{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- | This module implements UTF-32 encoding and decoding.
     See <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-32> for more information.
module Data.Encoding.UTF32

import Data.Bits
import Data.Char (ord,chr)
import Data.Encoding.Base
import Data.Word
import Control.Exception (throwDyn)
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS

data UTF32
	= UTF32		-- ^ Detects big or little endian through the use of the BOM (Byte Order Mask) character. Defaults to big endian if not present.
	| UTF32BE	-- ^ Encodes and decodes using the big endian encoding.
	| UTF32LE	-- ^ Encodes and decodes using the little endian encoding.
	deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable)

bom :: Char
bom = '\xFEFF'

instance Encoding UTF32 where
	encode UTF32   str = encodeMultibyte encodeUTF32be (bom:str)
	encode UTF32LE str = encodeMultibyte encodeUTF32le str
	encode UTF32BE str = encodeMultibyte encodeUTF32be str
	encodeLazy UTF32 str   = encodeMultibyteLazy encodeUTF32be (bom:str)
	encodeLazy UTF32LE str = encodeMultibyteLazy encodeUTF32le str
	encodeLazy UTF32BE str = encodeMultibyteLazy encodeUTF32be str
	encodable _ c = ord c < 0x0010FFFF
	decode UTF32 str   = let
		(start,rest) = BS.splitAt 4 str
		in case BS.unpack start of
			[0x00,0x00,0xFE,0xFF] -> decode UTF32BE rest
			[0xFE,0xFF,0x00,0x00] -> decode UTF32LE rest
			_                     -> decode UTF32BE str
	decode UTF32LE str = decodeMultibyte decodeUTF32le str
	decode UTF32BE str = decodeMultibyte decodeUTF32be str
	decodeLazy UTF32 str   = let
		(start,rest) = LBS.splitAt 4 str
		in case LBS.unpack start of
			[0x00,0x00,0xFE,0xFF] -> decodeLazy UTF32BE rest
			[0xFE,0xFF,0x00,0x00] -> decodeLazy UTF32LE rest
			_                     -> decodeLazy UTF32BE str
	decodeLazy UTF32LE str = decodeMultibyteLazy decodeUTF32le str
	decodeLazy UTF32BE str = decodeMultibyteLazy decodeUTF32be str

encodeUTF32be :: Char -> (Word8,EncodeState)
encodeUTF32be ch = let
	w  = ord ch	
	w1 = fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 24
	w2 = fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 16
	w3 = fromIntegral $ w `shiftR`  8
	w4 = fromIntegral $ w
	in (w1,Put3 w2 w3 w4)

encodeUTF32le :: Char -> (Word8,EncodeState)
encodeUTF32le ch = let
	w  = ord ch	
	w1 = fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 24
	w2 = fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 16
	w3 = fromIntegral $ w `shiftR`  8
	w4 = fromIntegral $ w
	in (w4,Put3 w3 w2 w1)

decodeUTF32be :: [Word8] -> (Char,[Word8])
decodeUTF32be (w1:w2:w3:w4:rest) = let
	v = (fromIntegral w1 `shiftL` 24) .|.
	    (fromIntegral w2 `shiftL` 16) .|.
	    (fromIntegral w3 `shiftL`  8) .|.
	    (fromIntegral w4)
	in if v < 0x0010FFFF
		then (chr v,rest)
		else throwDyn (IllegalRepresentation [w1,w2,w3,w4])
decodeUTF32be _ = throwDyn UnexpectedEnd
decodeUTF32le :: [Word8] -> (Char,[Word8])
decodeUTF32le (w1:w2:w3:w4:rest) = let
	v = (fromIntegral w4 `shiftL` 24) .|.
	    (fromIntegral w3 `shiftL` 16) .|.
	    (fromIntegral w2 `shiftL`  8) .|.
	    (fromIntegral w1)
	in if v < 0x0010FFFF
		then (chr v,rest)
		else throwDyn (IllegalRepresentation [w1,w2,w3,w4])
decodeUTF32le _ = throwDyn UnexpectedEnd