# ema [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/ema.svg?logo=haskell)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ema) Ema is a next-gen **Haskell** library toolkit for building [jamstack-style](https://jamstack.org/) static sites, with fast hot reload. See [ema.srid.ca](https://ema.srid.ca/) for further information. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3998/116333460-789c1400-a7a1-11eb-8d28-297c349e42c6.mp4 ## Hacking *NOTE: `flake.nix` uses GHC 9.2 which is not yet the default in `nixpkgs`, so you may want to use the [garnix cache](https://garnix.io/docs/caching) to avoid long compilation times.* Run `bin/run`. This runs the Ex04_Multi example. To run the docs, run `nix run github:EmaApps/emanote -- -L ./docs`. ## Getting Started https://ema.srid.ca/start ## Discussion To discuss the Ema project, [join Matrix][matrix] or post in [GitHub Discussions][ghdiscuss]. [matrix]: https://matrix.to/#/#ema:matrix.org [ghdiscuss]: https://github.com/EmaApps/ema/discussions