module Text.EBNF.SyntaxTree where
    Syntax Tree module for data type and related functions
import Text.EBNF.Helper
import Text.Parsec.Pos
import Data.List as List
import Data.Tuple
import Data.Ord
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Text (pack)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold

type Identifier = String
type Content    = String

data SyntaxTree = SyntaxTree {
                 identifier :: !Identifier,
                 content    :: !Content,
                 position   :: !SourcePos,
                 children   :: ![SyntaxTree]
                 } deriving (Show, Eq)

flattenSyntaxTree :: SyntaxTree -> [SyntaxTree]
flattenSyntaxTree st = st:flattened
        flattened = concat . map flattenSyntaxTree . children $ st

findST :: (SyntaxTree -> Bool) -> SyntaxTree -> Maybe SyntaxTree
findST p st | p st        = Just st
            | isJust ch   = fromJust ch
            | otherwise   = Nothing
                    ch = find (\a -> isJust a) . map (findST p) $ children st

instance Ord SyntaxTree where
    compare (SyntaxTree _ _ pos _) (SyntaxTree _ _ pos' _) = compare pos pos'

instance ToJSON SyntaxTree where
    toJSON (SyntaxTree i c p ch) = (object [(pack "identifier") .= i,
                                            (pack "content")    .= c,
                                            (pack "position")   .= (toJSON p),
                                            (pack "children")   .= (map (toJSON) ch)])

instance ToJSON SourcePos where
    toJSON pos = (object [(pack "name") .= (sourceName pos),
                          (pack "line") .= (sourceLine pos),
                          (pack "col")  .= (sourceColumn pos)])
    returns a syntax tree similar to the one passed but with
    the given identifier.
replaceIdentifier :: Identifier -> SyntaxTree -> SyntaxTree
replaceIdentifier i st = (SyntaxTree
                         (content st)
                         (position st)
                         (children st))

    returns a syntax tree similar to the one passed but with
    the given content.
replaceContent :: Content -> SyntaxTree -> SyntaxTree
replaceContent c st = (SyntaxTree
                      (identifier st)
                      (position st)
                      (children st))

    returns a syntax tree similar to the one passed but with
    the given position.
replacePosition :: SourcePos -> SyntaxTree -> SyntaxTree
replacePosition p st = (SyntaxTree
                       (identifier st)
                       (content st)
                       (children st))

    returns a syntax tree similar to the one passed but with
    the given children.
replaceChildren :: [SyntaxTree] -> SyntaxTree -> SyntaxTree
replaceChildren ch st = (SyntaxTree
                        (identifier st)
                        (content st)
                        (position st)

    inserts a syntax tree as a child, list is sorted by source code
insert :: SyntaxTree -> SyntaxTree -> SyntaxTree
insert st st' = SyntaxTree (identifier st)
                           (content st)
                           (position st)
                           (insertWhere (\a -> a > st') st' (children st))

    removes any children of `st` that equal `st'`
remove :: SyntaxTree -> SyntaxTree -> SyntaxTree
remove st st' = SyntaxTree (identifier st)
                           (content st)
                           (position st)
                           (filter (\a -> a /= st') (children st))

    the content of the syntax tree is merged with it's parent
    if the predicate is met.
collapse :: (SyntaxTree -> Bool) -> SyntaxTree -> SyntaxTree
collapse predicate (SyntaxTree i c p ch) =
    (SyntaxTree i c' p ch')
            ch' = map (collapse predicate) ch
            c' = concat (map content ch')

    prune will remove any children of `tree` that satisfy `predicate`,
prune :: (SyntaxTree -> Bool) -> SyntaxTree -> SyntaxTree
prune predicate (SyntaxTree i c p ch) =
    SyntaxTree i c p (map (prune predicate) (filter (not . predicate) ch))

    prune any children of `st` whose identifier begins with an underscore.
    might be useful for preventing syntax trees from being polluted by
    base cases of single characters by annotating the EBNF definition of
    single-char base cases such as single letters as `_letters_ = ...`
pruneUnderscored :: SyntaxTree -> SyntaxTree
pruneUnderscored st = prune (\a -> ((head (identifier a)) == '_')) st

pruneIdentifier :: SyntaxTree -> Identifier -> SyntaxTree
pruneIdentifier st identifier = prune (\s -> ) st
isTerminal :: SyntaxTree -> Bool
isTerminal (SyntaxTree _ _ _ []) = True
isTerminal (SyntaxTree _ _ _ _)  = False

nulltree = SyntaxTree "" "" (newPos "" 0 0) []