{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

module Text.Email.Parser

import Control.Applicative

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)

import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator

import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Text.Read as Read

-- | Represents an email address.
data EmailAddress = EmailAddress ByteString ByteString
	deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance Show EmailAddress where
	show = show . toByteString

instance Read EmailAddress where
	readListPrec = Read.readListPrecDefault
	readPrec = Read.parens (do
		bs <- Read.readPrec
		case parseOnly addrSpec bs of
			Left  _ -> Read.pfail
			Right a -> return a)

-- | Converts an email address back to a ByteString
toByteString (EmailAddress l d) = BS.concat [l, BS.singleton '@', d]

-- | Extracts the local part of an email address.
localPart :: EmailAddress -> ByteString
localPart (EmailAddress local _) = local

-- | Extracts the domain part of an email address.
domainPart :: EmailAddress -> ByteString
domainPart (EmailAddress _ domain) = domain

-- | A parser for email addresses.
addrSpec = do
	localPart <- local
	char '@'
	domainPart <- domain
	return (EmailAddress localPart domainPart)

local = dottedAtoms
domain = dottedAtoms <|> domainLiteral

dottedAtoms = BS.intercalate (BS.singleton '.') <$>
	(optional cfws *> (atom <|> quotedString) <* optional cfws)	`sepBy1` (char '.')
atom = takeWhile1 isAtomText

isAtomText x = isAlphaNum x || inClass "!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-" x

domainLiteral = (BS.cons '[' . flip BS.snoc ']' . BS.concat) <$> (between (optional cfws *> char '[') (char ']' <* optional cfws) $
	many (optional fws >> takeWhile1 isDomainText) <* optional fws)
isDomainText x = inClass "\33-\90\94-\126" x || isObsNoWsCtl x

quotedString = (\x -> BS.concat $ [BS.singleton '"', BS.concat x, BS.singleton '"']) <$> (between (char '"') (char '"') $
	many (optional fws >> quotedContent) <* optional fws)

quotedContent = takeWhile1 isQuotedText <|> quotedPair
isQuotedText x = inClass "\33\35-\91\93-\126" x || isObsNoWsCtl x

quotedPair = (BS.cons '\\' . BS.singleton) <$> (char '\\' *> (vchar <|> wsp <|> lf <|> cr <|> obsNoWsCtl <|> nullChar))

cfws = ignore $ many (comment <|> fws)

fws :: Parser ()
fws = ignore $
	ignore (wsp1 >> optional (crlf >> wsp1))
	<|> ignore (many1 (crlf >> wsp1))

ignore :: Parser a -> Parser ()
ignore x = x >> return ()

between l r x = l *> x <* r

comment :: Parser ()
comment = ignore ((between (char '(') (char ')') $
	many (ignore commentContent <|> fws)))

commentContent = skipWhile1 isCommentText <|> ignore quotedPair <|> comment
isCommentText x = inClass "\33-\39\42-\91\93-\126" x || isObsNoWsCtl x

nullChar = char '\0'

skipWhile1 x = satisfy x >> skipWhile x

wsp1 = skipWhile1 isWsp
wsp = satisfy isWsp
isWsp x = x == ' ' || x == '\t'

isAlphaNum x = isDigit x || isAlpha_ascii x
cr = char '\r'
lf = char '\n'
crlf = cr >> lf >> return ()

isVchar = inClass "\x21-\x7e"
vchar = satisfy isVchar

isObsNoWsCtl = inClass "\1-\8\11-\12\14-\31\127"
obsNoWsCtl = satisfy isObsNoWsCtl