{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances  #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Generics.EMGM.Functions.Read
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2008, 2009 Universiteit Utrecht
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  generics@haskell.org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Summary: Generic functions that parse strings to produce values.
-- The functions in this module involve generically parsing a string and
-- producing a value. They rely on the return type to determine the structure
-- for parsing. Often, this can be determined by the type checker, but
-- you will occasionally need to give an explicit type signature.
-- The underlying parser is designed to be as similar to @deriving Read@ (as
-- implemented by GHC) as possible. Refer to documentation in "Text.Read" for
-- details.
-- Since this library does not have access to the syntax of a @data@
-- declaration, it relies on 'ConDescr' for information. It is important that
-- 'ConDescr' accurately describe, for each constructor, the name, record
-- labels (in same order as declared) if present, and fixity.
-- See also "Generics.EMGM.Functions.Show".

module Generics.EMGM.Functions.Read (
) where

import Prelude hiding (Read, read, reads, readsPrec)
import qualified Prelude as P (Read)
import Data.List (find)
import Control.Monad
import Debug.Trace

import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec (ReadPrec, step, (+++), pfail, lift,
                                        look, readPrec_to_S, readPrec_to_P)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec as RP (prec)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (ReadP)
import Text.Read (Lexeme(Punc), lexP, parens, reset)
import qualified Text.Read as TR (readPrec)
import Text.Read.Lex (hsLex)

import qualified GHC.Read as GHC (list)

import Generics.EMGM.Common

-- Types

-- | The type of a generic function that takes a constructor-type argument and
-- returns a parser combinator for some type.
newtype Read a = Read { selRead :: ConType -> ReadPrec a }

-- Utility functions

-- | "Look and trace" - print the unconsumed part of the input string
ltrace :: String -> ReadPrec ()
ltrace =
  let debug = False
  in if debug
        then \s -> do la <- look
                      (trace $ "<<" ++ la ++ ">> " ++ s) $ return ()
        else const $ do return ()

comma :: ReadPrec ()
comma = do Punc "," <- lexP
           return ()

equals :: ReadPrec ()
equals = do Punc "=" <- lexP
            return ()

-- | @(paren p)@ parses \"(P0)\" where @p@ parses \"P0\" at precedence 0
paren :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
paren p = do Punc "(" <- lexP
	     x <- reset p
	     Punc ")" <- lexP
	     return x

-- | Read optional parentheses plus a single required pair.
wrapTuple :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
wrapTuple = parens . paren

-- | Read "a , b" without parens.
tuple2 :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec b -> ReadPrec (a,b)
tuple2 pa pb =
  do a <- pa
     b <- pb
     return (a,b)

-- | Read "a , b , c" without parens.
tuple3 :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec b -> ReadPrec c -> ReadPrec (a,b,c)
tuple3 pa pb pc =
    do (a,b) <- tuple2 pa pb
       c <- pc
       return (a,b,c)

-- | Read "a , b , c , d" without parens.
tuple4 :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec b -> ReadPrec c -> ReadPrec d -> ReadPrec (a,b,c,d)
tuple4 pa pb pc pd =
  do (a,b) <- tuple2 pa pb
     (c,d) <- tuple2 pc pd
     return (a,b,c,d)

-- | @(paren p)@ parses \"{P0}\" where @p@ parses \"P0\" at precedence 0
braces :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
braces p = do ltraceme "{ before"
              Punc "{" <- lexP
              ltraceme "{ after"
              x <- reset p
              ltraceme "} before"
              Punc "}" <- lexP
              ltraceme "} after"
              return x
  where ltraceme s = ltrace $ "braces: " ++ s

-- | Parse a Haskell token and verify that it is the one expected.
lexT :: String -> ReadPrec ()
lexT expected =
  do found <- lift hsLex
     if found == expected
        then do ltraceme "success"
                return ()
        else do ltraceme $ "fnd=" ++ found ++ " FAIL"
  where ltraceme s = ltrace $ "lexT: exp=" ++ expected ++ " -> " ++ s

-- | Parse a record entry: "label = x[,]" where x comes from the parameter
-- parser @p@.
recEntry :: Bool -> String -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
recEntry isComma label p =
  do lexT label
     ltraceme "before ="
     ltraceme "after ="
     x <- p
     ltraceme "after p"
     if isComma
        then do ltraceme "before ,"
                return x
        else do ltraceme "no ,"
                return x
  where ltraceme s =
          ltrace $ "recEntry: com=" ++ show isComma ++
                            " lbl=" ++ label ++ " " ++ s

-- Generic instance declaration

rconstantRead :: (P.Read a) => ConType -> ReadPrec a
rconstantRead ct =
  case ct of

    -- Standard constructor
    ConStd ->
      do ltraceme "ConStd"

    -- Record-style constructor with 1 label
    ConRec (label:[]) ->
      do ltraceme "ConRec1"
         recEntry False label TR.readPrec

    -- No other patterns expected
    _ ->
      do ltraceme "FAIL"

  where ltraceme s = ltrace $ "rconstantRead: " ++ s

rsumRead :: Read a -> Read b -> ConType -> ReadPrec (a :+: b)
rsumRead ra rb _ =
  do ltrace "rsumRead:"
     (return . L =<< selRead ra ConStd) +++ (return . R =<< selRead rb ConStd)

rprodRead :: Read a -> Read b -> ConType -> ReadPrec (a :*: b)
rprodRead ra rb ct =
  case ct of

    -- Standard nonfix constructor
    ConStd ->
      do ltraceme "ConStd (a)"
         a <- step (selRead ra ConStd)
         ltraceme "ConStd (b)"
         b <- step (selRead rb ConStd)
         return (a :*: b)

    -- Standard infix constructor
    ConIfx symbol ->
      do ltraceme "ConIfx (a)"
         a <- step (selRead ra ConStd)
         lexT symbol
         ltraceme "ConIfx (b)"
         b <- step (selRead rb ConStd)
         return (a :*: b)

    -- Record-style constructor
    ConRec (label:labels) ->
      do ltraceme "ConRec2 (a)"
         a <- step (recEntry True label (selRead ra ConStd))
         ltraceme "ConRec2 (b)"
         b <- step $ selRead rb (ConRec (labels))
         return (a :*: b)

    -- No other patterns expected
    _ ->
      do ltraceme "FAIL"

    ltraceme s = ltrace $ "rprodRead: " ++ show ct ++ " " ++ s

rconRead :: ConDescr -> Read a -> ConType -> ReadPrec a
rconRead cd ra _ =
  parens $
    case cd of

      -- Standard nonfix constructor
      ConDescr name _ [] Nonfix ->
        do ltraceme "ConStd"
           lexT name
           step $ selRead ra ConStd

      -- Standard infix constructor
      ConDescr name _ [] fixity ->
        do ltraceme "ConIfx"
           let p = prec fixity
           RP.prec p $ step $ selRead ra $ ConIfx name

      -- Record-style nonfix constructor
      ConDescr name _ labels Nonfix ->
        do ltraceme "ConRec (a)"
           lexT name
           braces $ step $ selRead ra $ ConRec labels

      -- Record-style infix constructor
      ConDescr name _ labels _ ->
        do ltraceme "ConRec (b)"
           paren (lexT name)
           braces $ step $ selRead ra $ ConRec labels

  where ltraceme s = ltrace $ "rconRead: " ++ show cd ++ " " ++ s

rtypeRead :: EP d a -> Read a -> ConType -> ReadPrec d
rtypeRead ep ra ct =
  case ct of

    -- Standard constructor
    ConStd ->
      do ltraceme "ConStd"
         fmap (to ep) $ selRead ra ConStd

    -- Record-style constructor
    ConRec (label:[]) ->
      do ltraceme "ConRec"
         fmap (to ep) $ recEntry False label (selRead ra ConStd)

    -- No other patterns expected
    _ ->
      do ltraceme "FAIL"

    ltraceme s = ltrace $ "rtypeRead: " ++ show ct ++ " " ++ s

instance Generic Read where
  rconstant      = Read rconstantRead
  rsum     ra rb = Read (rsumRead ra rb)
  rprod    ra rb = Read (rprodRead ra rb)
  rcon  cd ra    = Read (rconRead cd ra)
  rtype ep ra    = Read (rtypeRead ep ra)

-- Rep instance declarations

-- | Ad-hoc instance for lists
instance (Rep Read a) => Rep Read [a] where
  rep = Read $ const $ GHC.list $ readPrec

-- | Ad-hoc instance for strings
instance Rep Read String where
  rep = Read $ const TR.readPrec

-- | Ad-hoc instance for @()@
instance Rep Read () where
  rep = Read $ const TR.readPrec

-- | Ad-hoc instance for @(a,b)@
instance (Rep Read a, Rep Read b) => Rep Read (a,b) where
  rep = Read $ const $ wrapTuple $
    tuple2 readPrec readPrec

-- | Ad-hoc instance for @(a,b,c)@
instance (Rep Read a, Rep Read b, Rep Read c)
         => Rep Read (a,b,c) where
  rep = Read $ const $ wrapTuple $
    tuple3 readPrec readPrec readPrec

-- | Ad-hoc instance for @(a,b,c,d)@
instance (Rep Read a, Rep Read b, Rep Read c, Rep Read d)
         => Rep Read (a,b,c,d) where
  rep = Read $ const $ wrapTuple $
    tuple4 readPrec readPrec readPrec readPrec

-- | Ad-hoc instance for @(a,b,c,d,e)@
instance (Rep Read a, Rep Read b, Rep Read c, Rep Read d, Rep Read e)
         => Rep Read (a,b,c,d,e) where
  rep = Read $ const $ wrapTuple $
    do (a,b,c,d) <- tuple4 readPrec readPrec readPrec readPrec
       e <- readPrec
       return (a,b,c,d,e)

-- | Ad-hoc instance for @(a,b,c,d,e,f)@
instance (Rep Read a, Rep Read b, Rep Read c, Rep Read d, Rep Read e,
          Rep Read f)
         => Rep Read (a,b,c,d,e,f) where
  rep = Read $ const $ wrapTuple $
    do (a,b,c,d) <- tuple4 readPrec readPrec readPrec readPrec
       (e,f) <- tuple2 readPrec readPrec
       return (a,b,c,d,e,f)

-- | Ad-hoc instance for @(a,b,c,d,e,f,h)@
instance (Rep Read a, Rep Read b, Rep Read c, Rep Read d, Rep Read e,
          Rep Read f, Rep Read h)
         => Rep Read (a,b,c,d,e,f,h) where
  rep = Read $ const $ wrapTuple $
    do (a,b,c,d) <- tuple4 readPrec readPrec readPrec readPrec
       (e,f,h) <- tuple3 readPrec readPrec readPrec
       return (a,b,c,d,e,f,h)

-- Exported functions

-- | Generate a 'ReadPrec' parser combinator for the datatype @a@ that handles
-- operator precedence. This uses the library in
-- "Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec" and should be similar to a derived
-- implementation of 'Text.Read.readPrec'.
readPrec :: (Rep Read a) => ReadPrec a
readPrec = selRead rep ConStd

-- | Attempt to parse a value from the front of the string using the given
-- precedence. 'readsPrec' returns a list of (parsed value, remaining string)
-- pairs. If parsing fails, 'readsPrec' returns an empty list.
readsPrec ::
  (Rep Read a)
  => Int      -- ^ Operator precedence of the enclosing context (a number from 0 to 11).
  -> ReadS a  -- ^ Equivalent to @String -> [(a,String)]@.
readsPrec = readPrec_to_S readPrec

-- | Generate a 'ReadP' parser combinator for the datatype @a@. This can be used
-- with 'Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP'.
readP ::
  (Rep Read a)
  => Int      -- ^ Operator precedence of the enclosing context (a number from 0 to 11).
  -> ReadP a
readP = readPrec_to_P readPrec

-- | A variant of 'readsPrec' with the minimum precedence (0).
reads :: (Rep Read a) => ReadS a
reads = readsPrec minPrec

-- | A variant of 'reads' that returns @Just value@ on a successful parse.
-- Otherwise, 'read' returns 'Nothing'. Note that a successful parse requires
-- the input to be completely consumed.
read :: (Rep Read a) => String -> Maybe a
read = fmap fst . find (null . snd) . reads