# Introduction This package allows Haskell users to easily acquire entropy for use in critical security applications by calling out to either windows crypto api, unix/linux's `/dev/urandom`. Hardware RNGs (currently RDRAND, patches welcome) are supported via the `hardwareRNG` function. ## Quick Start To simply get random bytes use `getEntropy`: ``` #!/usr/bin/env cabal {- cabal: build-depends: base, entropy, bytestring -} import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import System.Entropy main :: IO () main = print . BS.unpack =<< getEntropy 16 -- Example output: [241,191,215,193,225,27,121,244,16,155,252,41,131,38,6,100] ``` ## Faster Randoms from Hardware Most x86 systems include a hardware random number generator. These can be faster but require more trust in the platform: ``` import qualified Data.ByteString as B import System.Entropy eitherRNG :: Int -> IO B.ByteString eitherRNG sz = maybe (getEntropy sz) pure =<< getHardwareEntropy sz main :: IO () main = print . B.unpack =<< eitherRNG 32 ``` This package supports Windows, {li,u}nix, QNX, and has preliminary support for HaLVM. Typically tested on Linux and OSX - testers are as welcome as patches. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/TomMD/entropy.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/TomMD/entropy)