime errors, and e.g. see which toy is the heaviest.
-- >>> let (mySpecialBall :: Object DIT) = laserBeam & insert Autograph "Ichiro Suzuki"
-- >>> let toybox = [laserBeam, mySpecialBall]
-- >>> let toybox2 = toybox ++ [duck, lens, banana, envelope, ghost]
-- >>> maximum $ mapMaybe (^?mass) toybox2
-- 5.2

laserBeam :: (Objective o, UseReal o, Fractional real, real ~ (UnderlyingReal o)) => o
laserBeam = fromMassVelocity 0.145 (Vec 150 0) -- a baseball thrown by
            -- Ichiro

duck, lens, banana :: (Objective o, UseReal o, Fractional real, real ~ (UnderlyingReal o)) => o
duck = empty & insert Mass 5.2
lens = empty & insert Mass 0.56
banana = empty & insert Mass 0.187

envelope :: (Objective o, UseReal o, UseString o, Fractional (UnderlyingReal o),
             IsString (UnderlyingString o)) => o
envelope = empty & insert Mass 0.025
                 & insert Autograph (fromString "Edward Kmett")

ghost :: (Objective o) => o
ghost = empty

data Autograph = Autograph deriving Typeable
instance (Objective o, UseString o) => Member o Autograph where
  type ValType o Autograph = UnderlyingString o