
-- |

-- Module      :  Control.Effect.Machinery

-- Copyright   :  (c) Michael Szvetits, 2020

-- License     :  BSD3 (see the file LICENSE)

-- Maintainer  :  typedbyte@qualified.name

-- Stability   :  stable

-- Portability :  portable


-- This module exports all the definitions needed to define effects and their

-- corresponding handlers. Usually, importing this module is everything you

-- need to get started.


module Control.Effect.Machinery
  ( -- * Re-exports from @effet@

    module Control.Effect.Machinery.Default
  , module Control.Effect.Machinery.Tagger
  , module Control.Effect.Machinery.TH
  , module Control.Effect.Machinery.Via
    -- * Re-exports from @base@

  , module Control.Monad.IO.Class
    -- * Re-exports from @monad-control@

  , module Control.Monad.Trans.Control
    -- * Re-exports from @transformers@

  , module Control.Monad.Trans.Class
    -- * Re-exports from @transformers-base@

  , module Control.Monad.Base
  ) where

-- base

import Control.Monad.IO.Class

-- monad-control

import Control.Monad.Trans.Control -- hiding (embed)

-- transformers

import Control.Monad.Trans.Class

-- transformers-base

import Control.Monad.Base

import Control.Effect.Machinery.Default
import Control.Effect.Machinery.Tagger
import Control.Effect.Machinery.TH
import Control.Effect.Machinery.Via