{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances,

module AOP.Internal.AOT (
) where

import AOP.Internal.JoinpointModel
import AOP.Internal.AOPMonad
import AOP.Internal.OpenApp

import Debug.Trace

newtype AOT m a = AOT { unAOT :: StateT (AspectEnv (AOT m)) m a }
        deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadPlus, MonadCont, MonadIO)

run = runStateT . unAOT

mkAOT = AOT . StateT

-- | Runs an AOT computation to obtain a computation in the underlying monad
runAOT :: Typeable1Monad m => AOT m a -> m a
runAOT c = liftM fst $ run c []

-- | Monadic weaver
weavet :: (Typeable1Monad m, PolyTypeable (a -> AOT m b)) =>
          (a -> AOT m b) -> AspectEnv (AOT m) -> AspectEnv (AOT m) ->
          Jp (AOT m) a b -> m (a ->  AOT m b, AspectEnv (AOT m))
weavet f [] fenv _ = return (f,fenv)
weavet f (asp:asps) fenv jp =
 case asp of EAspect (Aspect pc adv _) -> do               
               (match, fenv') <- run (runPC pc jp) fenv
               weavet (if match then applyAdv adv f else f) asps fenv' jp

-- | Implementation of woven application for AOT, used in the overloading of #.
wappt :: (Typeable1Monad m, PolyTypeable (a -> AOT m b)) => FunctionTag -> (a -> AOT m b) -> a -> AOT m b
wappt t f a = mkAOT $ \ aenv -> do
  (woven_f, fenv) <- weavet f aenv aenv (newjp f t a)
  run (woven_f a) fenv

-- | Every regular functions is tagged with the same default tag.
instance Typeable1Monad m => OpenApp (AOT m) where
  f # a = wappt defaultFunctionTag f a

instance Typeable1Monad m => TaggedApp (AOT m) where
  taggedApp t f a = wappt t f a

-- | Typeable instance so types of computations in AOT can be compared (like in pcCall and pcType)
instance Typeable1Monad m => Typeable1 (AOT m) where
  typeOf1 _ = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "EffectiveAspects" "AOP.Internal.AOT" "AOT") [typeOf1 (undefined :: m ())]

-- | The semantics of aspect deployment are defined in the
-- MonadDeploy typeclass. AOT assumes it is on top of an MonadDeploy
-- instance, and uses that functions for aspect deployment.
instance (Typeable1Monad m, MonadDeploy AOT m) => AOPMonad (AOT m) where
  deploy asp   = mkAOT $ \aenv ->
    do aenv' <- deployInEnv asp aenv
       return ((), aenv')
  undeploy asp = mkAOT $ \aenv ->
    do aenv' <- undeployInEnv asp aenv
       return ((), deleteAsp (EAspect asp) aenv')

instance MonadTrans AOT where
  lift ma = mkAOT $ \aenv -> do { a <- ma; return (a, aenv)}

instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (AOT m) where
  get = lift get
  put = lift . put

instance (Typeable1Monad m, MonadError s m) => MonadError s (AOT m) where
  throwError = lift . throwError
  ma `catchError` h = mkAOT $ \aenv ->
    run ma aenv `catchError` \e -> run (h e) aenv

instance (Typeable1Monad m, MonadWriter w m) => MonadWriter w (AOT m) where
  tell     = lift . tell
  listen m = mkAOT $ \aenv -> do
    ((a, aenv'), w) <- listen (run m aenv)
    return ((a, w), aenv')
  pass m = mkAOT $ \aenv -> pass $ do
    ((a, f), aenv') <- run m aenv
    return ((a, aenv'), f)

instance (Typeable1Monad m, MonadReader r m) => MonadReader r (AOT m) where
  ask       = lift ask
  local f m = mkAOT $ \s -> local f (run m s)