module Lance ( Lance ( rotationalThrusters , linearThrusters , deflector , fireTrigger , deflectorCharge , center , angle , velocity , godMode , integrity , inventory , currentWeapon , swClock ) , new , RotationDirection (..) , shielded , processItem , changeCurrentWeapon , swTimeLimit ) where import Data.WrapAround ( WP, WM ) import Animation ( Animation(..) , Audible(..) , handSndSrc , termSndSrc , reorient ) import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Picture (Picture(..)) import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Color (white) import GHC.Float (double2Float) import Math (isZero, dec, inc, neither, remF) import ResourceTracker (RT, protectedGetImage, getImage) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Updating (Transient(..), InternallyUpdating(..)) import qualified Moving as M ( Locatable(..) , Moving(..) , Colliding(..) , newLocation' , newVelocity ) import Combat (Damageable(..), Launcher(..), Damaging(..), Projectile(..)) import qualified Projectile.BulletMkI as P.BulletMkI (new) import qualified Projectile.Cannon as P.Cannon (new) import qualified Projectile.Nuke as P.Nuke (new) import qualified Projectile.SWSide as P.SWSide (new) import qualified Projectile.SWForward as P.SWForward (new) import AfterEffect (AfterEffect(..)) import qualified AfterEffect.SimpleExplosion as SimpleExplosion (new) import Sound.ALUT (Source(..)) import Item (Item(..), ItemType(..)) import Common (Angle, Velocity, Time, replaceAt, allTrue) radialVelocity = pi -- radians per second accelerationRate = 200 -- points per second maxVelocity = 500 -- points per second kamikazeDamage = 8.0 deflectorChargeLossFactor = 0.8 swTimeLimit = 10.0 data RotationDirection = Stable | CW | CCW deriving (Eq) type LanceInventory = [Bool] data Lance = Lance { angle :: Angle , center :: WP , wmap :: WM , rotationalThrusters :: RotationDirection , velocity :: Velocity , linearThrusters :: Bool , queueShotSound :: Bool , godMode :: Bool , deflector :: Bool , fireTrigger :: Bool , rt :: RT , launchTube :: [Projectile] , currentWeapon :: Int , inventory :: LanceInventory , swClock :: Time , sinceLastShot :: Time , integrity :: Double , deflectorCharge :: Double , shotSoundSource :: Maybe Source , clock :: Time } new r w c = Lance { center = c , angle = 0.0 , rotationalThrusters = Stable , velocity = (0, 0) , linearThrusters = False , wmap = w , rt = r , deflector = False , deflectorCharge = 2.0 , launchTube = [] , sinceLastShot = 0.0 , fireTrigger = False , currentWeapon = 0 , inventory = [False, False, False, False, False] , queueShotSound = False , shotSoundSource = Nothing , godMode = False , integrity = 3.0 , swClock = 0.0 , clock = 0 } changeCurrentWeapon s = if neither (isZero c) (a !! dec c) then changeCurrentWeapon d else d where a = inventory s b = currentWeapon s c = if inc b > 5 then if a !! 0 then 1 else 0 else inc b d = s { currentWeapon = c } processItem s (Item a _ _) = if a == Health then b else b { swClock = 0 } where b = case a of Health -> s { integrity = 3.0 } FourWay -> f 0 Cannon -> f 1 Spread -> f 2 RapidFire -> f 3 Nuke -> f 4 f v = s { inventory = replaceAt v True (inventory s) , currentWeapon = inc v } instance Audible Lance where processAudio s l = handSndSrc s queueShotSound shotSoundSource (\a -> a { queueShotSound = False }) rt "simple-energy-shot.wav" (\a b -> a { shotSoundSource = Just b }) l (wmap s) center terminateAudio s = termSndSrc s shotSoundSource shielded s = deflectorCharge s >= 1.0 && deflector s updateAngle :: Time -> Lance -> Lance updateAngle t s = case rotationalThrusters s of CW -> f (-); CCW -> f (+); Stable -> s where f a = s { angle = a (angle s) (radialVelocity * t) } instance Animation Lance where image s _ = Pictures [ reorient (angle s) a, b ] where a = if linearThrusters s then protectedGetImage (rt s) "lance-thrusting.bmp" else protectedGetImage (rt s) "lance.bmp" b = if deflector s && deflectorCharge s >= 1.0 then if remF (clock s) 0.1 <= 0.05 then f "deflector-1.bmp" else f "deflector-2.bmp" else Blank f x = fromMaybe Blank (getImage (rt s) x) instance M.Locatable Lance where center = instance M.Moving Lance where velocity = velocity instance M.Colliding Lance where collisionRadius _ = 20.0 instance InternallyUpdating Lance where preUpdate s t = ( updateFiringInformation t . updateVelocity t . updateAngle t ) s postUpdate s t = updateDeflectorCharge t s { center = M.newLocation' s (wmap s) t , clock = clock s + t } updateFiringInformation t s = b { swClock = (swClock b) + t } where a = sinceLastShot s + t b = if allTrue (inventory s) && swClock s < swTimeLimit then handleSuperWeapon s a else case currentWeapon s of 1 -> handleFourWayWeapon s a 2 -> handleCannonWeapon s a 3 -> handleSpreadWeapon s a 4 -> handleRapidFireWeapon s a 5 -> handleNukeWeapon s a otherwise -> handleDefaultWeapon s a handleSuperWeapon s a = firing s a 0.2 (b ++ c ++ [d]) where f u v = Projectile ( u (wmap s) (angle s + v) (center s) (velocity s) ) g = f h = f b = map g [ pi / 2, 3 * pi / 4, pi, 5 * pi / 4, 3 * pi / 2 ] c = map h [ pi / 10, pi / 5, (-pi) / 10, (-pi) / 5 ] d = f 0 projectile u w v = Projectile ( u (wmap w) (angle w + v) (center w) (velocity w) ) bmki = projectile handleDefaultWeapon s a = firing s a 0.4 [bmki s 0] handleFourWayWeapon s a = firing s a 0.4 (map f [ 0, pi / 2, pi, 3 * pi / 2 ]) where f = bmki s cann = projectile handleCannonWeapon s a = firing s a 0.7 [cann s 0] handleSpreadWeapon s a = firing s a 0.4 (map f [ 0, b, b * 2, (-b), (-b) * 2]) where f = bmki s b = pi / 10 handleRapidFireWeapon s a = firing s a 0.2 [bmki s 0] firing :: Lance -> Time -- ^ since last shot -> Time -- ^ intended firing delay -> [Projectile] -- ^ the new projectiles -> Lance firing a b c d = if b >= c && fireTrigger a then a { sinceLastShot = 0.0 , launchTube = d ++ (launchTube a) , queueShotSound = True } else a { sinceLastShot = b } handleNukeWeapon s a = firing s a 3.0 [b] where b = Projectile ( (wmap s) (rt s) (angle s) (center s) (velocity s) ) updateDeflectorCharge t s = s { deflectorCharge = if deflector s then max 0.8 (c - t * deflectorChargeLossFactor) else min 2.0 (c + t * 0.05) } where c = deflectorCharge s updateVelocity t s | linearThrusters s = s { velocity = M.newVelocity (velocity s) accelerationRate (angle s) maxVelocity t } | otherwise = s instance Launcher Lance where deployProjectiles s = (launchTube s, s { launchTube = [] }) instance Damaging Lance where damageEnergy s = if not (deflector s) || deflectorCharge s < 1.0 then kamikazeDamage else 0 instance Damageable Lance where inflictDamage s d = let e = if godMode s then 0 else d in if e > 0 && (not (deflector s) || deflectorCharge s < 1.0) then s { integrity = integrity s - d } else s instance Transient Lance where expired' s = if integrity s <= 0.0 then Just [e] else Nothing where e = AfterEffect ( (rt s) (wmap s) ( s) (Lance.velocity s))