-- | Data.Elf  is a module for parsing a ByteString of an ELF file into an Elf record.
module Data.Elf (getElf, Elf(..), ElfSection(..), ElfClass(..), ElfData(..), ElfOSABI(..), ElfType(..), ElfMachine(..)) where

import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Numeric
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString          as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy     as L

import System.IO.Unsafe

data Elf = Elf
    { elfClass      :: ElfClass      -- ^ Identifies the class of the object file.
    , elfData       :: ElfData       -- ^ Identifies the data encoding of the object file.
    , elfVersion    :: Int           -- ^ Identifies the version of the object file format.
    , elfOSABI      :: ElfOSABI      -- ^ Identifies the operating system and ABI for which the object is prepared.
    , elfABIVersion :: Int           -- ^ Identifies the ABI version for which the object is prepared.
    , elfType       :: ElfType       -- ^ Identifies the object file type.
    , elfMachine    :: ElfMachine    -- ^ Identifies the target architecture.
    , elfEntry      :: Word64        -- ^ Virtual address of the program entry point. 0 for non-executable Elfs.
    , elfSections   :: [ElfSection]  -- ^ Map from section name to section data.
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

data ElfSection = ElfSection
    { elfSectionName      :: String            -- ^ Identifies the name of the section.
    , elfSectionType      :: ElfSectionType    -- ^ Identifies the type of the section.
    , elfSectionFlags     :: [ElfSectionFlags] -- ^ Identifies the attributes of the section.
    , elfSectionAddr      :: Word64            -- ^ The virtual address of the beginning of the section in memory. 0 for sections that are not loaded into target memory.
    , elfSectionSize      :: Word64            -- ^ The size of the section. Except for SHT_NOBITS sections, this is the size of elfSectionData.
    , elfSectionLink      :: Word32            -- ^ Contains a section index of an associated section, depending on section type.
    , elfSectionInfo      :: Word32            -- ^ Contains extra information for the index, depending on type.
    , elfSectionAddrAlign :: Word64            -- ^ Contains the required alignment of the section. Must be a power of two.
    , elfSectionEntSize   :: Word64            -- ^ Size of entries if section has a table.
    , elfSectionData      :: B.ByteString      -- ^ The raw data for the section.
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

getElfMagic = do
    ei_magic <- liftM (map B.w2c) $ sequence [getWord8, getWord8, getWord8, getWord8]
    if ei_magic /= "\DELELF" then
        fail "Invalid magic number for ELF"
        return ei_magic

getElfVersion = do
    ei_version <- getWord8
    if ei_version /= 1 then
        fail "Invalid version number for ELF"
        return ei_version

data ElfSectionType
    = SHT_NULL          -- ^ Identifies an empty section header.
    | SHT_PROGBITS      -- ^ Contains information defined by the program
    | SHT_SYMTAB        -- ^ Contains a linker symbol table
    | SHT_STRTAB        -- ^ Contains a string table
    | SHT_RELA          -- ^ Contains "Rela" type relocation entries
    | SHT_HASH          -- ^ Contains a symbol hash table
    | SHT_DYNAMIC       -- ^ Contains dynamic linking tables
    | SHT_NOTE          -- ^ Contains note information
    | SHT_NOBITS        -- ^ Contains uninitialized space; does not occupy any space in the file
    | SHT_REL           -- ^ Contains "Rel" type relocation entries
    | SHT_SHLIB         -- ^ Reserved
    | SHT_DYNSYM        -- ^ Contains a dynamic loader symbol table
    | SHT_EXT Word32    -- ^ Processor- or environment-specific type
    deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfSectionType er = getWord32 er >>= return . getElfSectionType_
    where getElfSectionType_ 0  = SHT_NULL
          getElfSectionType_ 1  = SHT_PROGBITS
          getElfSectionType_ 2  = SHT_SYMTAB
          getElfSectionType_ 3  = SHT_STRTAB
          getElfSectionType_ 4  = SHT_RELA
          getElfSectionType_ 5  = SHT_HASH
          getElfSectionType_ 6  = SHT_DYNAMIC
          getElfSectionType_ 7  = SHT_NOTE
          getElfSectionType_ 8  = SHT_NOBITS
          getElfSectionType_ 9  = SHT_REL
          getElfSectionType_ 10 = SHT_SHLIB
          getElfSectionType_ 11 = SHT_DYNSYM
          getElfSectionType_ n  = SHT_EXT n

data ElfSectionFlags
    = SHF_WRITE     -- ^ Section contains writable data
    | SHF_ALLOC     -- ^ Section is allocated in memory image of program
    | SHF_EXECINSTR -- ^ Section contains executable instructions
    | SHF_EXT Int   -- ^ Processor- or environment-specific flag
    deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfSectionFlags32 er = getWord32 er >>= return . getElfSectionFlags_ 31
    where getElfSectionFlags_ 0 word = []
          getElfSectionFlags_ 1 word | testBit word 1 = SHF_WRITE     : getElfSectionFlags_ 0 word
          getElfSectionFlags_ 2 word | testBit word 2 = SHF_ALLOC     : getElfSectionFlags_ 1 word
          getElfSectionFlags_ 3 word | testBit word 4 = SHF_EXECINSTR : getElfSectionFlags_ 2 word
          getElfSectionFlags_ n word | testBit word n = SHF_EXT n     : getElfSectionFlags_ (n-1) word
          getElfSectionFlags_ n word = getElfSectionFlags_ (n-1) word
getElfSectionFlags64 er = getWord64 er >>= return . getElfSectionFlags_ 63
    where getElfSectionFlags_ 0 word = []
          getElfSectionFlags_ 1 word | testBit word 1 = SHF_WRITE     : getElfSectionFlags_ 0 word
          getElfSectionFlags_ 2 word | testBit word 2 = SHF_ALLOC     : getElfSectionFlags_ 1 word
          getElfSectionFlags_ 3 word | testBit word 4 = SHF_EXECINSTR : getElfSectionFlags_ 2 word
          getElfSectionFlags_ n word | testBit word n = SHF_EXT n     : getElfSectionFlags_ (n-1) word
          getElfSectionFlags_ n word = getElfSectionFlags_ (n-1) word

data ElfClass
    = ELFCLASS32 -- ^ 32-bit ELF format
    | ELFCLASS64 -- ^ 64-bit ELF format
    deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfClass = getWord8 >>= getElfClass_
    where getElfClass_ 1 = return ELFCLASS32
          getElfClass_ 2 = return ELFCLASS64
          getElfClass_ _ = fail "Invalid ELF class"

data ElfData
    = ELFDATA2LSB -- ^ Little-endian ELF format
    | ELFDATA2MSB -- ^ Big-endian ELF format
    deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfData = getWord8 >>= getElfData_
    where getElfData_ 1 = return ELFDATA2LSB
          getElfData_ 2 = return ELFDATA2MSB
          getElfData_ _ = fail "Invalid ELF data"

data ElfOSABI
    = ELFOSABI_SYSV       -- ^ No extensions or unspecified
    | ELFOSABI_HPUX       -- ^ Hewlett-Packard HP-UX
    | ELFOSABI_NETBSD     -- ^ NetBSD
    | ELFOSABI_LINUX      -- ^ Linux
    | ELFOSABI_SOLARIS    -- ^ Sun Solaris
    | ELFOSABI_AIX        -- ^ AIX
    | ELFOSABI_IRIX       -- ^ IRIX
    | ELFOSABI_FREEBSD    -- ^ FreeBSD
    | ELFOSABI_TRU64      -- ^ Compaq TRU64 UNIX
    | ELFOSABI_MODESTO    -- ^ Novell Modesto
    | ELFOSABI_OPENBSD    -- ^ Open BSD
    | ELFOSABI_OPENVMS    -- ^ Open VMS
    | ELFOSABI_NSK        -- ^ Hewlett-Packard Non-Stop Kernel
    | ELFOSABI_AROS       -- ^ Amiga Research OS
    | ELFOSABI_ARM        -- ^ ARM
    | ELFOSABI_STANDALONE -- ^ Standalone (embedded) application
    | ELFOSABI_EXT Word8  -- ^ Other
    deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfOsabi = getWord8 >>= return . getElfOsabi_
    where getElfOsabi_ 0   = ELFOSABI_SYSV
          getElfOsabi_ 1   = ELFOSABI_HPUX
          getElfOsabi_ 2   = ELFOSABI_NETBSD
          getElfOsabi_ 3   = ELFOSABI_LINUX
          getElfOsabi_ 6   = ELFOSABI_SOLARIS
          getElfOsabi_ 7   = ELFOSABI_AIX
          getElfOsabi_ 8   = ELFOSABI_IRIX
          getElfOsabi_ 9   = ELFOSABI_FREEBSD
          getElfOsabi_ 10  = ELFOSABI_TRU64
          getElfOsabi_ 11  = ELFOSABI_MODESTO
          getElfOsabi_ 12  = ELFOSABI_OPENBSD
          getElfOsabi_ 13  = ELFOSABI_OPENVMS
          getElfOsabi_ 14  = ELFOSABI_NSK
          getElfOsabi_ 15  = ELFOSABI_AROS
          getElfOsabi_ 97  = ELFOSABI_ARM
          getElfOsabi_ 255 = ELFOSABI_STANDALONE
          getElfOsabi_ n   = ELFOSABI_EXT n

data ElfType
    = ET_NONE       -- ^ Unspecified type
    | ET_REL        -- ^ Relocatable object file
    | ET_EXEC       -- ^ Executable object file
    | ET_DYN        -- ^ Shared object file
    | ET_CORE       -- ^ Core dump object file
    | ET_EXT Word16 -- ^ Other
    deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfType er = getWord16 er >>= return . getElfType_
    where getElfType_ 0 = ET_NONE
          getElfType_ 1 = ET_REL
          getElfType_ 2 = ET_EXEC
          getElfType_ 3 = ET_DYN
          getElfType_ 4 = ET_CORE
          getElfType_ n = ET_EXT n

data ElfMachine
    = EM_NONE        -- ^ No machine
    | EM_M32         -- ^ AT&T WE 32100
    | EM_SPARC       -- ^ SPARC
    | EM_386         -- ^ Intel 80386
    | EM_68K         -- ^ Motorola 68000
    | EM_88K         -- ^ Motorola 88000
    | EM_486         -- ^ Intel i486 (DO NOT USE THIS ONE)
    | EM_860         -- ^ Intel 80860
    | EM_MIPS        -- ^ MIPS I Architecture
    | EM_S370        -- ^ IBM System/370 Processor
    | EM_MIPS_RS3_LE -- ^ MIPS RS3000 Little-endian
    | EM_SPARC64     -- ^ SPARC 64-bit
    | EM_PARISC      -- ^ Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC
    | EM_VPP500      -- ^ Fujitsu VPP500
    | EM_SPARC32PLUS -- ^ Enhanced instruction set SPARC
    | EM_960         -- ^ Intel 80960
    | EM_PPC         -- ^ PowerPC
    | EM_PPC64       -- ^ 64-bit PowerPC
    | EM_S390        -- ^ IBM System/390 Processor
    | EM_SPU         -- ^ Cell SPU
    | EM_V800        -- ^ NEC V800
    | EM_FR20        -- ^ Fujitsu FR20
    | EM_RH32        -- ^ TRW RH-32
    | EM_RCE         -- ^ Motorola RCE
    | EM_ARM         -- ^ Advanced RISC Machines ARM
    | EM_ALPHA       -- ^ Digital Alpha
    | EM_SH          -- ^ Hitachi SH
    | EM_SPARCV9     -- ^ SPARC Version 9
    | EM_TRICORE     -- ^ Siemens TriCore embedded processor
    | EM_ARC         -- ^ Argonaut RISC Core, Argonaut Technologies Inc.
    | EM_H8_300      -- ^ Hitachi H8/300
    | EM_H8_300H     -- ^ Hitachi H8/300H
    | EM_H8S         -- ^ Hitachi H8S
    | EM_H8_500      -- ^ Hitachi H8/500
    | EM_IA_64       -- ^ Intel IA-64 processor architecture
    | EM_MIPS_X      -- ^ Stanford MIPS-X
    | EM_COLDFIRE    -- ^ Motorola ColdFire
    | EM_68HC12      -- ^ Motorola M68HC12
    | EM_MMA         -- ^ Fujitsu MMA Multimedia Accelerator
    | EM_PCP         -- ^ Siemens PCP
    | EM_NCPU        -- ^ Sony nCPU embedded RISC processor
    | EM_NDR1        -- ^ Denso NDR1 microprocessor
    | EM_STARCORE    -- ^ Motorola Star*Core processor
    | EM_ME16        -- ^ Toyota ME16 processor
    | EM_ST100       -- ^ STMicroelectronics ST100 processor
    | EM_TINYJ       -- ^ Advanced Logic Corp. TinyJ embedded processor family
    | EM_X86_64      -- ^ AMD x86-64 architecture
    | EM_PDSP        -- ^ Sony DSP Processor
    | EM_FX66        -- ^ Siemens FX66 microcontroller
    | EM_ST9PLUS     -- ^ STMicroelectronics ST9+ 8/16 bit microcontroller
    | EM_ST7         -- ^ STMicroelectronics ST7 8-bit microcontroller
    | EM_68HC16      -- ^ Motorola MC68HC16 Microcontroller
    | EM_68HC11      -- ^ Motorola MC68HC11 Microcontroller
    | EM_68HC08      -- ^ Motorola MC68HC08 Microcontroller
    | EM_68HC05      -- ^ Motorola MC68HC05 Microcontroller
    | EM_SVX         -- ^ Silicon Graphics SVx
    | EM_ST19        -- ^ STMicroelectronics ST19 8-bit microcontroller
    | EM_VAX         -- ^ Digital VAX
    | EM_CRIS        -- ^ Axis Communications 32-bit embedded processor
    | EM_JAVELIN     -- ^ Infineon Technologies 32-bit embedded processor
    | EM_FIREPATH    -- ^ Element 14 64-bit DSP Processor
    | EM_ZSP         -- ^ LSI Logic 16-bit DSP Processor
    | EM_MMIX        -- ^ Donald Knuth's educational 64-bit processor
    | EM_HUANY       -- ^ Harvard University machine-independent object files
    | EM_PRISM       -- ^ SiTera Prism
    | EM_AVR         -- ^ Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller
    | EM_FR30        -- ^ Fujitsu FR30
    | EM_D10V        -- ^ Mitsubishi D10V
    | EM_D30V        -- ^ Mitsubishi D30V
    | EM_V850        -- ^ NEC v850
    | EM_M32R        -- ^ Mitsubishi M32R
    | EM_MN10300     -- ^ Matsushita MN10300
    | EM_MN10200     -- ^ Matsushita MN10200
    | EM_PJ          -- ^ picoJava
    | EM_OPENRISC    -- ^ OpenRISC 32-bit embedded processor
    | EM_ARC_A5      -- ^ ARC Cores Tangent-A5
    | EM_XTENSA      -- ^ Tensilica Xtensa Architecture
    | EM_VIDEOCORE   -- ^ Alphamosaic VideoCore processor
    | EM_TMM_GPP     -- ^ Thompson Multimedia General Purpose Processor
    | EM_NS32K       -- ^ National Semiconductor 32000 series
    | EM_TPC         -- ^ Tenor Network TPC processor
    | EM_SNP1K       -- ^ Trebia SNP 1000 processor
    | EM_ST200       -- ^ STMicroelectronics (www.st.com) ST200 microcontroller
    | EM_IP2K        -- ^ Ubicom IP2xxx microcontroller family
    | EM_MAX         -- ^ MAX Processor
    | EM_CR          -- ^ National Semiconductor CompactRISC microprocessor
    | EM_F2MC16      -- ^ Fujitsu F2MC16
    | EM_MSP430      -- ^ Texas Instruments embedded microcontroller msp430
    | EM_BLACKFIN    -- ^ Analog Devices Blackfin (DSP) processor
    | EM_SE_C33      -- ^ S1C33 Family of Seiko Epson processors
    | EM_SEP         -- ^ Sharp embedded microprocessor
    | EM_ARCA        -- ^ Arca RISC Microprocessor
    | EM_UNICORE     -- ^ Microprocessor series from PKU-Unity Ltd. and MPRC of Peking University
    | EM_EXT Word16  -- ^ Other
    deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfMachine er = getWord16 er >>= return . getElfMachine_
    where getElfMachine_ 0   = EM_NONE
          getElfMachine_ 1   = EM_M32
          getElfMachine_ 2   = EM_SPARC
          getElfMachine_ 3   = EM_386
          getElfMachine_ 4   = EM_68K
          getElfMachine_ 5   = EM_88K
          getElfMachine_ 6   = EM_486
          getElfMachine_ 7   = EM_860
          getElfMachine_ 8   = EM_MIPS
          getElfMachine_ 9   = EM_S370
          getElfMachine_ 10  = EM_MIPS_RS3_LE
          getElfMachine_ 11  = EM_SPARC64
          getElfMachine_ 15  = EM_PARISC
          getElfMachine_ 17  = EM_VPP500
          getElfMachine_ 18  = EM_SPARC32PLUS
          getElfMachine_ 19  = EM_960
          getElfMachine_ 20  = EM_PPC
          getElfMachine_ 21  = EM_PPC64
          getElfMachine_ 22  = EM_S390
          getElfMachine_ 23  = EM_SPU
          getElfMachine_ 36  = EM_V800
          getElfMachine_ 37  = EM_FR20
          getElfMachine_ 38  = EM_RH32
          getElfMachine_ 39  = EM_RCE
          getElfMachine_ 40  = EM_ARM
          getElfMachine_ 41  = EM_ALPHA
          getElfMachine_ 42  = EM_SH
          getElfMachine_ 43  = EM_SPARCV9
          getElfMachine_ 44  = EM_TRICORE
          getElfMachine_ 45  = EM_ARC
          getElfMachine_ 46  = EM_H8_300
          getElfMachine_ 47  = EM_H8_300H
          getElfMachine_ 48  = EM_H8S
          getElfMachine_ 49  = EM_H8_500
          getElfMachine_ 50  = EM_IA_64
          getElfMachine_ 51  = EM_MIPS_X
          getElfMachine_ 52  = EM_COLDFIRE
          getElfMachine_ 53  = EM_68HC12
          getElfMachine_ 54  = EM_MMA
          getElfMachine_ 55  = EM_PCP
          getElfMachine_ 56  = EM_NCPU
          getElfMachine_ 57  = EM_NDR1
          getElfMachine_ 58  = EM_STARCORE
          getElfMachine_ 59  = EM_ME16
          getElfMachine_ 60  = EM_ST100
          getElfMachine_ 61  = EM_TINYJ
          getElfMachine_ 62  = EM_X86_64
          getElfMachine_ 63  = EM_PDSP
          getElfMachine_ 66  = EM_FX66
          getElfMachine_ 67  = EM_ST9PLUS
          getElfMachine_ 68  = EM_ST7
          getElfMachine_ 69  = EM_68HC16
          getElfMachine_ 70  = EM_68HC11
          getElfMachine_ 71  = EM_68HC08
          getElfMachine_ 72  = EM_68HC05
          getElfMachine_ 73  = EM_SVX
          getElfMachine_ 74  = EM_ST19
          getElfMachine_ 75  = EM_VAX
          getElfMachine_ 76  = EM_CRIS
          getElfMachine_ 77  = EM_JAVELIN
          getElfMachine_ 78  = EM_FIREPATH
          getElfMachine_ 79  = EM_ZSP
          getElfMachine_ 80  = EM_MMIX
          getElfMachine_ 81  = EM_HUANY
          getElfMachine_ 82  = EM_PRISM
          getElfMachine_ 83  = EM_AVR
          getElfMachine_ 84  = EM_FR30
          getElfMachine_ 85  = EM_D10V
          getElfMachine_ 86  = EM_D30V
          getElfMachine_ 87  = EM_V850
          getElfMachine_ 88  = EM_M32R
          getElfMachine_ 89  = EM_MN10300
          getElfMachine_ 90  = EM_MN10200
          getElfMachine_ 91  = EM_PJ
          getElfMachine_ 92  = EM_OPENRISC
          getElfMachine_ 93  = EM_ARC_A5
          getElfMachine_ 94  = EM_XTENSA
          getElfMachine_ 95  = EM_VIDEOCORE
          getElfMachine_ 96  = EM_TMM_GPP
          getElfMachine_ 97  = EM_NS32K
          getElfMachine_ 98  = EM_TPC
          getElfMachine_ 99  = EM_SNP1K
          getElfMachine_ 100 = EM_ST200
          getElfMachine_ 101 = EM_IP2K
          getElfMachine_ 102 = EM_MAX
          getElfMachine_ 103 = EM_CR
          getElfMachine_ 104 = EM_F2MC16
          getElfMachine_ 105 = EM_MSP430
          getElfMachine_ 106 = EM_BLACKFIN
          getElfMachine_ 107 = EM_SE_C33
          getElfMachine_ 108 = EM_SEP
          getElfMachine_ 109 = EM_ARCA
          getElfMachine_ 110 = EM_UNICORE
          getElfMachine_ n   = EM_EXT n

getElf_Shdr_OffsetSize :: ElfClass -> ElfReader -> Get (Word64, Word64)
getElf_Shdr_OffsetSize ei_class er =
    case ei_class of
        ELFCLASS32 -> do
            skip 16
            sh_offset <- liftM fromIntegral $ getWord32 er
            sh_size   <- liftM fromIntegral $ getWord32 er
            return (sh_offset, sh_size)
        ELFCLASS64 -> do
            skip 24
            sh_offset <- getWord64 er
            sh_size   <- getWord64 er
            return (sh_offset, sh_size)

getElf_Shdr :: ElfClass -> ElfReader -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Get ElfSection
getElf_Shdr ei_class er elf_file string_section =
    case ei_class of
        ELFCLASS32 -> do
            sh_name      <- getWord32 er
            sh_type      <- getElfSectionType er
            sh_flags     <- getElfSectionFlags32 er
            sh_addr      <- getWord32 er
            sh_offset    <- getWord32 er
            sh_size      <- getWord32 er
            sh_link      <- getWord32 er
            sh_info      <- getWord32 er
            sh_addralign <- getWord32 er
            sh_entsize   <- getWord32 er
            return $ ElfSection
                { elfSectionName      = map B.w2c $ B.unpack $ B.takeWhile (/= 0) $ B.drop (fromIntegral sh_name) string_section
                , elfSectionType      = sh_type
                , elfSectionFlags     = sh_flags
                , elfSectionAddr      = fromIntegral sh_addr
                , elfSectionSize      = fromIntegral sh_size
                , elfSectionLink      = sh_link
                , elfSectionInfo      = sh_info
                , elfSectionAddrAlign = fromIntegral sh_addralign
                , elfSectionEntSize   = fromIntegral sh_entsize
                , elfSectionData      = B.take (fromIntegral sh_size) $ B.drop (fromIntegral sh_offset) elf_file
        ELFCLASS64 -> do
            sh_name      <- getWord32 er
            sh_type      <- getElfSectionType er
            sh_flags     <- getElfSectionFlags64 er
            sh_addr      <- getWord64 er
            sh_offset    <- getWord64 er
            sh_size      <- getWord64 er
            sh_link      <- getWord32 er
            sh_info      <- getWord32 er
            sh_addralign <- getWord64 er
            sh_entsize   <- getWord64 er
            return $ ElfSection
                { elfSectionName      = map B.w2c $ B.unpack $ B.takeWhile (/= 0) $ B.drop (fromIntegral sh_name) string_section
                , elfSectionType      = sh_type
                , elfSectionFlags     = sh_flags
                , elfSectionAddr      = sh_addr
                , elfSectionSize      = sh_size
                , elfSectionLink      = sh_link
                , elfSectionInfo      = sh_info
                , elfSectionAddrAlign = sh_addralign
                , elfSectionEntSize   = sh_entsize
                , elfSectionData      = B.take (fromIntegral sh_size) $ B.drop (fromIntegral sh_offset) elf_file

getElf_Ehdr :: Get (Elf, Word64, Word16, Word16, Word16)
getElf_Ehdr = do
    ei_magic    <- getElfMagic
    ei_class    <- getElfClass
    ei_data     <- getElfData
    ei_version  <- liftM fromIntegral getElfVersion
    ei_osabi    <- getElfOsabi
    ei_abiver   <- liftM fromIntegral getWord8
    skip 7
    er          <- return $ elfReader ei_data
    case ei_class of
        ELFCLASS32 -> do
            e_type      <- getElfType er
            e_machine   <- getElfMachine er
            e_version   <- getWord32 er
            e_entry     <- getWord32 er >>= return . fromIntegral
            e_phoff     <- getWord32 er
            e_shoff     <- getWord32 er >>= return . fromIntegral
            e_flags     <- getWord32 er
            e_ehsize    <- getWord16 er
            e_phentsize <- getWord16 er
            e_phnum     <- getWord16 er
            e_shentsize <- getWord16 er
            e_shnum     <- getWord16 er
            e_shstrndx  <- getWord16 er
            return (Elf { elfClass      = ei_class
                        , elfData       = ei_data
                        , elfVersion    = ei_version
                        , elfOSABI      = ei_osabi
                        , elfABIVersion = ei_abiver
                        , elfType       = e_type
                        , elfMachine    = e_machine
                        , elfEntry      = e_entry
                        , elfSections   = [] }
                   , e_shoff, e_shentsize, e_shnum, e_shstrndx)
        ELFCLASS64 -> do
            e_type      <- getElfType er
            e_machine   <- getElfMachine er
            e_version   <- getWord32 er
            e_entry     <- getWord64 er
            e_phoff     <- getWord64 er
            e_shoff     <- getWord64 er
            e_flags     <- getWord32 er
            e_ehsize    <- getWord16 er
            e_phentsize <- getWord16 er
            e_phnum     <- getWord16 er
            e_shentsize <- getWord16 er
            e_shnum     <- getWord16 er
            e_shstrndx  <- getWord16 er
            return (Elf { elfClass      = ei_class
                        , elfData       = ei_data
                        , elfVersion    = ei_version
                        , elfOSABI      = ei_osabi
                        , elfABIVersion = ei_abiver
                        , elfType       = e_type
                        , elfMachine    = e_machine
                        , elfEntry      = e_entry
                        , elfSections   = [] }
                   , e_shoff, e_shentsize, e_shnum, e_shstrndx)

data ElfReader = ElfReader
    { getWord16 :: Get Word16
    , getWord32 :: Get Word32
    , getWord64 :: Get Word64
elfReader ELFDATA2LSB = ElfReader { getWord16 = getWord16le, getWord32 = getWord32le, getWord64 = getWord64le }
elfReader ELFDATA2MSB = ElfReader { getWord16 = getWord16be, getWord32 = getWord32be, getWord64 = getWord64be }

divide :: B.ByteString -> Int -> Int -> [B.ByteString]
divide bs s 0 = []
divide bs s n = let (x,y) = B.splitAt s bs in x:(divide y s (n-1))

-- | Parses a ByteString into an Elf record. An error is thrown for unrecognized ByteStrings.
getElf :: B.ByteString -> Elf
getElf b =
    let (e, e_shoff, e_shentsize, e_shnum, e_shstrndx) = runGet getElf_Ehdr $ L.fromChunks [b]
        sh                                             = B.take (fromIntegral (e_shentsize * e_shnum)) $ B.drop (fromIntegral e_shoff) b
        (shstroff, shstrsize)                          = runGet (getElf_Shdr_OffsetSize (elfClass e) (elfReader $ elfData e)) $ L.fromChunks [B.drop (fromIntegral (e_shentsize * e_shstrndx)) sh]
        sh_str                                         = B.take (fromIntegral shstrsize) $ B.drop (fromIntegral shstroff) b
        sections                                       = filter (\sec -> elfSectionType sec /= SHT_NULL) $ map (runGet (getElf_Shdr (elfClass e) (elfReader $ elfData e) b sh_str)) (map (\x -> L.fromChunks [x]) (divide sh (fromIntegral e_shentsize) (fromIntegral e_shnum)))
    in e { elfSections = sections }