-- |
-- Module      :  System.Dzen.Bars
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2009 Felipe A. Lessa
-- License     :  GPL 3 (see the LICENSE file in the distribution)
-- Maintainer  :  felipe.lessa@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  semi-portable (uses MPTC and type families)
-- Drawing of progress bars (sometimes called progress gauges),
-- like @dbar@ and @gdbar@ utilities work but a little more
-- powerful (in fact, we can simulate both utilities, see 'dbar'
-- and 'gdbar').
-- An example of text progress bar that can be drawn:
-- > 96% [==================> ]

module System.Dzen.Bars
    (-- * Simple interface
     -- ** Mimicking @dbar@
     -- ** Mimicking @gdbar@

     -- * Generic interface

     -- * Styles of the simple interfaces
     -- You may want to use some of these as the
     -- base for your own style. Look at the sources!
    ) where

import Control.Arrow
import Data.Monoid
import System.Dzen.Base
import System.Dzen.Colour
import System.Dzen.Graphics
import System.Dzen.Padding

-- | Helper function used below.
maybeLeft :: Bool -> BarText
maybeLeft False = None
maybeLeft True  = AtLeft Percentage

-- | Mimics the dbar utility. Uses the 'dbar_style'.
dbar :: (Num a, Enum a, Ord a)
     => Bool  -- ^ If @True@, write the percentage on the left.
     -> Width -- ^ Width of the bar interior.
     -> (a,a) -- ^ Minimum and maximum values.
     -> a     -- ^ Actual value.
     -> DString
dbar p = bar (maybeLeft p) . dbar_style '='

-- | Mimics the dbar utility while getting the input dinamically.
cdbar :: (Num a, Enum a, Ord a) => Bool -> Width -> (a,a) -> Printer a
cdbar p = cbar (maybeLeft p) . dbar_style '='

-- | The style produced by the dbar utility.
dbar_style :: Char -> Width -> BarType
dbar_style c w = Text {txtOpen       = "["
                      ,txtFilled     = str [c]
                      ,txtMiddle     = Nothing
                      ,txtBackground = " "
                      ,txtClose      = "]"
                      ,txtWidth      = w}

-- | Mimics the gdbar utility. Uses the 'gdbar_style'.
gdbar :: (Num a, Enum a, Ord a)
      => Bool            -- ^ If @True@, write the percentage on the left.
      -> (Width, Height) -- ^ Size of the whole bar (excluding text).
      -> Maybe DColour   -- ^ Filled colour (see 'grpFilled').
      -> Maybe DColour   -- ^ Background/border colour
                         --   (see 'grpBackground' and 'grpBorder').
      -> Bool            -- ^ @True@ to mimic @-o@ option (outline).
      -> (a,a)           -- ^ Minimum and maximum values.
      -> a               -- ^ Actual value.
      -> DString
gdbar p = (((bar (maybeLeft p) .) . ) .) . gdbar_style

-- | Mimics the gdbar utility while getting the input dinamically.
cgdbar :: (Num a, Enum a, Ord a) => Bool -> (Width, Height)
       -> Maybe DColour -> Maybe DColour -> Bool -> (a,a) -> Printer a
cgdbar p = (((cbar (maybeLeft p) .) . ) .) . gdbar_style

-- | The style of gdbar (or something very close).
gdbar_style :: (Width, Height) -> Maybe DColour
            -> Maybe DColour -> Bool -> BarType
gdbar_style size_ fore back False =
    Filled {grpFilled     = fore
           ,grpBackground = back
           ,grpSize       = size_}
gdbar_style size_ fore back True =
    Hollow {grpFilled     = fore
           ,grpBackground = Nothing -- That's what gdbar does!
           ,grpBorder     = back
           ,grpSize       = size_}

-- | The type of the bar to be drawn.
data BarType = -- | Draws a text bar. Note, however, that the
               --  @DString@s below can be anything, not just
               --  text. For example, they may have colours ('fg'),
               --  shapes ('rect's and 'circ's) or 'icon's, you may
               --  even simulate both 'Filled' and 'Hollow' using just
               --  'Text' (although performance would be suboptimal).
               Text {
                  -- | Text written at the start.
                  txtOpen       :: !DString
                  -- | Text written for each filled square.
                 ,txtFilled     :: !DString
                  -- | Text written for the last filled square.
                  --   If @Nothing@, the same as the filled square
                  --   is used, but more fairly than if you used
                  --   the same value for filled and middle chars.
                 ,txtMiddle     :: !(Maybe DString)
                  -- | Text written for the unfilled squares.
                 ,txtBackground :: !DString
                  -- | Text written at the end.
                 ,txtClose      :: !DString
                  -- | How many squares there should be
                  --   (i.e. does not count the open and close parts).
                 ,txtWidth      :: !Width}

               -- | Draws a filled graphical bar, like @gdbar@ would.
             | Filled {
                  -- | Colour used for filled squares, or @Nothing@
                  --   to use the default /foreground/ colour.
                  grpFilled     :: !(Maybe DColour)
                  -- | Colour used for the unfilled squares, or
                  --   @Nothing@ to use the default /background/
                  --   colour.
                 ,grpBackground :: !(Maybe DColour)
                  -- | Size of the whole bar.
                 ,grpSize       :: !(Width, Height)}

               -- | Draws a filled graphical bar with a surrounding
               --   border.
             | Hollow {
                  -- | Same as @grpFilled@ above.
                  grpFilled     :: !(Maybe DColour)
                  -- | Same as @grpBackground@ above.
                 ,grpBackground :: !(Maybe DColour)
                  -- | Colour of the border, or @Nothing@ to use
                  --   the default /foreground/ colour.
                 ,grpBorder     :: !(Maybe DColour)
                  -- | Size of the whole bar (including border).
                 ,grpSize       :: !(Width, Height)}
               deriving (Show)

-- | The type of text to be written.
data BarTextType = Percentage | Absolute
                 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum)

-- | How to draw the bar text. @AtLeft@ and @AtRight@ are used to
--   specify if the text is at the left or the right of the bar,
--   and @None@ means that no text will be written.
data BarText = AtLeft !BarTextType
             | AtRight !BarTextType
             | None
               deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Draws a bar and optionally some text describing some quantity
--   in relation to some range. For example,
--   > bar (AtLeft Percentage) (Text "[" "=" (Just ">") " " "]" 20) (-10,10) i
--   produces the bars
--   > "  2% [                    ]"    where i = -9.6
--   > "  2% [>                   ]"    where i = -9.5
--   > " 50% [=========>          ]"    where i = 0
--   > " 96% [==================> ]"    where i = 9.4
--   > " 99% [===================>]"    where i = 9.99
--   > "100% [====================]"    where i = 10
--   Note that the text is always padded to four characters. If the
--   first bar above had @AtRight Percentage@ the result would be
--   > "[                    ] 2%  "
--   so the padding always inserts the spaces on the outside.
bar :: (Num a, Enum a, Ord a) => BarText ->
       BarType -> (a,a) -> a -> DString
bar txt bar_ r v =
    case txt of
      None      -> drawnBar
      AtLeft t  -> mconcat [padL 4 (barText t r v), " ", drawnBar]
      AtRight t -> mconcat [drawnBar, " ", padR 4 (barText t r v)]
    where drawnBar = barDraw bar_ r v

-- | 'bar' wrapped with 'simple' so that the value is
--   taken from an input.
cbar :: (Num a, Enum a, Ord a) => BarText ->
         BarType -> (a,a) -> Printer a
cbar = ((simple .) .) . bar

-- | Draws the text part of the bar.
barText :: (Num a, Enum a, Ord a) => BarTextType -> (a,a) -> a -> DString
barText Absolute   _     val = str $ show val
barText Percentage range val
    = str $ (show . fst . fst $ barRound 100 range val) ++ "%"
{-# INLINE barText #-}

-- | Draws the bar itself.
barDraw :: (Num a, Enum a, Ord a) => BarType -> (a,a) -> a -> DString
barDraw (Text {txtOpen = to
              ,txtFilled = tf
              ,txtMiddle = Just tm   -- <<<<<<<<
              ,txtBackground = tb
              ,txtClose = tc
              ,txtWidth = tw}) range val
    = let ((f, b), more) = barRound tw range val
          r | f >= tw = to : replicate tw tf
            | f > 0   = to : replicate f' tf ++ tm : replicate b' tb
            | more    = to : tm : replicate (tw-1) tb
            | True    = to : replicate tw tb
            where (f',b') | more      = (f, b-1)
                          | otherwise = (f-1, b)
      in mconcat r `mappend` tc

barDraw (Text {txtOpen = to
              ,txtFilled = tf
              ,txtMiddle = Nothing   -- <<<<<<<<
              ,txtBackground = tb
              ,txtClose = tc
              ,txtWidth = tw}) range val
    = let (f, b) = fst $ barRound tw range val
          r = to : replicate f tf ++ replicate b tb
      in mconcat r `mappend` tc

barDraw (Filled {grpFilled = gf
                ,grpBackground = gb
                ,grpSize = (gw,gh)}) range val
    = let (f, b) = fst $ barRound gw range val
      in mconcat $ [changeFg gf $ rect f gh
                   ,transpRect gb b gh]

barDraw (Hollow {grpFilled = gf
                ,grpBackground = gb
                ,grpBorder = gbd
                ,grpSize = (gw_orig, gh_orig)}) range val
    = let gw = gw_orig - 4 -- Account for the border
          gh = gh_orig - 4
          (f, b) = fst $ barRound gw range val
      in mconcat $ [pos 2
                   ,changeFg gf $ rect f gh
                   ,transpRect gb b gh
                   ,pos $ negate (gw + 2)
                   ,changeFg gbd $
                             ignoreBg True $
                             rectO gw_orig gh_orig]
{-# INLINE barDraw #-}

-- | Simulates transparency by not drawing at all.
transpRect :: Maybe DColour -> Width -> Height -> DString
transpRect Nothing  w _ = pos w
transpRect (Just c) w h = fg c $ rect w h

-- | Function used for rounding. It always rounds towards minus
--   infinity, so only the maximum value gives a full bar.
--   Values outside the range are clamped. The boolean returned
--   is @True@ iff the value would be one more if we rounded
--   half-up.
barRound :: (Num a, Enum a, Ord a) =>
            Width -> (a,a) -> a -> ((Int, Int), Bool)
barRound w r n = let (f, b) = barRound' w r n in ((f, w - f), b)

barRound' :: (Num a, Enum a, Ord a) =>
             Width -> (a,a) -> a -> (Int, Bool)
barRound' w (mini,maxi) n
    | maxi < mini = error "System.Dzen.Bars.bar: max value is less than min."
    | n <= mini   = (0, False)
    | n >= maxi   = (w, False)
    | otherwise   = let r = fromEnum (2 * fromIntegral w * (n-mini))
                            `div` fromEnum (maxi-mini)
                    in second (== 1) (r `divMod` 2)