## 0.3 [2017-11-07] * Migrate the old `elimNat` from `Data.Eliminator` (which worked over the `Nat` from `GHC.TypeNats`) to `Data.Eliminator.TypeNats`. There `elimNat` that now lives in `Data.Eliminator` is for an unrelated `Nat` data type from the `singleton-nats` package (which is a proper, inductively defined, Peano natural number type). ## 0.2 [2017-07-22] * Introduce the `Data.Eliminator.TH` module, which provides functionality for generating eliminator functions using Template Haskell. Currently, only simple algebraic data types that do not use polymorphic recursion are supported. * All eliminators now use predicates with `(~>)`. ## 0.1 [2017-07-02] * Initial release.