{-| This module defines how the derived Haskell data types are represented.
- It is useful for writing type conversion rules.
module Elm.TyRep where

import           Data.List
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.Typeable    (TyCon, TypeRep, Typeable, splitTyConApp,
                                   tyConName, typeRep, typeRepTyCon)

import           Data.Aeson.Types (SumEncoding (..))
import           Data.Maybe       (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid      ((<>))

-- | Type definition, including constructors.
data ETypeDef
   = ETypeAlias EAlias
   | ETypePrimAlias EPrimAlias
   | ETypeSum ESum
     deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Type construction : type variables, type constructors, tuples and type
-- application.
data EType
   = ETyVar ETVar
   | ETyCon ETCon
   | ETyApp EType EType
   | ETyTuple Int
   deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

{-| Type constructor:

> ETCon "Int"
newtype ETCon
   = ETCon
   { tc_name :: String
   } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

{-| Type variable:

> ETVar "a"
newtype ETVar
   = ETVar
   { tv_name :: String
   } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

{-| Type name:

> ETypeName "Map" [ETVar "k", ETVar "v"]
data ETypeName
   = ETypeName
   { et_name :: String
   , et_args :: [ETVar]
   } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data EPrimAlias
   = EPrimAlias
   { epa_name :: ETypeName
   , epa_type :: EType
   } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data EAlias
   = EAlias
   { ea_name         :: ETypeName
   , ea_fields       :: [(String, EType)]
   , ea_omit_null    :: Bool
   , ea_newtype      :: Bool
   , ea_unwrap_unary :: Bool
   } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data SumTypeFields
    = Anonymous [EType]
    | Named [(String, EType)]
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

isNamed :: SumTypeFields -> Bool
isNamed s =
    case s of
      Named _ -> True
      _       -> False

data SumTypeConstructor
    = STC
    { _stcName    :: String
    , _stcEncoded :: String
    , _stcFields  :: SumTypeFields
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data ESum
    = ESum
    { es_name          :: ETypeName
    , es_constructors  :: [SumTypeConstructor]
    , es_type          :: SumEncoding'
    , es_omit_null     :: Bool
    , es_unary_strings :: Bool
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Transforms tuple types in a list of types. Otherwise returns
-- a singleton list with the original type.
unpackTupleType :: EType -> [EType]
unpackTupleType et = fromMaybe [et] (extract et)
        extract :: EType -> Maybe [EType]
        extract ty = case ty of
                         ETyTuple 0 -> return []
                         ETyApp (ETyTuple _) t -> return [t]
                         ETyApp app@(ETyApp _ _) t -> fmap (++ [t]) (extract app)
                         _ -> Nothing

unpackToplevelConstr :: EType -> [EType]
unpackToplevelConstr t =
    reverse $
    flip unfoldr (Just t) $ \mT ->
        case mT of
          Nothing -> Nothing
          Just t' ->
              case t' of
                ETyApp l r ->
                    Just (r, Just l)
                _ ->
                    Just (t', Nothing)

class IsElmDefinition a where
    compileElmDef :: Proxy a -> ETypeDef

newtype SumEncoding' = SumEncoding' SumEncoding

instance Show SumEncoding' where
    show (SumEncoding' se) = case se of
                                 TaggedObject n f -> "TaggedObject " ++ show n ++ " " ++ show f
                                 ObjectWithSingleField -> "ObjectWithSingleField"
                                 TwoElemArray -> "TwoElemArray"
                                 UntaggedValue -> "UntaggedValue"

instance Eq SumEncoding' where
    SumEncoding' a == SumEncoding' b = case (a,b) of
                                           (TaggedObject a1 b1, TaggedObject a2 b2) -> a1 == a2 && b1 == b2
                                           (ObjectWithSingleField, ObjectWithSingleField) -> True
                                           (TwoElemArray, TwoElemArray) -> True
                                           (UntaggedValue, UntaggedValue) -> True
                                           _ -> False

instance Ord SumEncoding' where
    compare (SumEncoding' a) (SumEncoding' b) =
       case (a,b) of
          (TaggedObject a1 b1, TaggedObject a2 b2) -> compare a1 a2 <> compare b1 b2
          (ObjectWithSingleField, ObjectWithSingleField) -> EQ
          (TwoElemArray, TwoElemArray) -> EQ
          (UntaggedValue, UntaggedValue) -> EQ
          (TaggedObject _ _, _) -> LT
          (_, TaggedObject _ _) -> GT
          (ObjectWithSingleField, _) -> LT
          (_, ObjectWithSingleField) -> GT
          (UntaggedValue, _) -> LT
          (_, UntaggedValue) -> GT

defSumEncoding :: SumEncoding'
defSumEncoding = SumEncoding' ObjectWithSingleField

-- | Get an @elm-bridge@ type representation for a Haskell type.
-- This can be used to render the type declaration via
-- 'Elm.TyRender.ElmRenderable' or the the JSON serializer/parser names via
-- 'Elm.Json.jsonSerForType' and 'Elm.Json.jsonParserForType'.
toElmType :: (Typeable a) => Proxy a -> EType
toElmType ty = toElmType' $ typeRep ty
        toElmType' :: TypeRep -> EType
        toElmType' rep
            -- String (A list of Char)
          | con == typeRepTyCon (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy [])) &&
            args == [typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Char)]  = ETyCon (ETCon "String")
            -- List is special because the constructor name is [] in Haskell and List in elm
          | con == typeRepTyCon (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy [])) = ETyApp (ETyCon $ ETCon "List") (toElmType' (head args))
            -- The unit type '()' is a 0-ary tuple.
          | isTuple $ tyConName con = foldl ETyApp (ETyTuple $ length args) $ map toElmType' args
          | otherwise = typeApplication con args
                (con, args) = splitTyConApp rep

        isTuple :: String -> Bool
        isTuple ('(':xs) = isTuple' $ reverse xs
            isTuple' :: String -> Bool
            isTuple' (')':xs') = all (== ',') xs'
            isTuple' _         = False
        isTuple _ = False

        typeApplication :: TyCon -> [TypeRep] -> EType
        typeApplication con args = typeApplication' (reverse args)
            typeApplication' [] = ETyCon (ETCon $ tyConName con)
            typeApplication' [x] =
                (ETyCon $ ETCon $ tyConName con)
                (toElmType' x)
            typeApplication' (x:xs) =
              ETyApp (typeApplication' xs) (toElmType' x)