-- -- -- Mathematics Expressions -- -- infixr pattern 6 + infixr pattern 7 * infix pattern 7 / infix pattern 8 ^ def mathExpr := matcher | #$val as () with | $tgt -> if val = tgt then [()] else [] | $ as (mathExpr') with | $tgt -> [fromMathExpr tgt] def mathExpr' := matcher | div $ $ as (mathExpr, mathExpr) with | Div $p1 $p2 -> [(toMathExpr' p1, toMathExpr' p2)] | _ -> [] | $ / $ as (mathExpr, mathExpr) with | Div $p1 $p2 -> [(toMathExpr' p1, toMathExpr' p2)] | _ -> [] | poly $ as (multiset mathExpr) with | Div (Plus $ts) (Plus [Term 1 []]) -> [map toMathExpr' ts] | _ -> [] | plus $ as (multiset mathExpr) with | Div (Plus $ts) (Plus [Term 1 []]) -> map (\t -> toMathExpr' (Div (Plus [t]) (Plus [Term 1 []]))) ts | _ -> [] | $ + $ as (mathExpr, mathExpr) with | Div (Plus $ts) (Plus [Term 1 []]) -> matchAll (map toMathExpr' ts) as multiset something with | $t :: $tss -> (t, sum' tss) | _ -> [] | term $ $ as (integer, assocMultiset mathExpr) with | Div (Plus [Term $n $xs]) (Plus [Term 1 []]) -> [(n, map (\(x, n) -> (toMathExpr' x, n)) xs)] | _ -> [] | mult $ $ as (integer, multExpr) with | Div (Plus [Term $n $xs]) (Plus [Term 1 []]) -> [(n, product' (map (\(x, n) -> toMathExpr' x ^' n) xs))] | _ -> [] | $ * $ as (integer, multExpr) with | Div (Plus [Term $n $xs]) (Plus [Term 1 []]) -> [(n, product' (map (\(x, n) -> toMathExpr' x ^' n) xs))] | _ -> [] | symbol $ $ as (eq, list indexExpr) with | Div (Plus [Term 1 [(Symbol $v $js, 1)]]) (Plus [Term 1 []]) -> [(v, js)] | _ -> [] | apply $ $ as (eq, list mathExpr) with | Div (Plus [Term 1 [(Apply $v $mexprs, 1)]]) (Plus [Term 1 []]) -> [(v, map toMathExpr' mexprs)] | _ -> [] | quote $ as (mathExpr) with | Div (Plus [Term 1 [(Quote $mexpr, 1)]]) (Plus [Term 1 []]) -> [toMathExpr' mexpr] | _ -> [] | func $ $ $ as (mathExpr, list mathExpr, list mathExpr) with | Div (Plus [Term 1 [(Function $name $argnames $args, 1)]]) (Plus [Term 1 []]) -> [(name, argnames, args, js)] | _ -> [] | $ as something with | $tgt -> [toMathExpr' tgt] def indexExpr := algebraicDataMatcher | sub mathExpr | sup mathExpr | user mathExpr def polyExpr := mathExpr def termExpr := mathExpr def symbolExpr := mathExpr def multExpr := matcher | [] as () with | $tgt -> match tgt as mathExpr with | #0 -> [()] | _ -> [] | $ ^ #$k * $ as (mathExpr, multExpr) with | $tgt -> matchAll tgt as mathExpr with | term _ ($x ^ #k :: $xs) -> (x, product' (map (uncurry (^')) xs)) | $ ^ $ * $ as (mathExpr, integer, multExpr) with | $tgt -> matchAll tgt as mathExpr with | term _ ($x ^ $n :: $xs) -> (x, n, product' (map (uncurry (^')) xs)) | $ ^ $ as (mathExpr, integer) with | $tgt -> match tgt as mathExpr with | term _ ($x ^ $n :: []) -> [(x, n)] | _ -> [] | $ * $ as (mathExpr, multExpr) with | $tgt -> matchAll tgt as mathExpr with | term _ ($x :: $rs) -> (x, product' (map (uncurry (^')) rs)) | $ as mathExpr with | $tgt -> [tgt] def isSymbol %mexpr := match mexpr as mathExpr with | symbol _ _ -> True | _ -> False def isApply %mexpr := match mexpr as mathExpr with | apply _ _ -> True | _ -> False def isSimpleTerm mexpr := isSymbol mexpr || isApply mexpr def isTerm %mexpr := match mexpr as mathExpr with | term _ _ -> True | #0 -> True | _ -> False def isPolynomial %mexpr := match mexpr as mathExpr with | poly _ -> True | #0 -> True | _ -> False def isMonomial %mexpr := match mexpr as mathExpr with | poly [term _ _] / poly [term _ _] -> True | #0 -> True | _ -> False -- -- Accessor -- def fromMonomial $mexpr := match mexpr as mathExpr with | term $a $xs / term $b $ys -> (a / b, foldl (*') 1 (map (uncurry (^')) xs) / foldl (*') 1 (map (uncurry (^')) ys)) -- -- Map -- def mapPolys $fn $mexpr := match mexpr as mathExpr with | $p1 / $p2 -> fn p1 /' fn p2 def fromPoly $mexpr := match mexpr as mathExpr with | poly $ts1 / $q -> map (\t1 -> t1 /' q) ts1 def mapPoly $fn $mexpr := match mexpr as mathExpr with | poly $ts1 / $q -> foldl (+') 0 (map (\t1 -> fn (t1 /' q)) ts1) def mapTerms $fn $mexpr := match mexpr as mathExpr with | poly $ts1 / poly $ts2 -> foldl (+') 0 (map fn ts1) /' foldl (+') 0 (map fn ts2) def mapSymbols $fn $mexpr := mapTerms (\match as termExpr with | term $a $xs -> a *' foldl (*') 1 (map (\(x, n) -> match x as symbolExpr with | symbol _ _ -> fn x ^' n | apply $g $args -> let args' := map (mapSymbols fn) args in if args = args' then x ^' n else fn (capply g args') ^' n) xs)) mexpr def scanAllTerms $mexpr $f := match mexpr as mathExpr with | poly $ts1 / poly $ts2 -> any f (ts1 ++ ts2) def containSymbol $x $mexpr := scanAllTerms mexpr (\match as termExpr with | term _ $xs -> any (\(y, _) -> match y as symbolExpr with | #x -> True | apply _ $args -> any (containSymbol x) args | _ -> False) xs) def containFunction $f $mexpr := scanAllTerms mexpr (\match as termExpr with | term _ $xs -> any (\(y, _) -> match y as symbolExpr with | apply #f _ -> True | apply $g $args -> any (containFunction f) args | _ -> False) xs) -- -- Substitute -- def substitute %ls $mexpr := match ls as list (symbolExpr, mathExpr) with | [] -> mathNormalize mexpr | ($x, $a) :: $rs -> substitute rs (substitute' x a mexpr) def substitute' $x %a $mexpr := mapSymbols (rewriteSymbol x a) mexpr def rewriteSymbol $x $a $sexpr := match sexpr as symbolExpr with | #x -> a | _ -> sexpr def V.substitute %xs %ys $mexpr := substitute (zip (tensorToList xs) (tensorToList ys)) mexpr def expandAll $mexpr := match mexpr as mathExpr with | ?isSymbol -> mexpr -- function application | apply $g $args -> capply g (map expandAll args) -- quote | quote $g -> g -- term (multiplication) | term $a $ps -> a * product (map (\(x, n) -> expandAll x ^ expandAll n) ps) -- polynomial | poly $ts -> sum (map expandAll ts) -- quotient | $p1 / $p2 -> expandAll p1 / expandAll p2 def expandAll' $mexpr := match mexpr as mathExpr with | ?isSymbol -> mexpr -- function application | apply $g $args -> capply g (map expandAll' args) -- quote | quote $g -> g -- term (multiplication) | term $a $ps -> a *' product' (map (\(x, n) -> expandAll' x ^' expandAll' n) ps) -- polynomial | poly $ts -> sum' (map expandAll' ts) -- quotient | $p1 / $p2 -> expandAll' p1 / expandAll' p2 -- -- Coefficient -- def coefficients $f $x := let m := maximum (0 :: (matchAll f as mathExpr with | poly (term $a (#x ^ $k :: $ts) :: _) / _ -> k)) in map (coefficient f x) (between 0 m) def coefficient $f $x $m := if m = 0 then sum (matchAll f as mathExpr with | poly (term $a (!(#x :: _) & $ts) :: _) / _ -> foldl (*') a (map (uncurry (^')) ts)) / denominator f else coefficient' f x m def coefficient' $f $x $m := sum (matchAll f as mathExpr with | poly (term $a (#x ^ #m :: (!(#x :: _) & $ts)) :: _) / _ -> foldl (*') a (map (uncurry (^')) ts)) / denominator f def coefficient2 $f $x $y := sum (matchAll f as mathExpr with | poly (term $a (#x :: #y :: $ts) :: _) / _ -> foldl (*') a (map (uncurry (^')) ts)) / denominator f