emojis- Conversion between emoji characters and their names.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




emojis :: [(Text, Text)] Source #

Association list of (alias, emoji) pairs. Note that the same emoji may have multiple aliases.

emojiFromAlias :: Text -> Maybe Text Source #

Lookup an emoji given its alias.

aliasesFromEmoji :: Text -> Maybe [Text] Source #

Lookup the aliases of an emoji.

replaceEmojis :: (Text -> [Text] -> Text) -> Text -> Text Source #

Replace emojis in a text with alternative text. The replacement function maps an emoji and a list of emoji aliases to a replacement text.

baseEmojis :: [Text] Source #

A list of all valid emoji (not containing zero-width joiners), taken from the Unicode Emoji Specification.

zwjEmojis :: [Text] Source #

A list of all valid emoji built from zero-width joiners, taken from the Unicode Emoji Specification.