{-# LANGUAGE DoRec, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} module Main where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.IORef import Data.List import Data.Maybe import FRP.Elerea.Param import Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL import Event import Math import Util import Vector frameThickness = 0.05 ballSize = 0.05 ballFade = 2 data Ball = Ball { ballPos :: Vec , ballCol :: Maybe GLfloat , ballDrag :: Bool } -- A box with bouncing balls inside: -- * left click creates a new ball, -- * existing balls can be dragged and propelled with the left button, -- * dragging with the right button creates a rectangle; every ball -- within the rectangle is deleted when the button is released. bounceDemo renderFun mousePos mousePress = do rec leftPress <- memo $ fst <$> mousePress rightPress <- memo $ snd <$> mousePress (killDrag,killNow) <- dragRectangle mousePos rightPress killRect <- (vnull,vnull) --> killDrag let within (V tlx tly,V brx bry) (V x y) = x > min tlx brx && x < max tlx brx && y > min tly bry && y < max tly bry ballList <- collectE newBallE' $ \bs -> killNow &&@ (within <$> killRect <*> (ballPos <$> bs)) ballData <- memo $ sequence =<< ballList -- Change edge to memo below to be able to add lots of balls with ease! newBallCond <- edge $ leftPress &&@ (all (not.ballDrag) <$> ballData) newBallE <- generator $ newBall <$> mousePos <*> newBallCond newBallE' <- delay Nothing newBallE let newBall pos cond = if cond then Just <$> ball pos mousePos leftPress else return Nothing frameCount <- stateful 0 (const (+1)) fps <- derivT 2 frameCount return $ renderFun <$> ballData <*> killDrag <*> fps -- Flipflop signal: turns true when the first event fires, turns false -- when the second fires. flipflop te fe = False --> leftE (ifE te (pure True)) (ifE fe (pure False)) -- A rectangle created by dragging. When active, the coordinates of -- its opposing corners are wrapped in a Just, otherwise the data is -- Nothing. Also returns the event ending the drag. dragRectangle mousePos mousePress = do dragBegin <- edge mousePress dragEnd <- edge (not <$> mousePress) drag <- flipflop dragBegin dragEnd topLeft <- vnull --> ifE dragBegin mousePos return (ifE drag ((,) <$> topLeft <*> mousePos), dragEnd) -- A ball that bounces within the box and can be dragged. It flashes -- every time its velocity changes. ball initPos mousePos mousePress = do rec mouseDown <- edge mousePress let dragBegin = mouseDown &&@ (vlen (pos'^-^mousePos) <@ ballSize/2) dragEnd <- edge (not <$> mousePress) drag <- flipflop dragBegin dragEnd dragVel <- derivTV 0.05 mousePos let collHorz (V vx _) (V px _) = collFrame vx px collVert (V _ vy) (V _ py) = collFrame vy py collFrame v p = abs (p-0.5) > 0.5-(frameThickness+ballSize/2) && (p-0.5)*v > 0 pos <- integralV initPos vel pos' <- delay initPos pos vel <- vnull --> velE vel' <- delay vnull vel velE <- memo $ mergeE [ifE drag dragVel, ifE (collHorz <$> vel' <*> pos') (mul (V (-1) 1) <$> vel'), ifE (collVert <$> vel' <*> pos') (mul (V 1 (-1)) <$> vel')] colour <- ballColour (isJust <$> velE) return $ Ball <$> pos <*> colour <*> drag -- A signal describing the colour of a ball. Nothing means normal -- state, Just denotes flashing. ballColour hit = transfer Nothing update hit where update dt True _ = Just 1 update dt False prev = do t <- prev guard (t > 0) return (t-dt*ballFade) driveNetwork network driver = do dt <- driver case dt of Just dt -> do join $ network dt driveNetwork network driver Nothing -> return () main = do initialize openWindow (Size 640 480) [DisplayRGBBits 8 8 8, DisplayAlphaBits 8, DisplayDepthBits 24] Window windowTitle $= "Elerea Bounce" (mousePositionGen,mousePositionSink) <- external vnull (mousePressGen,mousePressSink) <- external (False,False) closed <- newIORef False windowSizeCallback $= resizeGLScene windowCloseCallback $= (writeIORef closed True >> return True) initGL 800 800 unitCircle <- defineNewList Compile $ renderPrimitive TriangleStrip $ forM_ [0..20] $ \i -> do let a = 2*pi*i/20 vertex $ Vertex3 (0.5*sin a) (0.5*cos a) (0 :: GLfloat) vertex $ Vertex3 0 0 (0 :: GLfloat) demo <- start $ do mousePosition <- mousePositionGen mousePress <- mousePressGen bounceDemo (render unitCircle) mousePosition mousePress time $= 0 driveNetwork demo (readInput mousePositionSink mousePressSink closed) closeWindow initGL width height = do clearColor $= Color4 0 0 0 1 blend $= Enabled blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha,OneMinusSrcAlpha) resizeGLScene size@(Size w h) = do let r = 2*fromIntegral w/fromIntegral h r' = 2*fromIntegral h/fromIntegral w viewport $= (Position 0 0,size) matrixMode $= Projection loadIdentity scale (min 2 r') (min 2 r) (1 :: GLfloat) translate $ Vector3 (-0.5) (-0.5) (0 :: GLfloat) matrixMode $= Modelview 0 render unitCircle bs rect fps = do let drawRectangle x y sx sy = do renderPrimitive Quads $ do vertex $ Vertex3 (x) (y) (0 :: GLfloat) vertex $ Vertex3 (x+sx) (y) (0 :: GLfloat) vertex $ Vertex3 (x+sx) (y+sy) (0 :: GLfloat) vertex $ Vertex3 (x) (y+sy) (0 :: GLfloat) drawEllipse xc yc xs ys n = preservingMatrix $ do translate $ Vector3 xc yc (0 :: GLfloat) scale xs ys (1 :: GLfloat) callList unitCircle clear [ColorBuffer] loadIdentity color $ Color4 0.6 0.6 0.6 (1 :: GLfloat) drawRectangle 0 0 1 frameThickness drawRectangle 0 (1-frameThickness) 1 frameThickness drawRectangle 0 0 frameThickness 1 drawRectangle (1-frameThickness) 0 frameThickness 1 forM_ bs $ \b -> do case ballCol b of Nothing -> color $ Color4 0 0 0.7 (1 :: GLfloat) Just t -> color $ Color4 (0.9*t) (0.9*t) (0.7*(1-t)) (1 :: GLfloat) let V x y = ballPos b drawEllipse x y ballSize ballSize 20 case rect of Nothing -> return () Just (V tlx tly,V brx bry) -> do color $ Color4 1 0 0 (0.4 :: GLfloat) drawRectangle tlx tly (brx-tlx) (bry-tly) scale 0.003 0.003 (1 :: GLfloat) color $ Color4 1 1 1 (1 :: GLfloat) renderString Fixed8x16 $ " FPS: " ++ show fps ++ " balls: " ++ show (length bs) flush swapBuffers readInput mousePos mouseBut closed = do t <- get time time $= 0 Position x y <- get GLFW.mousePos Size w h <- get windowSize let x' = fromIntegral x y' = fromIntegral y w' = fromIntegral w h' = fromIntegral h mx = (x'-max 0 (w'-h')/2)/min w' h' my = (y'-max 0 (h'-w')/2)/min w' h' mousePos (V mx (1-my)) bl <- getMouseButton ButtonLeft br <- getMouseButton ButtonRight mouseBut (bl == Press, br == Press) k <- getKey ESC c <- readIORef closed return (if c || k == Press then Nothing else Just (realToFrac t))